« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 26, 2023


Is an impeachment coming, LeBron’s son sent to the hospital, New York fare jumpers are already criminals, and young Americans are not proud to be American.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, will Biden be impeached?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What you are cellular, it's just twenty nine, ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing, rope, Elizabeth she's, Can I like that? The road I prevail get the low if twenty nine ninety nine per line we were cellular built for us terms, applied visit, you are cellular dot com for details. We value human connection with distractions cellular built for us visit your. U s. Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens. no o reilly year. You are listening to the orally update coming up The new swift might later beg you bill. It is a Wednesday July. Twenty six, twenty twenty three years it's happening today in america, is an impeachment coming, the bronze son sent to the hospital fair. Jumpers are already criminals. the percentage of young americans who say they are extremely proud to be an american. It's not good. That's all
not an billowy here with your message today, but first republican speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, said the boy, public uncontrolled house is Moving closer towards that end, each man inquiry against president, Joe Biden. The speakers The inquiry would be around the allegations that he accepted millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries. That would be data peaceable. The latest senator chuck grassland, not known for getting the front whiskeys. Really, fbi letter where, confidential source, told the fbi that the ho founder breeze but told em coerced by the violence to pay millions of dollars of bribes. People are also starting to connect the dots of hunter bindings, art sale, one buyer was l, a real estate investor who just a cup months after hunters, art sale, named to the commission for the preservation of america's heritage abroad. Whenever there it is, but what else did bob and give away
the broad james, the sun, brawny, was sent to the hospital after having a heart attack during the. U s: e basketball work out. It's a stable condition, no longer the icy you, he eighteen elon, musk hang out loud what you might be thinking, call we cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine but by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing. Microcredit, as is known side effect, the only question is whether it's rare or common More than a thousand people who try to skip out on paying to ride the new city. Subway have arrest warrants for other crimes of the. Two thousand five hundred new yorkers arrested for jump the fair. Why thousand one. Hundred of them were already. on that there are the police authority and look out for that forty five percent of fair beaters we're already criminals, which is why I really Giuliani enforced this law, but left refuses to because a disproportionately affects black people. The percentage of young people aged eighteen, thirty, four, who say they are extremely proud to be an american and just one.
fifteen. It was over forty percent now it's down to eighteen, o All thirty nine percent of adults said our extremely proud. That's it that's not good, but it's you worse for young people, which means that the public schools and just pop culture indoctrination is working teaching, kids, that america's, the worst country in the world? All the evils of the world can be blamed on america talking. How are we combating there lies
I'm excited bill riley with your message of the day. Next o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill o reilly dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad.
Please don't wait, learn more sign up today. It bill o reilly, dotcom, slash, ad free, that's go o reilly, dotcom, slash ad free time now for the really update message of the day- honest wednesday house republicans believe they will have enough evidence to confront. President Biden on, selling his influence however, whether Mr Biden actually took direct payments from his son and or brother is still not clarify what at a time in this country, using political power to enrich or family, would have been ruinous. It is now beyond any doubt that the binds reaped at least seventeen million dollars from foreign operation?
probably more, for what there is no call for the quid the binds brought nothing to the table other than shows status, as vice president under rocco obama. The narrative is now changing from Joe Biden himself. Remember, he said he never discuss business without her. Well now it's he never did business with his son. Bs is an understatement, but deceitful whitehouse, press secretary korean jean pierre, is happy to shovel it all day. Every day generally, the corporate media will not even report the situation, so president Biden believe he'll get away with his shoddy. Perhaps
illegal behaviour, but he won't. It is pay back time for the geo pay. They think they're taking MR batten down better than even share they are right, I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill o reilly, dotcom bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, as to the male. Here we got MIKE hey bill. I just finished watching a special abide film. They have one question, you say: there's no evidence of corruption that would overturn the two thousand and twenty election how about the fact that it is now known, the fbi colluded with social media and mainstream media to block the hunter buying laptop story. That's not the same thing: that's media corruption, not voting machine corruption. So it's totally different.
Brad sadler a box elder south dakota bill. You said people believe what they want to believe when it comes to the twenty election well I don't want to believe the election was rigged. also, I dont want to believe more people voted for Joe by they did I got more popular votes just california and new york landslides and the same thing happens with Hillary Clinton overwhelm the rest of the country she texas in florida, the other big states there much closer California, in new york, it's like eight to one by one. Probably that's why we have electoral system here Fernando Gaza urge member, thank you fernando, isn't the elephant in the room, the actual fake l, l, seas, created with no other purpose to receive money for the viands product or service. No, nothing,
Why worry about it? Any elephants in any room, both his tagging juries, especially for an adult mo more gear vienna virginia. If compelling evidence arises, that Biden did traders things for money from china Kenny still beyond the ticket, yeah yeah and so can trump. The convict trump is something you can still run nothing in the constitution that bans people from running, even if they get into legal trouble in a moment, something you might not know the kids were into soccer. Now they like gulf, you
is to go to the office. Now you commute to your couch. The puppy was supposed to be fifteen pounds now she's forty five and growing life's full of surprises, little ones and big slavery ones, but with walmart and a firm, it's easier to keep up shop for the things you need today than pay overtime with no late fees or surprises visit, walmart dot com, slash a firm to handle, whatever life throws your way next month, provided by one hundred. Now. The european average is something you might not know. The house recite committee are holding hearings to discuss you ps short for identified aerial phenomenon or, u f, o's. The congressional meeting as a result of a former intelligence officers. Claim that the? U s has possession of an alien spacecraft here? Is this
story of mankind's search for life beyond earth ancient astronomers have observed usual lights in the sky, dating all the way back to two forty bc. Scholars believe the phenomena were omens angel. this goes even the deity himself. of war herself, because a change in the twentieth century ally soldiers in the pacific reported glowing, fireballs known as FOO fighters the modern you have. You have ufos, began a nineteen, forty, seven one, double eye witnesses saw an alien, saucer crash near roswell, new mexico. The incident kicked off hysteria that launched dozens of movies and tv programmes
at the height of the cold war. Americans reported more than ten thousand. U f! O's each year the air force created a special team called project blue book to investigate the sightings. There are currently seven hundred open cases being proved by the pentagon. experts say you have one are likely a result, weather patterns optical illusions are top secret military operations. A majority of miracles do believe in the little green men slogan, a two thousand twenty one paul from pew found. Sixty five percent of americans think intelligent life again This beyond our planet, it is, however, remain split. The overall Consensus is that life beyond earth is possible. Even then our solar system, but it's likely micro, scott back
astronomers, Carl Sagan believed intelligent aliens did exist in the distant past, but destroy themselves before discovering enter stellar travel and here's something else you might not know today. Americans report, five thousand, you f o sightings each year, the states with the most New mexico arizona and you back after this. Thank you for listening to the arriving update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look ing out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-07-30.