« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 11, 2020


More celebrities donate to ‘Black Lives Matter’, Seattle bans police from public schools, NASCAR says no more Confederate Flags, ‘Gone with the Wind’ now ‘Gone from HBO’, Coronavirus vaccine trials set to begin this July.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day: Defund the police?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
bill o reilly hears urged june eleventh two thousand twenty you are listening to the iraqi update here's which happening across our nation more celebrities donating a black lives matter she i'll banning police from public schools nascar says no more confederate flax guy with the win now gone from hbo coded vaccine trial set to begin also had the madness of de funding the police but first more famous americans giving millions to the black lives matter movement including lady gaga john santa anna kendrick chris evans basketball legend michael jordan pledging a hundred million dollars to organisations dedicated to ensuring racial equality and social justice but we don't know if black lives matters
at least i hope not be lamb wants to destroy not build up seattle school district suspending its relationship with the city's police department superintended denise juno posing her decision on social media saying quote the presence of officers prohibit students from feeling sake unquote that's an insult to the police in seattle of course forty three percent of schools nationwide of at least one armed guard on campus nascar banning the display of the confederate flag at racetracks across the country the symbol is seen events in south carolina georgia alabama louisiana bubble wallace the organizations first full time african american driver led the anti flag fight hbo
removing these civil war epic gone with the wind executives say the film promote a positive view of slavery and stereotypical portrayal of african americans the channel releasing a statement quote these depictions were wrong then are wrong today we must understand our history gone with the wind one eight academy awards pharmaceutical giant johnson johnson planning to start covert vaccine trials in the second half of july the
we will involve one thousand people in the usa in belgium most between the ages of eighteen fifty five the goal is to produce more than a billion doses of the vaccine by next year tests can be fast tracked by the u s government if the results are favourable in a moment the madness of de funding the cops right back edward in his wife margaret we're looking forward to retirement edward started having serious health issues a few years before he turned sixty five and had to take an unplanned early retirement the loss of income and medical bills man edward could not afford as expenses including the premiums on a one million dollar life insurance policy faced with lapsing their policy for nothing edward and margaret turned to coventry direct and were able to sell the policy for us britain thirty thousand dollars if you own a life insurance return policy that you don't need or can afford coventry direct
can help you receive an average of four times more cash then you'd get from your life insurance carrier you can even sell a portion of your existing policy and still maintain coverage with no future premium obligations save you qualify please call one eight hundred eight eight eight thirty seven ninety one or visit coventry help seniors dotcom that's one eight hunter eight eight eight thirty seven ninety one or visit coventry help seniors one word dot com finally the arrival of the message of the day as you know the radical now wants to define the police all across the country use the money for social justice purposes including education while the truth is in this country we spend more money on social
educational programmes than any other country in the history of the world and we have little to show for it here's some facts new york city spends twenty eight thousand eight hundred dollars per student per year perhaps the highest in the world and what we have for it
fewer than fifty percent of new york city students exhibit fundamental english or mass skills just forty six percent of students in grades eight to twelve are proficient in science only forty two percent proficient in math and that is far below the national average so you can see that money doesn't do it and here's another backup catholic school students do much better in every stand does test then their public school counterparts and the catholic school spend seventy five percent less money on students on average seventy five percent less so are we all understanding this money
does not help students learn discipline and good teaching does you want to give the excellent teachers arrays good i'm for that but you don't need to de fund the police to do it you just need to reorganise the public schools now on the social front the united states last year issued sixty eight billion dollars and food stamps six hundred eighty seven billion dollars in welfare assistance for sixty three billion in medicate if you do the math we're close to two trillion dollars now an incredible amount of government tax money is given to those americans who are less fortunate i don't have a lot the problem is the poor don't have the skills
raise themselves up generally speaking so why not thai government donations to the poor in with mandatory job training it's hard to do if you get welfare you ve gotta go to a class and learn do something and that has nothing to do with tee funding the police what it is really all about is breaking down the white power structure in america black lives matter and radical left is like mayor the blog yo in new york city they want to run the show and they want to banish traditional american organization by branding it ray or whatever they were a brave new sir
show lipstick world where white people are designated the problem that's what this is all about this deep the police i bill o'reilly and i approve that message by actually writing it for more news analysis please visit bill o reilly dotcom for honest reporting moment something you might not know when you venture outside face coverings may be required in the kind of face cover you use matters a lot boomer natural's protective face cover is a recommended covering for both adults and children with three cloth layers in future with nano silver technology it reduces particles getting to you knows and mouth the boomer natural's face covering is comfortable easy to breathe easy to speak and made for x
what protection they are in stock right now and will ship to you from the boomer us warehouse the face covers can be used up to thirty days when you hand wash with soap and water making them very affordable or yours did i had boomer natural's dot com and if you use the code bill twenty a check out you'll save twenty percent please go to buber natural's dot com your source for acts when face covers now the arrival of day brings you something you might not no doctors at the centres for disease control believe the virus lockdown will spark a major mental health crisis in the months
head prescriptions for anxiety medication sleeping pills anti depressants all up double digits since march but one segment of american society is actually sad to see the shut down and pacts researchers say cats and dogs will suffer separation disorder once the folks head back to work recent study from new york city shows eighty four percent of owners feel more attuned to their pats needs during the lockdown seven and ten say they will change their daily behaviour to spend more time with pets after the coroner let's the ten percent plan on adopting another animal to keep their card pooch company
there are now more than sixty million u s households with at least one door mine included fifty million own cats thirteen million fish the pet industry is a huge business ninety five billion dollars a year and food accessories and medical care that number rising in the age of covert those stats should not be surprising america's love affair with pets goes back to the beginning from the frontiers of the battlefield canines played an integral part in u s history dogs have been companions to american president's big with george washington the founding father was a well known animal lover with a fondness for hounds during his time as commander in chief washington kept numerous dogs including a greyhound named cornwallis after the british general he was fighting thirty or forty five presidents
dog owners including franklin roosevelt who insisted his scottish terrier fala going him for dinner every night and here's something else you might not know domesticated dogs can be a threat each year thirteen thousand americans are hospitalized from bites resulting in fifty debts that's more than sharks alligators bees bears and wolves combined back after this a former white house economists says there's a hundred percent chance of a recession and predicts one jobs will be lost in april sir many americans are moving to physical gold and silver as a recession proved safe haven for their retirement american hartford goal group is eight austin leader and gold and silver and they make it simple and easy to get started
their family owned and have a plus rating from the better business bureau very important until you hold precious metal in your hand you'll never fully no the experience of being in control of your own retirement if you are listening to me right now the american hartford gold is offering new clients of the five hunter dollars in free silver all you have to do is give them a call eight seven seven four four four gold eight seven seven four four four g o l d or text silver two six five five three two please call the american hartford goal group now eight seven seven four four four forty six fifty three or text silver two six five five three to thank you for listening to the orally update i am below riley no spin just facts and always
out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.