« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 27, 2022


Democrats Rage Over Roe, and US airlines blame travel chaos on the federal government.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what overturning Roe v. Wade really means for Americans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here Monday june, twenty seventh, two thousand twenty two- you, are listening to the o Reilly, update. Here's, what Happening today in america, gimmicks rage. Overall? U s here, I now blaming travelled chaos on the federal government. Also, what does bream. Court rulings really tell us, but first progressive. Are furious supreme court, ordered the abortion question back to these states here a few left wing reactions. Nancy Pelosi quote because of donald trump Mitch colonel the republican party american- men today have less freedom than their mothers. Unquote, this flow obviously trying to use the abortion ruling for political game. Senator chuck Schumer quote Women are having their rights taken by five unelected justices on the
streamers, mega court, unquote absurd and subversive the supreme court save hallmark of em again. Democracy congresswoman maxine waters quote to hell with the supreme court. We will defy them. you do is waters, you may go to prison congresswoman, alexandria, Ocasio cortez quote right now, elections are not enough. We have to feel the story. We have to show up everywhere. Unquote. That is a call for activism, perhaps anarchy from misery. Cassio quartet I hope you will visit bill o reilly, dot com, have a new column, where I lay out what's really happening behind the scenes, abortion and go carry legislation. Again,
column is actually on bill, o dot com. It is free, american airlines and the other companies now blaming summer. have chaos on the federal government A group representing the largest carriers in america say: staffing shortages at the f, a are behind crippling traffic on the east coast, fifteen percent of all flights. This month have been cancelled now the twenty sent the late transportation secretary buddha judge threatening to punish carriers that fail to meet standards set by his apart and which are weak as is mr buddha judge, who has clue on how to regulate the airline, so they do their jobs which is what buddha judges job demands: in a moment what the supreme
Court rulings really tell us we'll be right. Back Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belts
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bill. Twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of for the o'reilly update message of the day. My reaction to the supply, court rulings last week, once again, we have become the united states of hysteria The two rulings will not affect society very much, as I will explain, but the owl right from the left wing cod raise is instructive and very important for alert americans to understand. by ruling new york stage, restrictions on law abiding citizens carrying hand guns on constitutional, the supreme court simply did what the constitution demands, allow americans to bear arms. The left is view that legal self protection will lead to more. Mass murder is actually foolish.
Almost everyone in the state of remind is allowed to carry a gun, and there a few murders there. That's goes. Vermont does not attract many violent, organised criminals. There. No inner city, drug trade. again thugs who purchase guns illegally are responsible for the overwhelming number of gun crimes. Oh and banning weapons will not stop insane loons from killing, as the isn't. Mass murder in norway demonstrates gotta Joe Biden. Now the abortion ruling is a bit more problematic, even The procedure will remain largely available in the usa. In some states will eliminate most abortions. Now that roby wade is no longer federal law.
other issues like new york in California will continue to allow abortion any time for any reason, something even ultra liberal countries in europe reject because term. Abortion is barbaric, but there is a public If the component here that pro life american should consider, If a woman is in danger of physical harm by birthing, a baby that woman should have legal protection, anything that denies that is violating the equal protection statue, because men cannot birth, babies in medically dangerous pregnancies Doctors and the individual women should make the decision not thus state government most americans agree with that analysis. The poles prove it. So I hope all states will uphold equal protection.
Is no question. That Democrats are using guns and abortion to advance party politics set of expecting citizens who believe that killing the unborn is wrong. EU policy and our acolytes demean and defame that same thing with honest law. Abiding americans you want firearms, should protect themselves from harm that view when the person holding it, is condemned by the far left in progress the precincts. There is absolutely no tolerance for opposing points of view. and where are those precincts? Here's a partial list: hollywood, ivvy league colleges and most other higher learning institutions. Much of the corporate media- including legacy newspapers in new york, los angeles, Washington, Boston and almost everywhere. In addition, democrats in the house and Senate are terrified of progressives. and do their bidding, as does the oval office that quite an assemblage of intolerance. Is it not try
In pro life in hollywood are at yale, you'll be attacked and shot. That's the big take away. You know. Intolerance should be unconstitutional, but it's not. I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it please More honest news analysis on bill, o dot com and also consider my new book killing the killers, something you might not know. I like nature.
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shipping on every order, get fifteen dollars off at neutral dot com, slash men expelled and you t R, a f o l, dotcom, slash men, promo code, liz job. You really do bruise you something you might not know on this. in nineteen. Fifty president harry truman deployed thousands of us soldiers to asia, Just years after vanquishing the empire of japan, america faced a new, threat in the pacific, the rise of communism is the story of the korean war following war war to the? U s and russia divided korea into two separate zone. So soviet control the north americans, the south in nice, In forty, seven elections were supposed to be held throughout korea. the soviets refused the korea democratic people's republic. A marxist dictatorship was quickly abolition in the north.
Two years later, MAO Zedong sees control of china So you had another communist dictator in the region. before dawn on june, twenty fifth nineteen, fifty hundred thousand in communist troops, invaded south korea president truman and ass to the world that the usa would intervene. The present and accused the? U S, s are of instigating they attack, so we are tanks and equipment were used in that invasion. Truman's decision was met with overwhelming approval from congress and the american public. The united nations formally approved america's environment journal Douglas MC arthur was named as commander of all you enforces the conflict. nearly cause another world war, china, these troops entered the fight and nineteen fifty one retaliation the guards had threatened to bomb bay jane. He was fired. While insisting that happen by truman,
three brutal years. You are soldiers clash with the communist. The southern. Apple of soul changed hands four times the ally, job more ordinance on korea than the entire pacific theatre of world war. Two, the fighting left three million korean civilians dead. So hundred thousand north koreans were killed in combat for a thousand americans perished. Another hundred thousand were wounded, and here something else you might not know. The korean war is technically still being fought. Northern south korea signed a cease fire in July nineteen fifty three, but the agreement had no formal peace attached to it Thirty thousand? U s. Soldiers remain in south korea to That another invasion by the north back after this This is Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now, you
probably heard of my podcast the president's daily brief, we too around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day and the goal is to take. Complicated issues both here and abroad them really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss. Just like the actual brief deliver to the president each day in the oval office, so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available. All major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure if he joined us Thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out. For you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.