« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 31, 2020


Professional sports returns to American televisions and listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
reilly here right age lie thirty first last day of the month two thousand twenty listening to the really up day two years which is happening today in america professional sports slowly returning to the country after months of chaos teams and fans still trying to figure out how to bring back the games without spreading cove it here's how things are shaping up first joy baseball well made it a week before the irish suit the miami bombs at least fourteen tested positive for the agent forcing the yankees oriels and fillies to post pony games with the marlins officials introducing new rules to speed up the games baseball games
by placing a runner at second base an extra anything so it doesn't go on and on and not now the nfl football said to kick off september tents in kansas city of these ex players on the new wing when patriots are refusing to play in that right the league in a union agreed that anyone considered high risk for colvin can sit out he's in while still earning three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the seas basketball return this week twenty two teams competing so called bubble the nba airy locating all athletes and staff to disney world in ireland where everyone is isolated in hotels on the property fans are allowed to watch the games will be on tv of course and that's what this is all about tv revenue but fires from other teams can watch the games because they ve been bubble lies
hockey returns august first tomorrow the in a nutshell suspended its in nearly a hundred and fifty days ago twenty four team posts season tournament will determine who heads to this day a cop lay offs the league is holding the competition in two cities toronto and edmonton canada the empty arenas will actually make the sport more interesting for viewers at home the innate shawls doubling the number of cameras typically used to create new angles for the fans again tv revenue americans definitely ready to focus on something other than covert in politics more than four million folks tuna debatable
his opening night shattering the previous record sports is a good diversion a worthy thing for america we need it in a moment listeners sound off right back with it membership fees apply after free trial cancel anytime guys are you trying to stay in twenty year old shape in your thirties and forties and finding it well impossible then you need to listen to this beachbody the company that revolutionized getting ripped at home with peanut dx and insanity has a brand new program just for you called live for it's part lift it's part hit with total body shredding results in just thirty to forty minutes a day
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very not learn from new york and mr nad learn is not delusional he is just a fanatical and i mean that literally partisan so never knows and all the members of the democratic party know that violent protests are not helping the dams and economic joe biden when the presidency so the issue is to downplay them now neither of course takes it to the extreme by calling it a myth well we have eyes congressmen we can see that's gonna judy and jackson new jersey i think a turn
general bar the hearing was an attempt to discredit him and the reason is if he is defamed then the durum report might not mean as much while you're onto something judy the doorn report is the investigation by the justice department about russian collusion and the phoney fbi i warrants and it's gonna be embarrassing do the democratic party and to the media can really amber the media now the word is that the justice department will lee some of its findings and maybe indictments because there were laws broken before labour debt but you never know about these things because it is the doorn report a direct attack on the swamp and the fbi is part of the swamp joy
in las vegas nevada the president you call out joe biden public to sit down for interviews with people like you bill if he cannot answer tough questions how can he run a country while a lot of politicians joe dodge tough interviews i don't expect joe biden to sit down with me or anybody who would challenge him he's already turned down chris wallace biden basically is coasting and he's staying away from any confrontations he's in his house you know he's a covert risk guys all i don't blame him but he could do virtual interviews from his this meant but he's not going to do it unless he has to the real telltale here are the three debates so a lot of people say while buys i gotta show up he has to show up i think you'd lose the election of you didn't show up by dumb down trumps gotta be disciplined in those debates but they are going to be very important tim is in charlotte north
caroline i must disagree with you bill on support for b l m signs banners etc the black lives matter organization and the slogan for the most part are based on a false narrative i'm not gonna buy into the false narrative on black lives matter and protesting police brutality toward people of color i think those protests a valid but the black lives matter organization you're absolutely right tim is a marxist outfit that wants to over throw the united states of america i'm no o reilly and i approve that message by actually putting together please go to build reilly dotcom for honest coverage and join our stand up for america campaign well that's something you might not now with one of the best save rates in america banking with capital one is the easy decision in the history of decisions even easier than choosing slash to be in your bad stop fur lean
tar you're cool even easier than that and with no fees or minimums on checking and savings accounts is it even a decision that banking we imagine what's in your terms apply sea captain wonder i'm slash bank for details capital one in eight members here i see now we rarely they breaches something you might not know in nineteen sixty six the beatles were the most popular banned in america the fab for already had twelve number one hits here and more than thirty tunes in the top ten of course they were from england that all changed with just one sentence in march of sixty six john lennon told a london reporter quote we're more popular than jesus now when it also said quote
christianity will go it will vanish and shrink i need an argue about that i'm right and i'll be proved right on quoth he was wrong now fans america at least some of them around did at the blasphemy when the beatles hit the road that summer nineteen sixty six protest follow them everywhere particularly in the deep south in alabama radio stations refuse to play beetle songs local dis jockeys doug layton and tommy charles initiated the state i'd beetle boycott people publicly burn their records posters concert tickets in town squares of when a preacher in birmingham lay when the quote devil incarnate saying no true christian should listen to satan's music
one in himself eventually issued multiple apologies quote in reference to england we man more two kids than jesus did or religion at that time i was knocking it or putting it down i was just saying it is a fact and its more true for england then here meaning the usa on quote john on his comments even prompted death threats and force the ban to conceal their travel schedule as they towards you usa and here's something else you might not now the fall out from lenin's interview with so bad
the ban never toured again according to their manager the group was deeply scarred from their experience in alabama the beatles final show of the sixty six u s a tour was in san francisco and it was the last time the beatles ever took stage for alive concert anywhere the group would release five more records before breaking up three years later back after this the avenger acts garden capital one does you premium travel ban is perfect for thing taylor swift the heiress tour presented by capital why do over
earn five times miles on flights and ten times miles on hotels through hospital one travel enjoy your states we thirteen thirteen that's tailors like you number the venture acts from capital one what's in your wallet terms apply see capital one dot com for details thank you for listening to the o'reilly update i am bill o'reilly no spin just facts and always looking out for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.