« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 13, 2022


The Senate moves forward on Gun Control, voters’ trust in government falls to an all-time low, gas prices hit another record high, 9-in-10 families pile-up credit card debt to cope with inflation.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the failure of the January 6th hearing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill you Monday june thirteenth, two thousand twenty two. You are listening to the o'reilly update. Here's which happen today in america, theirs Moving forward on gun control, voters trust in government following to an all time low gas prices hitting another record high, nodded and families, pile up credit card debt to cope with inflation so I do most americans even care about the january six committee, but first by partisan group or senders, announcing a potential agreement on gone measures. The proposal close the support of ten republicans enough to override any potential filibuster. The bill would expand. Background checks allocate federal dollars for school safety, raise a minimum age to purchase in a our rifle to twenty one and encourage
individual states to enact red flag, lops experts estimate there are four hundred million firearms in circulation across amerika, a new paul from you pfizer's twenty percent of adults, trust the government to do the right thing. from seventy seven percent who trusted back and nineteen sixteen. I too of our say: politicians go to washington to serve their own interests. Just six percent think our leaders are careful with taxpayer dollars a whopping. Seventy eight percent believe the country is moving in the wrong direction. Unhappy. Voters mostly blame president Biden for the state of the nation, the If the price for a gallon of gas passing five dollars, most americans now pay five one for the as costs can be found in new york city, hawaii, alaska, washington, state, california.
We're sitting in the usa for gas, los angeles Actually, shell out seven dollars a gallon on average, that's a hundred and thirty bucks to fill up the average tank cheapest that's for fuel arkansas, louisiana, Oklahoma,. Inflation, hammering americans, financially. New data from citibank shows night Percent of americans carry credit card debt because of prices. Just ten percent adults have zero balance on a cart average family owes a thousand dollars to the banks. A third have done and their savings accounts since covert hit twenty five? Percent of americans live within one hundred dollars of their maximum credit card limit In a moment, the federal gov men at work. on January, sex right back
With the lucky landslides you can get lucky just about anywhere or caribou speaker yeah, we've got a clear runway or the weather is far, but we're just going to circle up here, awhile and good lucky. Oh, no! Nothing like that. It's disease cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back. Keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky I for free it like a landslide stuck com. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary point where prohibited by law eighteen, closed terms and conditions apply, see website for details. Tar after the iraqi update message of the day, second round of the january six hearings. Today, the first round on primetime tv did not attract much interest. The facts. Are one hundred twenty million households in the usa that have television, that's ninety six percent of us the presidential debates average around seventy million viewers
The union address thirty eight million viewers, but viewers for the january six committee last thursday, again Prime time, twenty million amy five point: two cbs three point: three NBC three point: five m: ass, NBC: four million cnn two point: seven fox news did not broadcast the january. Sixteen earrings primetime viewers there point two million, so you can say there was not exactly a flood of people watching the january sixth hearings, in fact the networks Busy, CBS Nbc loss about seven million viewers from
our usual thursday schedule now today's exposition will attract far fewer viewers, because the prime time show did not advance the narrative people weren't impressed. It was all anti tromp The time as expected. This for some, including your humble corresponded, is becoming tyres. As a loyal american. I want to know if president tromp secretly ordered or encouraged the cabin a riot I want to know, but no evidence of that has been put forward. I also want to know if there's your tromp condoned the riot but again I have not seen proof of that. So what exact
We are we doing here with this house committee. Well, it's politics. The republicans would not even participate. because of the rules that speaker of the house nancy policy. Hold on that committee, the house members on the republican. side said this is not going to be a fair investigation or hear it only to both tromp haters, cheney and kissing. Her participate now lives training is taking the lead and that has destroyed her political career. She will lose. I predict. In while meaning in the primary coming up. and then she will sign with cnn as a commentator. You wait and see.
But this whole january. Sixteen is designed to do two things. One make it very difficult for donald trump to run for president again, a number to cover for president Joe Biden dismal Performance by saying to the voters yeah, you may have voted for Biden, but look tromp is far worse. That's what they're doing I'm bill riley prove that message by writing it. If you'd, like more honest news analysis, please visit bill orally dot com where you can also pick up by new book number one in the country, killing the killers great fathers day, gift. In a moment, nothing. You might not know
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great gad at age. Thirty two here is historic. Alexander was born in three fifty six b c to the king and queen of ancient Macedonia. Now part of my day, serbia, he assume, control at twenty years old when his father was assigned. and aided by a royal bodyguard, after eliminating his enemies and squashing rebellions in northern greece alexander, began his global conquest. He form the greatest army in history, marched east into asia. Conquering territories like persia india, pakistan, saudi arabia and egypt in twelve years of conquest. Alexander now we're lost a single battle in the year three, twenty three. He captured the ancient city of Babylon, located in present day arap moi,
Double profits, warned all our eggs or young alex that entering the capital Babylon would bring about his demise may twenty ninth. He attended a dinner by our friend to celebrate his arrival into battle. Alexander enjoyed forty eight hours of heavy drinking and eating. He then fell ill complaining of extreme stomach pains. alexander's health deteriorated as raging fever, racked by finally too weak to leave his room. The cock of the world. Most of it anyway died. Ten days later, His body was immersed in honey to prevent decay. The exact cause of alexander's death remains unknown. Historians believe he could have perished poison, malaria, typhoid or even liver failure,
There's something else you might not. Now, if you plan on taking a trip to europe, the middle east or asia, your visit will likely stop in a town called alexandria, Alex nay more than a hundred cities. After himself, out, as fifteen year conquest, nearly all remained standing. Today, Alexander may not have been a great person, but he will as one of the most effective military commanders this planet has ever seen.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.