« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 24, 2019


The United States strikes back against Iran’s computer system, The President announces a two-week delay on immigration raids across major American cities, Two Holocaust survivors offer first-hand experience of ‘Concentration Camps’ to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Another American is confirmed dead in the Dominican Republic, The NBA deciding to abandon the term ‘Owner’ for a more racially sensitive title.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day on the constitutionality of slavery reparations.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the phil o'reilly here it is monday june twenty four thousand nineteen you are listening to the o'reilly update and here's what's happening across our nation the united states strikes back against iran computer systems present robin announcing a two week delay on immigration rage across amerika to a holocaust survivor scold congresswoman cassio cortez another american confirm dead in the dominican republic the national basketball association deciding to abandon the term owner for a more racially sensitive title also coming up the message of the day on why reparations for slavery maybe unconstitutional first the usa wants a series of cyber attacks against iran's military over the weekend targeting term
odds missile control system and other infrastructure the present and approve the action after iran shot down a us drone last week mr trump opting for the cyber attack when learning a conventional military strike would likely kill hundreds of iranians the president also announcing a two week delay in his plan to unleash large scale ice raids across american citys the crackdown was set to start today but now he is giving lawmakers two weeks to reach an agreement on asylum loopholes being exploited along the u s mexico border
to all accounts survivors offered first hand accounts of nazi concentration camps to congresswoman alexandria o cassio cortex describing in detail there hellish experience in labour camps where they nearly died of starvation and forced medical experiments the two men call the lawmakers comments that there are constant creation camps on the southern border shameful another american confirm dead after visiting the dominican republic raising the official death toll to ten health officials on the island say the issues being over reported the hard rocco now now removing all the many bars from the resort guess rooms many illnesses this is in the de are revolve around alcohol and air conditioning systems the fbi is down there investigating
and be a commissioner adam silver has confirmed the league will no longer use the term owner due to its slavery overtones most players in the national basketball association are black most owners are white michael jordan is an exception the nba will now use the title governor going forward as political correctness continues to dominate the usa coming up my message of the day on reparations for slavery right back americans all over the country are voting with their feet fleeing high tax states i california in new york for states with lower tax burdens including texas and floor if you are thinking of voting with your feet you need to check out real estate agents i trust dotcom at real estate agents i trust i caught you could find a great agent in your home town who will help you sell your home quickly
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nations for slavery may be on constitutional under the equal protection clause of the constitution all forms of government in the usa are compelled to treat all american citizens the same no specialised scrutiny no favouritism of course that often does not happen and certainly throughout our history blacks native americans asians and many other groups have been denied fair play a very vivid example of my statement is seen in mississippi burning which chronicles racial injustice in the nineteen sixties last week in the house of representatives a hearing was held to discuss paying many african americans money or other compensation because their ancestors were enslaved there relations movement is being led by far left americans and it should be noted that both parents
mama and hillary clinton oppose reparations impasse campaigns however according to a merest pool the majority of black americans today believe they are entitled to compensation although only percent of white americans agree but what is missing from the debate is a very illuminating fact in nineteen sixty nine the supreme court ruled seventy three that historical injustice does not allow for government payments the case was richmond v the j a crossing
penny where the regina capital city was awarding minority companies contracts based on racial quotas design and make up for past racial injustice the city was soothed and its decision the court wrote quote to accept richmond claim that societal discrimination alone can serve as rigid preferences would be to open the door to competing claims for remedial really for every disadvantaged groups on quote in other words the grievance demands would never end the law does allow compensation for contemporary abuse japanese americans it
during world war two did receive payments to settle f the oars misguided order but that was a specific government injustice against living people in nineteen eighty eight president reagan granted one hundred thousand japanese americans who are held in camps twenty thousand dollars each there is little chance that will happen in the current controversy as the present supreme court is not likely to ignore the nineteen sixty nine precedent the law as it stands now is clear preparation compensation if ever passed by congress and signed by the president would be unconstitutional now the reparation zella should know that so why is the country being put through this the reason is politics quoting the blackened committed left vote yes some politicians promoting reparations for savory sincerely believe that's the right thing to do but we're supposed to be a nation of laws
the government must follow the constitution and the past supreme court ruling would have to be ruled null and void by the supreme court today in order for slavery reparations to be paid not likely happen and that's a message for more honest in fact based commentary please visit bill o dot com and sign up for premium membership i believe you'll be happy with it right back with something you might not now it's an uncertain world out there you know that disaster can strike at any time so you need to be prepared to protect yourself in family one way to do that is with freeze dried food it tastes good its healthy can be stored for twenty five years that's why i'm happy to tell you about a company i recommend wise foods i have experience with them myself
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these days many hollywood celebrities leave little doubt where they stand politically routinely attacking the trump administration conservatives religion and many positions held by traditional americans so it's easy to forget there was once a time when the country's biggest movie stars and musicians actually served in the military fighting to protect america's freedoms and home here are some celebrity war heroes that may surprise you comedian mel brooks known from mocking adolf hitler in his movies was a corporal and the u s army during world war two fighting real nazis at the battle of the balls when actually com
and his time in a war brooks famously said quote i was a combat engineer the two things i ate most are combat and engineering oscar winning actor james stuart drafted into the army after the japanese attack on pearl harbor but was rejected for being five pounds underweight stew it pact on the pounds region listed and then spent the war as a pilot
dropping thousands of bombs on german cities controversial director oliver stone fought on the front lines in vietnam stone received a purple heart and a bronze star for his heroic actions is simon the military changed the filmmakers political views he said quote the war experience had turned him from a human being into a beast country leginn johnny cash helped the usa fight the cold war against the soviet union cash enlisted in the air force a nineteen fifty was deployed to intercept communist codes across europe he created his
first country banned the lands bird barbarians while serving at landsbergis air force base in germany many americans no ruth west timer as a talk show sex therapists doktor ruth but you might not know ruth was a train sniper after both their parents were killed in the holocaust ruth west eimer move to israel and join the military before becoming an american medicine and nineteen sixty five so the next time tailors were too or other performers lecturers on abortion is real issues remember there was a time when the most famous americans were patriots across the board
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.