« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 25, 2023


A death on Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate, a K-9 officer placed on leave, Elon rebrands Twitter, and Saudi Arabia trying to buy professional sports.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, culture war skirmishes…

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Testosterone levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's the end of america right, if that, if that trend is global, that's the end of everything, my friends at chalk, they're out to put a stop to it, naturally, not with more big farm of filth. Naturally, you know they sell male vitality, stats, natural herbal supplements we're talking twenty per cent increase in your testosterone in ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood, better energy. Ladies, don't worry, there's a female vitality stack for you. We must be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now c h, o que dot com shop
It is the way forward, make sure you use the promo code bill, because that get you a thirty five per cent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk, dot com, promo code bill the bill. O'riley year, you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up now the new swift mike's later Thank you. Ballot is tuesday July twenty fifth, twenty twenty three years. It's happening today in america, sad news on the obama property, canine on leave, Ilan bree brands, twitter and We please stop buying oil from the saudis. I'll tell you why come interacts than bilbil with your message. Deborah first terrible story. First, read that a body was found the property of the obama and Martha's vineyard and other. Was it a random body that came up on shore, it turns out there was there former white, how chef who's been working with the obama family. Forty five year old man, too far campbell
lloyd in some capacity by the obama's and was visiting martha's vineyard. went paddle, boarding fell off, never resurfaced awful and esteem. The obama said too far. It was a beloved part of our family in these buying a wife and twin boys. could become a bigger story. A canine officer in ohio than put put on administrative leave his dog placed in a kettle when body. In footage capture the dog attacking a truck driver as he was surrendering to stay troopers with his hands up. The truck driver Was calling nine one one while still on the road and said police officers follow me for a long time to try to figure out why they have their guns pulled out. just a truck driver, I was about to comply with them, but they are their guns drawn. Does twenty police cars behind me and I don't feel safe? Please say he refused to pull over drove through three counties before they stopped him with spike sticks one officer, yelled get on the ground or you're gonna get bit or detail shirley to come here
Musk has changed the name of twitter to x, part of a total rebranding, the entire! your company, not your diary, rebounds, a new company when you on bought twitter He treated buying twitter is accelerate to creating acts. The everything out The vision is to be something more like we chat in china where it's just media sharing my twitter, but also personal messaging and people can pay each other and you can purchase products through the app and book Innovations at hotels and and cars other among other, my ever that everything we wanted to be the everything up, I'm so fascinated by Saudi arabia's attempt to buy the entire sports world? It was insane when they paid Rinaldo tune and forty million dollars a year to play in their saudi soccer league. They offer messy five hundred million dollars for a one year contract, and now there for this french soccer player Bobby
it's hundred and seventy six million us for a year and to pay their current club, three thirty minutes a one point. One billion: can we please buying our oil from these people bill around
with your message today max o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but billow rally, dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free
Please don't wait, learn more sign up today. It below riley dotcom, slash ad free, that's bill orally dotcom, slash ad free time now for the really update message of the day on this tuesday, culture, war, skirmishes, a broken out in the state of law. and in the country music world lead us. Begin in the land of sunshine, florida, education officials want public school students to learn that have the despicable institution of slavery actually provided a positive to blacks. the development of various skills say the state should be studied. This is more on, like blacks would not have develop skills if they were free, come on. You don't bother pointing out so called benefits
in a horrific situation like slavery. As like saying native americans were lucky, they were forced onto reservations because They can learn to cook bacon, so what history should be taught focusing on what is employed and not meaningless, sideshow stop. Globally, the rays hustlers led by vice president errors when wild attacking florida. Why give the people hammers the other cultural battle in singer jason all data recorded a song saying small on values and attitudes are different than those in the big cities. Jason put forth that rural folks will not put up with degrading behaviour, as many urban areas do, of course, that true, but the progressive left doesn't want that opinion expressed. So all dean is now deemed a racist, because that's why
The far left loons always do, and the country music establishment sadly, has largely turned its back. On all the I'm bill, o reilly, I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me Bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, ok, let's go to may all David concierge member though it gives mine is dogged by France. I don't believe it. I don't know ever be done. It was a major health calamity befalls and you might be right. Maybe he'll skate
caroline cause. Yours remember, merrick all is not causing trouble because trump did something he didn't like garland hates trump, because he was an appointed supreme court by trump. No, no, no, no, no trump had nothing to do with merrick garland. I was Mitch Mcconnell blocked his nomination and a Republican was never going to nominate a guy like narrow, garlic, garlic has taken orders and abiding white. That's what he's taken and what to do with the supreme court. They mark alan scores to new york. Why haven't jordan comber at all called obama before their congressional committees asked what he knew about the binding fan, because you couldn't do that? He say: executive privileges, you never get him now presents about. Even after the leave office, james. Could congress take all funding away from the d o j, f b I and r s until this is resolved via congress to cut the funding sure they had the power to do it. Linda burgess, cedar
in colorado? What is for a lawyer to pay hundreds tax bill and legal costs. I can speculate. All I can do is report. Had weak a gouge you're newborn yeah, nah, who's running the country. I understand how strong each side opposes the other I'd like to know who is running country was, you know, I think, had wig. You followed closely susan closely susan rice, the two. The two were running the wine us first, two years are god they ve been replaced by acolytes by assistance, but those decisions are really tat down. I don't even know who they are trying to find out Joe Biden as much power. Your lot, the wife is most found a in a moment, something you might not know. Now we rightly up day brings you something you might not know the film oppenheimer opened in theatres last week in the movie to pigs,
development of the atom bomb. It they view coincide. With the seventy eight anniversary of a secret meeting between president truman and Joseph Stalin. During those talks the to discuss a new weapon that would alter the course of human history. Here is the story. with nazi germany vanquished by the spring of nineteen. Forty five, the allies and planning the future of europe. On July, Sixteen scientist, J, Robert Oppenheimer and his crew successfully detonated the first nuclear explosion that was in new mexico At the time for truman was in potsdam, germany, conferring with Winston churchill and stout on July, twenty fifth receiving stones pledge. to join the usa in the war against Japan. Truman casually informed the dictator, Stalin of a powerful new weapon at america's disposal.
His diary entry that day truman road quote at least one atomic bomb- would be used against military targets in japan before september, on august six. Nineteen, forty five one week before the soviets were scheduled to join combat against japan. President truman ordered the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Two days later, another was dropped over nagasaki, the weapon did save the lives of an estimated four hundred thousand american troops who would have perished during the planned invasion of japan. One of them was my father and hear something else. You might not know oppenheimer struggled with his creation for the rest of his life at a meeting with truman after the explosion and nagasaki. The scientists whole president quote: I
I have innocent blood on my hands Today there are more than fifteen thousand nuclear warheads, and twenty percent of the world is powered by nuclear energy. Oppenheimer is regarded as one of the most important human beings who ever lived, and you can read more about him in my book, killing the rising sun back after this. Thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-07-27.