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The O'Reilly Update, June 17, 2023


The Weekend Edition of The O'Reilly Update!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending back to what it was four months ago. There will be here with your message today. Next the chair, the third is promising more pain. Had lasher stocks dropped twenty percent, and this year could be worse. You are right to be worried, so please call the only pressure, metal dealer. I trust american hartford goal I'll. Show you how to protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver. Since I have been a client and spokesman, given the price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent, so These call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put in I'd your eye are a or for o one kay Tell em bill, o Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars free silver on your first order. Please call aids
in seven four four for gold, eight, seven, seven, four: four: for gold or tax geo. The gold to six five, five: three to again eight. Seventy! and for four for gold or tax gold to six five, five: three, If the bill O'Reilly- here- you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up next, the news with MIKE slater thanks build your list at the weekend edition of the israeli state. it happening this week in america, cobble harris cause for a federal crackdown on guns The number of workers, testing positive for drugs, its eight twenty, your high belief in higher power false record low wonder if there's any now, just correlation of causation. Their great white sharks
the sand on new england. That's all coming up, but then the message of the day, but first vice president Carmella Harris says guns- have no place in modern society. The vp said: quote: weapons of war have no place on the streets of a civil society congress must pass an assault weapons ban. President Biden will sign it. Her comments come days after california, governor called for a new amendment to restrict guns miracle. That was the theme yesterday's message of the day, the twenty eighth amendment. Four things: Gavin newsome was calling for, and one was They the end of weapons of war, they are fifteen, not used by the military was designed as a civilian weapon from the beginning the percentage of american employees, testing positive for narcotics hitting the highest level in two decades for percent of workers failed a mandatory drug test. Last year, the figures of fifty percent compared to just twenty twenty
on many companies, no longer screen for substances like marijuana, even so busy if screening for marijuana, as which is used way more than its ever been used before pot can and soon legally in eighteen, dates near times at a story the other day about how kids are showing up to school high theirs a banner companies or whatever we have more kids in average, spent in the entire day at school high. drug and alcohol abuse is responsible for sixty five percent of all work ways, injuries. a survey from Gallop finds eighty one percent of public believes in a higher power its down from ninety percent. Back and nineteen sixty. Nine younger liberal americans are the least likely to profess faith, in god, thirty two percent of people under the of twenty nine identify as agnostic or atheist. The most religion but a country, conservative, baby, boomers. Ninety four percent of them say religion plays a major role in their day to day lives, sharks, return to new england and record numbers tracking
software shows more than one hundred great whites have staked out cape cod as their home. As of thirty five. Said in the last ten years site. I believe the booming seal population is luring predators back to beaches, from long island. Two main polls show thirty Three percent of americans refuse to seventy ocean because of sharks, the odds of being been one in four million, my site later found over bill o reilly. The message of the day about birthright citizenship. Next. with lucky landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to has anyone seen the bride and groom. Sorry, sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo and we lost track of time, no lucky lane casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest
We, like you pronounce you re, lucky landslides, dot com, dingley bonuses are rating no purchase necessary. Boyd were prohibited by law. Eighteen vice terms and conditions of black sea website for details, now for the o reilly update message of the day. I ireland in county. Donna gall we have nor think with the wild coats. This is the last county in ireland for me to visit I've seen all the rest of island nation, and the reason that I love ireland is that it's beautiful my ancestors come from. There are in fact the people, show finding your roots did a take out on me and I am ninety two percent irish- an eight percent viking- the viking miss behaved in ireland way back when, but now
two percent irish american, the melting pot that we have here is incredible. Salt mines people on my mother's side, third ship after the mayflower and father's side, they came over in the late aging sixties after the civil war, when the british crown stole literally stole my family's farm in county cabinet. Leaving the all rightly clan destitute. So the two twin sixteen year old boys were put on a death ship in galway and sail to Brooklyn now. I know all this, because I've taken the time to research, my legacy and pass along to my children, because that is vitally important for every american to know where you
who came from I'm bill o reilly, I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male janet. My hence has hasn't got a chance in Hell. No trump supporter would support points that might be a mistake. Pence did the right thing under the constitution in the january six situation and he could run the country. In my opinion, may Jane concierge member I've seen people texting and cars while the wheels Roland that enough, when you're texting while stopped and light can't tell you how many times out to my horn, because a person in front of me did not see the light change. We all know very dangerous. No doubt about go, and I wish you had asked even a smith where he draws line with regard to live and let live.
I feel the same way, I'm a christian and I hate all the world transgender stop. But I do not hate transgender people. I do hate what they are trying to indoctrinate chilled, not all of them, but the children thing is worrying: gotta protect kids, they should not be in doctor jimmy Asco, samantha ponder needs. Tell l e too how sand and walk away on our own? Why would you give up a very well paid job? Yeah csp but he is VI hasn't really come down on miss pond. I don't think that would be a good move and cg continues to do her job as host of an nfl show and speak her mind. That's what I would do. the another concierge but maisie just finished killing the legends wow, I'm an amateur musician. So I was fascinated by Elvis is life, and even though story of John Lennon was interesting. I,
did not know everything. You said about Lenin. I was expecting to struggle through my ali, because well I'm a girl. I I never understood the fascination with alley. Until I read killing the legit, so my amazement, that portion of the book was my favorite part, killing the legends got the best reviews of any of the killing books Is it a moment something you might not know. I laughed elvers John, de envy or Cleaning- the casino always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere, you could redeem some serious prizes, schaumburg casino dot com live the jumbo life nobody's necessary. We were created a lot of people from the ignition device. The website for details
later feeling in for bill O'Reilly now, staff or something you might not now. California just closed all their youth prisons. So we ve all seen the videos of people stealing stuff from stores, but shamelessly stealing as much as they can carry sometimes come, back for more and not even in a rush. this casual, as can be bones in san francisco guard security guard at a walgreens got a bit of a tussle with a shoplifter, and I ended up with the security guards shooting and killing the shoplifter, so careless, corner in response pass. Bunch of laws that made it less likely. people to ever steal anything, so we can avoid situations like this from ever happening. Catch, that's jochen, their passing, a law that says it's, illegal tooth a shoplifter in anyway, in any circumstance which Horse will lead to more shoplifting, which will lead to Fewer stores and
prices and just general chaos and lawlessness everywhere. This is on top of california couple years ago. Passing the law to make any sense lifting undermine under fifty dollars? Mere a misdemeanor which no police officers and force by the way the people of California voted for that it was a trick by those california ballot initiative called prop forty seven. But it was called the Oh, this is a good one. What do you think I was called to this? Is this? Is the bill? Is the law that made it any you stole under ninety four dollars was a felony. Now it's a misdemeanor. What are you They called that balin initiative. They call the safe, neighbourhoods and schools, act so people voted yes for this, if neighborhoods in schools, act and it made shoplifting legal, and the newest law says but no one can even stop you if you try to still more than diner,
but let me give you the thing you may not know. California also passed a law, closing all youth presence so jewel. Detention still exists. That's a lower level above that more serious crimes were the youth prisons like kids, murder, people and then above that, are all the adult prisons, while the youth prisons are close, now needs to be ten thousand kids Adam and now they're all in alternatives like camps or minimally restrictive centres or just like on the streets. The gangs love it be sent out to commit more crimes, knowing that if they get caught, they won't be sent to prison because their task and there's nowhere to send them. And now we're going to wonder how crime got worse. How could this be? We keep hearing that we incarcerate too many people. I think we don't carcere rate enough. My slater don't ever built around. leftovers the deal, mv or
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.