« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 6, 2022


Confidence in US institutions reaches a record low... A majority of folks believe the Feds are hurting them financially... The Pope equates abortion providers with Hitmen... A new report ranks the worst Tippers in the USA.

Plus. Bill's Message of the Day, the truth about Biden's Economy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o Reilly here, wednesday july search, two thousand twenty two You are listening to the o'reilly update. Here's what's happening today in america, confidence in the usa reaches a record low. A majority of folks believe the feds. are hurting them financially the public. To abortion with murder, a new report ranks worst kippers in the? U s a also heard how the by administration has ruined the economy, support from Gallop finds confidence in our institutions falling to a new low bottom of the list starts with newspapers use twenty one percent find those trustworthy. Next, the criminal justice system, big business and television news dead last congress, seven and of a great deal of confidence in washington, who are those people the most respected
petitions in america, small businesses the metairie local police Survey for monmouth university says six and ten voters believe the federal government is directly responsible for the poor economy, which it is less energy, water, think prison and binds policies will improve the financial situation that issues biggest banks verdict. Cunt We will be in recession by thanksgiving. I say we're in a recession now and more on the escalating economic crisis. Later in the message segment, Paul France's reiterating its opposition to abortion. The pot of was asked to comment on the: u s: supreme court decision to return Roby way the castle. Leader responded with a question quote: is illegal amid to eliminate a human life to resolve a problem. No, it's a human life that site
One can also ask is right to hire a hit man to solve a problem. By those words, the positive has not condemn pro abortion. Politicians in america lag, and Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Our report public, by credit card dotcom reveals which age group represents the worse tipper generation, Z, that's americans between the age of eighteen and twenty four leave, the least when eating in restaurants, less than Sixty percent of gender z tipp their servers at all. They stiff them that you're rises and ninety eight percent for tips the baby boom generation, of which I am a part, hey Younger americans doll, doll, stiff your waiter or waitress. That's really not class
In a moment exactly why americans of less money under binding right back your next adventure in an award winning kia from billboard kia, the SU b family has movement that inspires and we invite you to test drive the new twenty twenty three kia soul cell, toast, sportage, sorento or telluride. You can command the road in sudan from billboard kia drive away today in a new twenty twenty three rio horta can't buy more stinger and discover the all new kia at millburn kia, two thousand and four thirty five keys, fifteenth street, panama city or anytime, at billboard, king dot com, peace of mind. You can trust at your local community dealer, billboard kia time. For the iranian update message of the day how president Biden has damaged the finances of all americans. First, thus acts. What is your rate during president trump's last month in office? One point: four percent inflation right now, eight point: six percent producer price in
today. That is the amount businesses pay for products before they go to the marketplace. Eleven that means higher prices. are the way for you and me all. Consumers about gas prices. From a lasting and office january, nineteenth two thousand twenty one, two dollars thirty cents ago today, before potent invaded ukraine Three hours, fifty three cents a gown. This week, four dollars. Ninety sense, again, that is an increase of one hundred, seventeen percent from tromp food prices, Rollo cost of food is a fourteen percent compared to last some beef up twenty percent in seventeen pork, fifteen melt, fourteen vegetables, eight fruit, seven have All producers are now using shrink flirtation, which means you get less in the package, but pay the same.
Or more onto the stock market auction, general down nine percent in june the worst six months stretch. in nineteen seventy this year. The dow jones suffered its worst first half of a year since nineteen sixty two when J f K was in office No one in the financial world has confidence in prison, invite the typical american household now spend five. hundred dollars more a month. Then a day under donald trump six thousand dollars a year, call it the Biden tariff. Average family is nine thousand dollars less in the bank right now than they did during trumps final year in office. Salt the next time you hear hate trump starve Consider your wallet.
The reason Joe Biden has tank. The economy is because on his first day in office. He attacked the, american energy industry drove down so called futures. Its. complicated. You have to understand finance but when Biden sent a message to the world that the amount in energy industry was gonna, be slapped with prohibitions and regulations then everything, went up the price of oil, the price of food. close transportation went up. That unbelievable blunder by Mr Biden has now come around to heard. Every single, american and theirs thing Biden can do to unravel that so
When we go to vote next november, we have to get rid of this progressive, laugh, democrat machine or. We are going to continue to suffer economically. Listen, just look! What happened in the nineteen thirties you'd could happen again I'm no o reilly and I approve the message by writing it. If you'd, like more honest news analysis, please visit bill, o reilly, dotcom and also you consider my number one best selling book killing the killers great summer reed. In a moment, something you might not no business today looks nothing like it did yesterday, while it's more unpredictable, its possibilities are endless. http turning unpredictability into an advantage is what we do using data driven insights
design hr solutions to help businesses work better smarter, so they can think beyond today and find even more success tomorrow. Hr time, talent, benefits, payroll, atp, always designing. people now we're rally up very briefly, something you might not know the last two years have been brutal for the film business during the endemic ninety seven percent of all theatres across amerika, shut down to it here with local covert regulations. This summer, folks are finally returning to the cinema, but not in great numbers. The is blockbuster right now, jurassic world dominion, the six part of the dinosaur franchise, That movie has already earned eight hundred million worldwide. That figure expected pass a billion this month. here are some facts about real dinosaurs.
Rome, the planet long, go and they should be getting a cut of the jurassic park. Action right while the heaviest longest dinosaur, was the brok e o soares total weight. Eighty tons one of seventeen elephants, the which female stood sixty feet tall and eighty five feet: long, bigger a bowling alley. This Palestine is the copy about the size of a full grown chicken that Any meat, eater travelled, impacts of hundreds killing pray with poisonous venom, equivalent to a rattlesnake the almost dinosaur. Is these stagger cyrus the if what animal would place along its back. Had a brain about the size of a wall, not the species is believed to have the low brain to body ratio in the history of the world, with the possible exception of hollywood, Scientists say the smartest species is
star jurassic worship. The velociraptor me famous Andy. Ninety. Ninety three original film, the animals hunted strategic pack formations use vocal. Eyes communication and lived in a complicated hierarchy. and here is something else you might not. Now. Or dinosaurs remain a huge draw. The box offers his fascination with the giant creatures dates back thousands thousands of years the first written description a dinosaur bones- was recorded thirty five hundred years ago in china farmers found mass of bones while ploughing feels locals, kept the discoveries for good luck. leaving the prehistoric teeth belonged to a mythical creature of chinese origin. Dragon back after this
Take your next adventure in an award winning kia from billboard kia. The SU b family has movement that inspires and we invite you to test drive the new twenty twenty three kia soul, sell to the sportage, sorento or telluride. You can command the road in a sedan from billboard kia drive away today in a new twenty twenty three rio horta can't buy more stinger and discover the all new kia at melbourne: kia, twenty four thirty five keys, fifteenth street, panama city or anytime, at billboard, king dot com, peace of mind. You can trust at your local community dealer, billboard kia. Thank you Listening to the orally update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out, for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.