« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 21, 2019


On today's O'Reilly Update, President Trump touts his economic achievements on the campaign trail. Plus, Bill's Message of the Day: The political evolution of Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no o reilly here it is friday june twenty first two thousand ninety you listening to the orally update and here's what's happening today in america present drop officially opened his two thousand twenty campaign is weak with a massive rally in orlando florida tearing the greatest american economy and more than a half century unemployment is at levels not seen since nineteen sixty nine there are now more positions available than people seeking work in the usa democrats like senator elizabeth worn reluctantly acknowledge the booming economy but say the average american simply isn't feeling the effects descended a war and have a point here the facts since donald trump took off his close to five hundred thousand manufacturing jobs have been added to the u s economy the biggest growth for the sector in thirty years the hourly earned
as for those positions up five percent the same is true for other major sectors of the economy there are now more than thirteen million people working in manufacturing two million work at the american movie business three million employed by insurance companies thirteen million in the health care industry wages for all of those jobs up other america workers not so lucky there are currently four million in retail sales three million cashiers three million working in fast food and so on for those workers wages have stagnated since the nineteen nineties what is not stagnated is the rising cost of living in the era of smart
once the average person's cell phone bill ninety dollars a month in two thousand and one the average was fifteen bucks cable costs of three hundred percent in most major american cities even with millions of americans cutting the cord same with childcare according to fortune magazine child care more expensive than college tuition in twenty eight states most people simply cannot afford the new costs that brings us to the two thousand and twenty election the democrats are offering a handful of promises but will a fifteen dollar minimum wage really solve the problem senator warren's free daycare proposal certainly
nice for working moms but cannot working americans really be expected to pay more taxes voters will have that aside those questions and anything good it literally happen over the next year and a half so with americans and their money it is always complicated coming up my message of the day on joe biden political evolution but first millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness
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get rid of those insurance premiums stop paying them consider turning that life policy into cash the number again one eight eight eight guide fifty one aid aid aid for aid for three three five zero one eight aid aid guy fifty call now time now the o'reilly update message of the day former vice and joe biden has maintained a healthy led in the polls over his democratic components for president
announcing his candidacy back in april despite its current position the seventy secure all finds himself in a crowded feel that includes a number of radical left this whose positions would have been rejected by most americans just ten years ago in an effort to appeal to the democratic primary voter the once moderate biden has shifted on a number of key issues most recently he renounced its support for the hide amendment a law that restricts federal funding for abortions because many americans opposed the procedure on religious grounds so who really is
is joe biden well you might be surprised to learn that at one time he was a conservative kind of guy in a nineteen seventy four article in the washingtonian biden said quote when it comes to civil rights and civil liberties i'm a liberal but that's it i'm really quite conservative on most other issues as a freshman senator from delaware biden was one of the senate's leading opponents of de segregation busing the court mandated transportation of students to integrate racially segregated schools biden red desegregation as a whole but believe bussing would be an effective mr biden remain opposed bussing even into the lake to thousands calling it a quote liberal train wreck that was tearing people apart
on prime joe biden was top as they come the truth is every major crime bill since nineteen seventy six that's come out of this congress every minor crimes add the name of the democratic senator from the state of delaware joe biden on that bill in nineteen eighty four he spearheaded efforts to pass the comprehensive crime control act alongside arch conservative south carolina strong firm it law is one of the biggest overhaul of the criminal justice system in the twentieth century among other things that increase federal penalties for the cultivation and possession of marijuana reinstituted the federal death penalty and came down on organised crime biden also has a record of supporting tough border controls in eighteen ninety six he held pass the illegal immigration reform and immigration responsibility
yeah that law more than double the number of asia's patrolling the border and allowed for the immediate deportation of undocumented immigrants should commit a misdemeanor or a felony inside the eu back in two thousand and six he voted for the secure fence act which authorized and funded the construction of seven hundred miles of fencing along the mexican border binds record on foreign policy is also interesting he voted against the iraqi troops surgeon two thousand seven that turn that conflict around you also oppose president trumps topsecret rate that killed osama bin lot so where did joe biden fit in the democratic party of alexandria o cassio quartet's well it depends on which biden we're talking about but the former vice president should
not be underestimated that's a message for more news in commentary please check out bill o reilly dotcom europe the day will continue with something you might not now it's an world out there you know that disaster can strike at any time so you need to be prepared to protect yourself family one way to do that is with freeze dried food it tastes good its healthy can be stored for twenty five years that's why i'm happy to tell you about a company i recommend wise foods i have experience with them myself during superstore sandy power for seven days all of my refrigerated food done but my foot apply from wise foods was ass fresh ass the day i received it
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most people think of the second world war the mind conjures up images of invasion of beaches european cities engulfed in flames brutal battles for the rocky islands of the pacific ocean what people don't know is that before the demise of adolf hitler is not a war machine we're we're to actually reach the east coast of the united states last week marked these seventy seventh anniversary of operation pistorius a secret nazi plan that landed eight spies on the beaches of long island new york and southern florida to carry out deadly sabotage missions hitler personally sign off on the mission just four days after the japanese attack pearl harbor authorizing two teams to carry out a bombing campaign against civilians across the u s eight on june twelve and sixteen nineteen forty two nazis travelling by submarine landed
the eastern coast of long island and in florida the men war uniforms of the german navy hoping to be classified as prisoners of war rather than spy should they be captured the mission a total disaster members of the us s coastguard spotted the german agents within minutes of their arrival on long island one however escaped boarding a trained to manhattan sparking a massive man on hoping to avoid execution one member of the german spy team personally reported the mission to fbi director j your hoover the nazis were captured without injuring a single american president well ordered a military tribunals for this avatars all but two would be executed in the electric chair in washington the failure of operation pistorius prompted hitler to abandon all future efforts to infiltrate the usa as
the name pistorius shiver personally chose to name it that after francis daniel pistorius the founder of the first german settlement in america in sixteen eighty three so the next time you are passing through the german town pennsylvania area which was passed stories at one time you might remember operation pestering and the nazi death plot that never came to me for more fascinating stories about america struggled to defeat the third reich please check out my books killing the ss and killing patent back in a moment well you ve been hearing about gold all over the news and prices keep going up experts warning a recession may be coming and it's time to prepare a are analyse this as weeks as he sees goal going up hundreds of dollars per hour they hit seventeen hundred bucks an hour
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.