« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 23, 2023


The search for the Titan submarine comes to a tragic end, the former teachers union boss gets a new job, Adam Schiff get censured, and a new report ranks the most livable cities in the world.

Plus, the message of the day, how the FBI has created CHAOS in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today, billow riley dot, com
Slash ad free, that's billow, riley, dotcom, slash ad free no o. Here you are listening to the rightly update coming up next. The new swift mike's late thank you bill. It is Friday june, twenty third, twenty twenty three year this into the rally up eight years is happening today in america. The coastguard find the missing titanic summary. The head. teachers. Unions fails up and of shifting lots after being censured and a new report ranks the most livable cities on earth. That's all coming up the bill will be here with your message to the day, but first the sir For the missing, didn't submersible is over the multinational rescue team discuss debris from the missing ship. scattered on the ocean floor near the wreck of the titanic officials,
all five people on board, were instantly killed by a catastrophic decompression event. The title The lost contact with its surface vessel sunday morning after descending for nearly two hours, James camera, the director of the ninety ninety seven movie titanic who's been down. the record himself. Thirty three different times said pretty. much as soon as you heard about the incident. They all pretty We knew that it had to be some sort of massive shockwave event that took out all secondary systems as well, because they completely lost contact. Randi Weingarten the teachers, union boss responsible for closing schools during covered as a new job at the department of health we had security, She was invited by this secretary, my orcas to serve as a member of the d as academic council. The group for last year to revive recommendations. The eight zero schools safety risks priorities and hiring decisions. What a joke
Congressman Adam schiff stopped by the view after officially censured in the house for promoting the russia trump conspiracy theories cheaply, targeted because he opposes the form that doesn't make any sense. Half of the house opposes the four percent. The Democrats said quote: they go after people, they think are standing up to their master. Donald trump shift is the twenty fifth house member ever censured and the first since twenty ten a new report. Ranks the most livable cities on the planet, the economist magazine, judge two hundred and seventy three cities based on life expectancy, cleanliness, pollution, access to major average income and recreation top I've been candidate sydney, Australia, melbourne, in Australia, copenhagen, denmark, a number one, vienna, Austria, the worst place to live damascus. Syria, the highest american city on the list was Honolulu coming in at twenty fifth place
am I excited for the podcast politics by faith. Hope you had a wonderful week. Bill. O'reilly will be here with your message of the day. Next. But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing rope, Elizabeth she's Can I like that their old, isolated prevail boy get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms, applied visit. You are cellular dot com, pretty deals. We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s. Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens now for the really update message of the day. It's friday. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that the most powerful law, fourth agency in the world has created chaos in america. for seven years. The fbi committed illegal acts like using for
information to secure pfizer wiretaps aimed at the trump organization yet Fbi official is even under criminal investigation. As far as we know,. The bureau was not in charge of the hunter Biden case, but it knew MR bonde, and received millions of dollars from dubious foreign concerns. The fbi ascertain in that from hunters hundred laptop, yet as far as we know, federal agents, did not open a formal investigation, which is almost impossible to believe this is corruption and americans should be howling about it, but that's not happening because Corporate media is generally ignoring the Biden. Situation and many citizens don't really care. If there's corruption afoot, as long as their escape mechanisms remain accessible. hello, legal marijuana and cell phone addiction nobly The president Biden will eventually be confronted with what
it is he did as vice president. I can t give him the right of due process reasonable doubt, but my vantage point, who congressional committees will soon produce. compelling evidence that Damage Joe Biden, I could be wrong, but ill wines are built. I'm bill, o reilly. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill. Bill, o reilly, dotcom billet bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male, so here's which says I was surprised. You have clark former assistant ernie general. We had item on last night k. I was surprised, clark asserted the germans, The commission did not go far enough to uncover wrongdoing. Can you explain why an independent prosecutor was not appointed to investigate Joe one hundred but yeah. I can explain it
Present bided away. That's the explanation he's the only one I can do it or order it done bearing This seems to me that the job durham situation was not so much with coming up with something, but not coming up- I don't think you're guy- was in a bag. I just think that he took his much money for himself and stands out as possible for years and you didn't really wanna get being a controversial situation, but didn't take it on purpose. nothin, I could be wrong. John Bamberger holds dale out stale pennsylvania. There have been several cases in our local county, where the judge would not accept a plea deal of the da had proposed. Can the judge in this case on or by encasing, not accept an rc? Oh yes, absolutely and it's a trump appointed judge and she could say no, I don't think-
that will happen, but you're good jack rosen? Where massachusetts? Really I just bill, but Joe Biden good, because cashing in check at the tellers window. This has bribe money and he would never be found guilty being found guilty of a crime you're, probably right, unless the republicans win the presidency and congress in twenty four. However, if the two congressional committees, oversight and judiciary come up with evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr Biden did participate, some kind of scheme, financial, is through, and so is the democratic party in a moment, something you might not know. now. The o reilly update brings you something you might not know. Each june, thousands of americans gather convention centres all across the usa.
Celebrate one of the oldest entertainment traditions in this country, comic books on average. The typical comic book fan spends Five hundred dollars a year, on his or her hobby total sales. Sixteen billion box annually Comics was amish yourself war as little as fifty cents. Others can be had millions of dollars. Here. the most valuable comic books in the world- captain america comics number one three under forty thousand dollars at auction. The cover of the comic shows the captain fighting adolf hitler nigh months before the: u s entered world war, two next tales of suspense number: thirty, nine, the debut of iron man worth three
hundred seventy five thousand. Today the iron man franchises valued at four billion dollars. Flash comic number one sold at auction in two thousand nineteen for five hundred thousand dollars the nineteen forty success of the flash finance one of the biggest entertainment companies in the usa DC comics next detective comics number twenty seven that went for more than one million dollars, the debut of the dark night, better known as batman. The characters appeared in twelve major movies. Twenty five novels nine different tv shows the most expensive comic book in the world. Super man issue number one.
Publish a nineteen. Thirty nine by deasey comics superman was the first comic book devoted entirely to a single character, amend copy so last year from five point: three million and here's something else. You might not know during world war to the? U S, war department censored superman. The feds did not want any discussion of nuclear activity or troop movements, so the comics were told not to hypothesis as about that and they didn't back after this. Thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just fact. And always looking out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.