« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 24, 2021


Joe Biden addresses the nation’s crime surge, Kamala Harris to visit the border, Portland Police to stop making traffic stops, Atheists sue the State of Mississippi, Actor Matt McConaughey tops the latest polls for Texas Governor.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, Joe Biden's speech on the rise in violent crime.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bill O'Riley, here thursday june twenty four thousand twenty one you are owing to the o reilly update, here's what's happening, cross our nation president Biden addresses the crime surge. Vice president errors will visit the border portland police to stop making traffic so objects, atheists, sue the state of mississippi actor Matthew mechanically having the latest paul for texas governor also ahead, I will tell you why president Biden will not solve the violence problem, but first president announcing a new zero tolerance policy gun dealers as a nation witnesses spike in violent crime I'll see, targets federally licence dealers who knowingly transfer a weapon to someone prohibited from owning a god
of course will not stop violent crime and will not punish violent criminals more on this in the message of the debt vice president harris caving pressure confirming she'll go down to EL paso on the mexican border. Tomorrow bazaar was appointed. The immigration tsar by president by more than ninety days ago? Donald trump says the only reason the vice president is even going to the border is because he is next week the boiling police bureau suspending traffic stops for violations officers will no longer pull over cars for infractions quote, pose no immediate safety threat. Far left me ted wheelers. Has the strategy will allow police to focus on who initiatives like anti racism. Portland is one big mess
Group of angry atheists filing a lawsuit, mississippi, demanding the state, remove the phrase in god. We trust from license plates the crew I'm just slogan, is a direct violation of the church and state policy of the constitution, car owners can choose to have plates that don't display the phrase, but they must pay a thirty two dollar fee to get it out of there. could it be act? Publishing a new survey, saying actor matthew mechanically is the most likeable candidate in the race for texas governor forty two percent support. the academy award winner. While twenty percent find him on favourable surprising, Well, thirty, six percent in Texas say they have never heard of Matthew economy. In a moment. president Biden and violence. It's a grim situation right back with it. Let me in
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code, build twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g r! I p six. The number dot com code bill to zero ton of the riley update message of the day. President Biden's speech on criminal violence yesterday was disappointing, to say the least. He says he's going to crack down on gun dealers. Yeah that's going to do it. The new york post call the speech confusing and it's editorial board says they are quote hard: five by it. It was a foolish speech. Mr Biden has no idea how to stop violent crime. Here's what I said on tv last night Well Joe Biden, the president of the united states, busy today with a major address about the rising violent crimes situation in america the vitamins region can
solve the violence problem in the united states with their true trying to do is make the voters think The Joe Biden under Stands the problem and will do something about it. Those points are fallacious? He doesn't understand the problem never really has and he's I'm going to do anything about it. Why because no president could crimes, a local issue in europe place where you live. It's up to the p that you are left to control criminal behaviour. You can't do it from these directives in conversation with president tromp about this. He was outraged, about the murder rate in Chicago and I said to him. Well, why don't you do something about it and he said well, I'm gonna send justice depart
people in u s attorneys in, I said you know: that's not going to solve the problem. He didn't say anything you to reply. and I said you re. We cannot solve the problem because the governor and the mayor of chicago the time rom emmanuel now lorry lightfoot. They don't want to solve the problem. They don't like the people, peace, and as long as those in charge think law enforcement is racist. You're going to have it deteriorating crime problem that the crux of this matter. Progressive america and Joe Biden is part of that cabal. Believe that law enforcement racist and always has been there for They want to destroy traditional law enforcement and build up, or re. Imagine
no other way to protect the citizen re. That's the problem now the corrupt port. Romania number one doesn't care about the problem and number two they're never going to go against Biden, they're, never going to tell you what I just told you the since of why the virus and crime in america is sending rapidly. Is that, though, who is in charge of new york city chicago san francisco ball the more loss, angeles, saint Louis, On and on and on- and I think the police are racist again, that was from the rally update on belarus, They died com. Now you can be certain of the terrible. Violent crime plague will continue under the leadership of Joe Biden,
his cronies. They simply do not want to solve the problem because most of the violence is generated by minority criminals. That's what this is all about. I'm no o reilly and I approve the message by writing it. For more honest. In his analysis, please go to bill o reilly, dot com and please check out my new book killing the mob. Still number one in a moment something you might not know this Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now. You probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We too around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad them really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief deliver to the president. Each day in the oval office So download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available
all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure if he joined us the orally up day brings you something you might not know the heatwave if baking, the western half of the country this month will go down as one of the most intense in american history. The thermostat topped one hundred degrees in california in nevada, utah, arizona, colorado, salt lake city, for example, approached one hundred and twenty degrees at number pop to one hundred and twenty four and death valley, just fifteen degrees shy, the global record. Those figures are extreme, but they're kind of normal. If you can believe it compared, some other hot spots around the globe. Here is some places too lloyd. If you don't like the heat this wall, mining town of cooper, petty in Australia as an average temperature of a hundred and twenty degrees requiring percent of its residents.
Live underground throughout the year. The bill it also has a subterranean holiday in hotel for tat. is willing to brave thy tempts next loot in IRAN that town it's actually a village, has people who can withstand temperatures of ready, a hundred and sixty degrees. It so Even bacteria cannot survive not much in a way a plan or animal life and loot, but for centuries logo Aids have been infected with cockroach, so nice over kuwait city you won't find workers outside in the afternoon. It is illegal, with daily temperatures, in the summer, breaking one hundred and twenty heat stroke is a serious concern. Businesses can be fond or shut down for exposing workers too intense heat between noon and four p m. I have been to kuwait city, it is very,
Warm the hottest place on the planet is right. here in the usa, death valley, california, summertime Yours in the town of furnace create can crack a hundred and thirty five degrees. the extreme hate as a result of the towns elevation, two hundred feet below sea level, and an annual rainfall of less than two inches, and he something in my not now, despite furnace creeks population of just twenty four full time, residents they hosts and annual golf turn him into each summer. Call the heat stroke open its the warmest recognize sporting event on the planet I will not be attending back after this. I am her camera. Every week I release episodes from my backyard as we gather around the camp fire about it'll take to get us,
back on the road that leads to strong families and a strong nation you'll, be spire equipped and fired up when the family is safe, comes together, people flourish and nations prosper so subscribed to the american can't fire revival with car cameron, wherever you listen, the pod gas and let's sparked the revival that this country so desperately needs. Thank you for listening to the arrival update, I am below riley no spin. Just fact and always looking out for you. if the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-18.