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The O'Reilly Update, July 15, 2022


Mike Slater from San Diego fills in for Bill O'Reilly!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey. This is MIKE slayer. San diego is one of the great bill o reilly, it's Friday July, fifteen, twenty twenty two, the sooner the orally update theirs it happening today in america, Donald trump return to washington, dc have the country says america has poor values can be part of our message at that Most families will take a road trip this summer and a new report, ranks the worst run: cities in the nation. Let you take a guess so run Democrats are not also govern the message of the day, but first donald trump returning to the capital for the first time since Joe Biden inauguration the before press will speak with donors in dc on July, twenty six reporter, they decided whether to launch another bid for the, how do you want him to run again or not, is expected to announce a decision? This fault trumps ray
roughly a hundred fifty million dollars since leaving office. Meanwhile, for governor govern iran, dissent also meeting with donors in utah for a potential run for the presidency himself. A survey from Gallop finds a fifty percent of the public believes america has poor moral values, who's. The fifty percent would think things are going swell that's up. Eighteen percent, since two thousand and four a third say our values are fair. Seventy eight per cent think society is getting worse. Just twelve percent think the culture is good. Okay, there you go folks blame the moral decay on lack of religion. Poor parents the media and a sense of entitlement less than One percent of voters think that the usa is an excellent condition, or I can't view here the last segment of the orally update the some one. Do you mean, not know. The cost of gas, won't keep americans trapped in doors this summer, Paul from tribulation. Seventy percent of families are planning a road trip in the months ahead.
destination for drivers. The blue ridge, parkway in virginia red rock country, arizona, seven mile bridge connecting order keys, historic roots, sixty six and number one is California's pacific coast highway, the price a gasoline stands of four thousand eighty cents. If you're gonna ride on costs, calf, which, specifically our gas, is closer to seven dollars. A survey from wall of listing the most missed manage cities in the country, the towns arrangement. taxation, quality of services, public education, corruption, election integrity, bottom, five, san francisco, new york, cleveland baltimore and the worst run place in america. Our nations capital, Washington DC, the capital ranks dead last in debt crime poverty, education, media and household income and unemployment good night. The message of the day divergent. I want a greek word: Malloch hoss. I will end with the story of a man
in Myers Anderson who had such an incredible impact on this country. We all need to know him and thank him that's coming up. Moments away. Now the weather expect partly gladys guys with an excellent chance of maximum refunds way that can't be right. but it is who were you? I won't, and we could see refunds raining down all tax season, with people's waiting to tax act, to exert the tax filing software. That makes it easy to file for less more milk for does, did sunny days ahead for everyone using to exact, always happy to brighten your day, switch to tax act today and start for see she tax, Acta, dot com details,
hey is my slater filled in for bill riley. Now, sovereignty rally, update message of the day. Are you as concerned? As I am about past? Seventy, particularly passivity of men? Do you have all day taxes, sedimentary school shooting? Of course, did you ever think we'd see police standby for over an hour when children are getting shot inside of a school arresting me, There is instead did you ever think? You'd see the day we have c d c and f d, a doctors and scientists so frustrated with the political hackers of their bosses. But as one fd a scientist said, I don't like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement. School along to get along as all video of a woman getting punched and kicked by a giant man in a stairwell left for dead and right after two seconds later to younger men, walked up the stairs. And they were annoyed because woman was in the way of the door. They couldn't open the door
her near lifeless body in the way, so they kind of pushed her away and went on with their day. John bolton. The other day on CNN said he's been a part of planning coups d'etat ce. There are a lot of work, don't you know and everyone's like? Oh, that's fight club, drag queen story hours in our schools. Sure no problem I could go on and we ve been bum art with so much nonsense just over the last few years, were becoming numb to at all, and this is not good- We get number the little things, and then we get down to the big things we need to re sensitize ourselves to evil. We become too passive. We become too soft way back it up. Your second in first in six paul includes a list of people who will not inherit the kingdom of god. Now he actually lists nine
It is nine greek words in this list, but most translations only include eight, so there's nine greek words, but only eight english words. Many translations leave out one of the words it's malek Haas m, a l, a k, o s, mala costs in greek. It means a feminine. Now a lot of different definitions. Usually it is used to describe the men who are on the receiving end of well the thing that follows those who practice homosexuality, that's the next and less many translations combined. Those two separate greek words into one thing, but Malik causes more than just that, It could be a male prostituted could be a young boy kept for that type of risk isn't that, like dear old, nero roman emperor, he murdered his second wife were murdered his first wife too, and his mom, but he murdered a second wife and then felt bad about it. So he castrated a boy spore us
And married him and dress the boy up as his wife and prayed him around the city. Nero was the emperor when Paul was in prison in rome, so this is the kind of thing that was rampant when Paul this stuff, but generally the word malakoff means soft. The opposite of masculine. Morally, it's a man of self indulgence, self centered self. This area A hundred years prior to Paul road of the deliberate avoidance of pain is a kind of softness, mallika ass men who are used to luxury pleasure and indulgence. It's moral concept, putting yourself above others seeking easy pleasure over the pain of doing what's good and right for others in there family and your country. You ve heard of the hard times cycle. Strong men create good times those good times, though create weak men and the weak man create hard times I love the next phase were entering into the hard times phase, and this is good because hard times create strong.
But we need you men. We need you to step up, always don't be passive, don't go soft, don't be mad because more Now the weather expect partly gladys guys with an excellent chance of maximum refunds. Way that can't be right. But it is who were you I'm april, and we could see refunds raining down all tax season, with people switching to tax act to exert the tax filing software. That makes it easy to file for less More new for does sunny days ahead for everyone using to exact, always happy to brighten your day. Switched attack that today and start for pre she tax acta com for details, as my site are filling in for bill O'Reilly. Now it's time for some one. You might not know but a man, Myers Anderson. He had two grandsons. They were born dirt, poor literally raised on dirt floors and savannah Georgia. The eldest brother born in
Forty eight, the two boys move to the city of civilian life was even worse there, no indoor plumbing the older brother was the charge of emptying the chamber pot each morning at one time he fell down the stairs in the chamber pot and it's contents came tumbling after on top of him, he had no shower to wash it off. He hated life in the city, even more than being dirt. Poor in the country, at least in the Do you could fashion forage for food? He never went hungry in the country Alas, his mom had to move into grandpa's house meyer, Anderson's house. He put all hypothalamus, belongs in a grocery bag and walked grandpa and his grandpa sat him at his brother down. It said your occasion is over. The young man thought what vacation my job is to empty the chamber pot.
But grandpa was strict grandma's, always right arm in charge, rules and regulations, manners and behavior grandpa had nine months of education, one room schoolhouse in the third grade, but he had a work ethic. He cut wood at night sold. It. day he brought his grandsons with them to work in an oil truck. He took the heat or out of the truck because he said it'll make you weak, mallika ass. You know when you get to comfortable. You don't say people say do, as I say, not as I do not myers and he told his boys. I will never too do, as I say, I will always tell you to do as I do. moved his family to a farm just so the boys could learn hard work and the value of delayed gratification When the young man would deliver that
couples to their relatives and neighbors grandpa would tell them that you wouldn't be in a position to give to others. If you didn't work, this hard yourself, grandpa taught his grandsons. That life is hard. There'll, be challenges ahead. You need work, ethic, self discipline, a set of morals to get you through life and I'll give them to you. This young man born on a dirt floor in savannah georgia as name's clarence, and he and become a springboard justice, clarence thomas think of the influence that Myers Anderson, a descendant of slaves with no formal education, but piles of wisdom and discipline consider the impact, this man had on a young, clarence thomas and therefore the influence that this one man add on the united states of america, something that can only happen in america. As clarence later said, they had figured out the essentials of life, my grandma and grandpa. It was their victory. They had one, they had been proven right. Hard work works,
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.