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The O'Reilly Update, July 4, 2023


The July 4th best of The O'Reilly Update.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending back to what it was. Four months ago, there will be here with your message today. Next the chair, the third is promising more pain had lasher stocks dropped, twenty percent and this year could be worse. You are right to be worried, so please call the only pressure metal dealer. I trust american hartford goal I'll show you how to protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver. Since I have been a client and spokesman, in the price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. So these call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put in, inside your ira or four o one k, tell em bill, o Reilly sent you, and they will give you up to five thousand dollars free silver on your first order. Please call aids
in seven four, four for gold, eight, seven, seven, four four: for gold, where tax geo the gold to six five, five, three to again eight. Seventy. and for four for gold or tax gold to six five, five three, If the no o reilly. Here you are listening to the best of the orally update the decline of marriage in america the catholic church defines marriage. This way quote holy sacrament, by which a man and woman established between themselves, a partnership for their whole lives, which is ordered by its nature, to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of spring on quote other religions, see it differently. Of course, what is essentially the same thing you get married under the eyes of a religious, clara, well
a lot of americans are rejecting religion now and we are going a circular route and that is causing a big decline in nuptials. The divorce rate in amerika in nineteen. Ninety sex was sixteen percent last year, fifty percent. So that means that marriage is dissolving and that leads to other problems. The cost of divorce in america is astronomical for a thousand dollars on average. If there are children involved, the average monthly child support payment five hundred dollars, There is no question that younger americans are not as enthusiastic generally speaking,. for the marriage deal. Their parents, of course, are traditional
many of them and they want their children to be married at least in the eyes of some kind of legal official, But young americans are choosing partnerships so that a claw in nuptials, today's understandable it is mine. easier to form a partnership, and you can do it legally as well. but it is, the horrendous divorce ended three in america. That is. Really harming the institution. Of course, children will suffer if the institution of marriage collapsed a partnership is ok, but you can walk away from a partnership, really easily what about the kids? They become dependent on to parents and one one parents can get out. with no strain or stress on the apparent look
children are put under immense risk, especially if no agreement on how those children will be raised and where they will live so Many people see marriage as a man and a woman and again that is defined that way by the catholic church. But it's really the children. That are born out of a marriage or partnership. That should be the main concern on the marital front, but they are not, and that is a catastrophe I left overs John, de envy, or Cleaning
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was the below back in the g hard world, four nine eleven, so the united states took the lead. We brought down down saddam. We too arise Al Qaeda. We went into afghanistan and rounded the taliban. It was all kinds of aggressive action to protect the homeland and americans, generally speaking rallied to that now, because Iraq did not go well That numbers started decline. The seventy percent number today. What we're looking out on the fourth of July is a federal government
in disarray, led by the second worst president. In u s history geo by james, we can in being the first. I have gone over that when you have terrible inflation, when you have uncertainty and a president who is obviously incompetent we're gonna, have people not feeling patriotic I'm bill, o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male actual,
Reporting on bill Barr Joe Biden and the Biden crime family, this is carol yet. I still can't comprehend why politicians in the legacy media continue to support the Biden crime family, because ideologies more important, Joe Biden does whatever the progressive left wants. They don't care. If he's AL capone, they don't care, if he's pretty boy floyd so long as the sports progresses. His fortieth david concierge member. What's even more astonishing, the NBC poll about the direction the countries at NBC favors the bite administration. Again, it's all ideology,
do their executives are far left guys, comcast philadelphia, look it up, they love it. They love the far left, lucinda kallos richmond Virginia. Bravo bill your latest column they're, not victims, nothing short of stunning. I commend your personal integrity and strength in writing it, as always. Thank you for being the very best of a few, are willing to be stand up, honest human beings. I will tell the truth. I always have and I paid a price, but it's okay, Allen, bill well said on your column. While I have empathy for people down on their luck, I can agree that people raising a family and working you should have to suffer because a small minority refused to take personal responsibility. Good letter.
Well, thank you for writing. It richard carolina gates, mills, ohio. I read your message about Putin. His demise was not guarantee a better leader in russia in the world. So what so? What he's a war? Criminal he's? A villain? You don't go well, What's going happen that you get rid of him in a moment, something you might not know as roofer, I don't. Oh moons romanian I rely on beacon because you need network of branches work together. It me when I need when I need it. Every branch working together and with the new big improper sap, I've got the brains. I depend on J! F right! Am I you did? through june, purchased online with beacon pro bless, weber app and earn up to fifteen hundred dollars, beacon, always building.
now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know. America is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. Total worth in the usa, taught the hundred and forty one trillion dollars last year and is expected to pass a hundred. fifty trillion by the end of the decade, So how does all that money breakdown with us? The population turns out. If you were born in the usa, you have a pretty good chance of making it rich. Here is the data the media income currently stands at sixty seven thousand dollars a year. That means half of us make more half less The nation is home to the most millionaires on earth. Nineteen million people roughly six percent of the popular country also has six hundred twenty billion airs. According to the senses bureau there
Currently a hundred and twenty million households in the usa hundred twenty million, fifty million earn less than fifty thousand dollars a year, thirty five million earn between fifty and a hundred thousand ten million between five. Hundred thousand and a million and eight million. assholes more than a million dollars a year as well. Education, a third of us, have a four year college agree with it average salary of seventy thousand dollars temper. then of a two year degree. Folks, with a high diploma, make on average under thirty, five thousand was a year so wise up get that degree Thirteen percent of the total population lives below the poverty line in america as commonly too It is a family for earning less than twenty nine thousand hours, even for the poorest, so since, however, the living standard is better than anywhere else in the world. Ninety said
when percent of americans in poverty have a cell phone. Ninety nine percent, a refrigerator. Ninety eight percent cable tv, eighty percent air conditioning. Ninety two percent: net access, and you something else you might not know cutting it, from the: u S and the senses bureau the poorest twenty percent of americans are wealthier than the average citizen in most european nations. They're, more assets, better access to health care and have twice the living space compared to people in france, germany and ITALY. Take that socialism so next time you hear this. Milan our key that america is unfair in the economic room. It's a lie now this.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-08.