« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 8, 2019


California bracing for more earthquakes after two major tremors shake the West Coast, Joe Biden apologizes for his remarks on working with segregationist lawmakers, President Trump’s approval rating hits new highs, Nancy Pelosi facing more attacks from far-left Democrats, The United States Women’s Soccer Team WINS the World Cup.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day on why Democrats have veered so far to the left.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the no o reilly here it is monday july two thousand nineteen you are listening to the o reilly update and here's which happening today in america california bracing for more earthquakes after two major tremors hit joe biden apologizes for marks on working with segregation is senators president trump prove already hearing new highs nancy blowsy facing more attacks from far left democrats the united states women soccer team celebrating winning the war cup also coming up my message of the day why the democratic party is gone far left but first west coast in its embracing for more aftershocks after two major earthquake shook southern california scientists now can farming there have been more than one thousand tremors since friday
amazingly there are no major injuries for vice president joe biden apologizing for praising his own record of working with segregation is during his time in the u s senate the democratic presidential front runner telling supporters in south carolina he now regrets the comments at in quoting sorry for any of the pain his rhetoric might have cause senator camilla harris attack biden the issue during the debate and gained in the polls by doing so president trumps approval rating now at the highest points is its inauguration new survey and wash impose showing the commander in chief has the support of forty four percent of likely voters as a five point increase since april american citing strong economy trumps latest meeting with kim jong on and the president's july fourth addressed
for his increasing support speaker thou nancy blowsy facing new criticism from the far left wing of a party congress now examine rio cassio cortez saying the speaker is quote blindly trusting republicans in supporting the senate some burden sea border funding bill policy pushing back saying ultra progressive democrats have just four votes is clears bigger policy believes the radicals are hurting her party over to france where the eu is women soccer team when the world cup for the second straight year defeating the netherlands too nil president trump congratulating the team minutes after the victory telling report as you like to see the women's national team
the same amount of money as men some fans after the victory chanted f trump more on this on bill o reilly dotcom right that millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one
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get rid of those insurance premiums stop paying them consider turning that life policy into cash the number again one eight eight eight guide fifty one aid aid aid for aid for three three five zero one eight eight eight guy fifty call now time now for the really update message of the day taking a left some american i was surprised by the far left turn the democratic party is taken in its quest to win back the white house just a few years ago it would have been political suicide to advocate open borders health benefits for foreign nationals in the country illegally taxpayer reparations for slave an abortion for any reason up until birth though
are all radical positions but now most democrats running for president embrace them along with amnesty for illegal aliens already here so what exactly is go yeah well first of all the national media is supporting many farley policies trying to push the country away from president trump whom they despise also the far left presence on social media is much louder and more threatening then moderate positions so if you oppose the radical agenda you may be attacked sometimes viciously this intimidates opposition to the far left as some are afraid
you go up against it a very good example of that is the boycott strategy used by radical groups which threaten corporations if they support conservatives that brutal hammer has been extremely effective as many businesses cave in to the pressure that might hurt their bottom line the radical lives goal is to harmonise smear traditional americans making it easier to recast the usa as a clause i social is country that imposes so called equality through income redistribution and social justice the far left has succeeded at least some lot with great help from the media
convincing millions of people that traditional america is an unjust nation full of white privilege and male dominance and this is not a subtle campaign to mark the fourth of july the goober left new york times announced that america has never been a great country the democrats have largely adopted the radical agenda as the nation saw in the debates a traditional democratic joe biden is attacked by radical senator camilla harris and there is great celebration in the liberal precincts it is absolutely fascinating to watch this but a bit frightening as well if miss harris or bernie sanders or elizabeth worn or most of the other dams ever achieve power america as we know it would disappear so what would take its place well last week i visited germany and that system is what the far left really wants i followed
i am about it on bill o reilly dotcom and i hope you check it out but here's the headline the government in berlin controls pretty much everything the german worker does if you want healthcare it's not free you have to pay a tax for but then after the payment you can get served by any hospital at any time in any doctor but you don't get to select the after all so you have to pay local taxes and a nineteen percent value added tax on everything you buy that means of you
refrigerator a car even clothing you have to pay nineteen percent on top of the price the result is that most german workers cannot save much money they cannot improve their economic circumstance the money goes to berlin which then dulls it out to people who don't wanna work etc if that's a system you want that's what the demo rights are offering and that's a message coming next something you might not know well you ve been hearing about gold all over the news and prices keep going up experts warning a recession may be coming and it's time to prove
there are region analysts as weeks as he sees goal going up hundreds of dollars per hour to hit seventeen hundred bucks an ounce that's why i recommend that you contact the hartford gold group now to learn more to get you started the hartford goal group will give you a free silver coin all of my radio listeners will get it and if you're listening right now you can get the coin from the hartford gold group no purchase is necessary i have to do is call them eight seven seven four four four g o l d gold eight seven seven four four four g o l d gold give them a call today to claim your free coin and get the information available for a limited time only eight seven seven four four four four six five three eight seven seven four four four four six five three please call today now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know
human beings are some of the most adaptable creatures on earth not only can people be found on all seven continents our intelligence allows us to survive deep beneath the world's oceans and even in ours ass after countless years scavenging for food hunting living on small farms people now use technology to thrive in some of the planet's harshest locations here are examples of the most difficult places on earth in which to live norway's northern islands are actually closer to the north all than ashleigh the island changes the coldest permanent settlement on earth hosting a population of two thousand people living alongside three thousand polar bears every resident in the archipelago is actually required by law to carry a gun for self defence this war mining town of a cooper pity australia as an average temperature of a hundred and twenty degrees
requiring eighty percent of the residents to live underground throughout the year village has subterranean bars and restaurants for the areas two thousand but the town even as an underground holiday inn for tourists willing to go there not all threats to people come from other nature the failed state of somalia is ranked the most dangerous place to live on the planet for an entirely different reason the african nation is home to civil war gangs genocide terror organisations the country operates with verge with no functioning government or police force since ninety ninety somalia has seen more than two dozen separate wars within it's borders ironically the planet's most inhospitable climate for human beings covers more than seventy percent of the earth the ocean despite the freezing temperatures underwater air free environment there are more
fifty thousand submarine or serving in the u s navy workers on oil rigs can labour for days underwater and dozens of hotels offer deep sea vacations for adventure tourists in fact scientists know more about the moon than the depths of the ocean no human being is ever seen most parts of it and when we do visit the treasures of the atlantic or pacific explorers commonly fine one item beer cans are dominance over the planet is a triumph of the human spirit but it clearly come seems at a cost back in a moment the housing market on fire all over the country with interest rates falling it's a great time kindness your home if you want to sell or by the competition is going to be fierce you need a great real estate agent to help you
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acts and always looking out for you the the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.