« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 14, 2023


The cocaine investigation is over, actors go on strike, cross-sex hormones in schools, and Disney admits defeat.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the grilling of FBI Director Chris Wray.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly. Here the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today, billow riley dot com
slash ad free, that's billow, riley dotcom, slash ad free bill O'Reilly here you are listening to the o'reilly update. Coming up, The new swift might slater. Thank you. It's friday July, fourteenth two thousand and twenty three here's what's happening today in america. The cocaine investigation is over the actors go on strike. cross hormones in school and bob iger speaks takes a little bit of blame. That's all coming up, then bill will be here with your message of the day, but first, the secret service has concluded their investigation about the cain found in the white house and the culprit is iran, We'll never now a well moving on, Where would we would? When you mean you don't know who is inside The white house, I'm sure, there's surveillance in the white house, nope, no fingerprints, no dna, no video evidence, timber from tennessee that with this,
secret service, he said just left the most ridiculous meeting of all time at the secret service. Another cover up it's the most secure building in the entire world. Nobody, not even the press, goes in their without them. Knowing The actors union voted to go on strike. A hundred, sixty thousand members first strike and sixty three years they will be joining the writers who have been on strike for eleven weeks. Major films could be postponed if they strike continues. apparently also affects the promotion of movies and projects could affect comecon, which is so. To kick off in san diego next week who student health centres and the seattle public school district, or offering gender affirming care to middle and high schoolers for free. They can't give puberty blue cars, but they can give ass agenda testosterone and refer middle school students to get sir. He's all without parents knowing the thing for me, though, above and beyond all that, is that these health centres are in the schools,
so these schools can act as indoctrination centres, push this ideology on your kids from kindergarten and then too give them the hormones and gender affirming care just send them down the hall, and all This can be done without telling you, the parents does it. You have disney bob eager said quote the notion that disney is in any way sexual rising. Our children, quite frankly, is preposterous and inaccurate. I mean there's Hans examples of trans people at disney on production teams talking about adding trans storylines to normalize it for children. This is not a secret, it was report, that the fourth of July weekend was one of the slowest. In a decade based on right wait times and you could blame covert or the heat, but universal studios don't have that much of a drop, as does needed, and the last studio releases from disney law, nine hundred million dollars iron It is that there have been some quote: creed of missus max later from the past.
politics by faith. The great bill O'Reilly will be here with your message of the day. Next. time now for the really update message of the day friday. It was annoying in the extreme to see fbi chief, christopher re, pretty much walk away from the house. Judiciary, committee hearings earlier this week now I've nothing against re personally, but on his watch. The fbi has descended into political turmoil, denmark, It's on the committee could not care less and spend their time bashing tromp maggie boring and unproductive. Republicans wanted to make speeches about how bad the fbi is. Instead, pinning re downward specific, simple questions here are a few of those questions, the appeal I had advance information that a violent action might place on january, six, that the capital who do the bureau alert and why
I was no action taken twitter executive, say the f b. I visited them and suggests did they censor news about hunter Biden's laptop. did you know about that, mr ray and behind and told the bureau is evidence, then. Vice president, by It took money from hunter and jim by agent put those allegations into a memo that re refuse to share with congressional investigators. Why. are those Biden allegations currently under investigation? These are very simple questions, but they were not asked so. The people are left with nothing. And you know what the swamp wins again. I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me
bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male steed the lego Wendell north carolina. Hey bell, your tenacity seeking the truth keeps me coming back from war to your comments. on race testimony and the questions that were not ass. Please contact some of these young republican representatives and teach them aside my job. They can watch this right. Cast our right, some of them do, but not as many as should I don't know if they want to learn. I really don't lotta grandstanding I carefully says I have to disagree with the billows points. They should have asked ray
all things. You will say you can't discuss as it is under investigation. I purposely worded the questions, so no investigative information would be required. Catholic. Go to the message of the day on bill orally dotcom. I list the questions he could have answered any at all. If he says he can't he's not tell The truth and all american should know that statement, though you're now says of the congressional hearing featuring the fbi director was spot on. This is why many americans are so cynical. Both political parties protect one There is an element of that jack morgue oh, the o veto florida bill. European segment was very educational, but that will get us anywhere because nobody will do anything about it. However, you
or a real investigative journalist. I'm not sure I think the stuff that we're laying the foundation that we're laying here jack is going to come to fruition. Remember I talked extensively about this to Sean Hannity. Yesterday, that's posted on bill, O'Reilly, dot com, all right hand and he's going to pass that along because he has direct access to the report. Begins. Ok, we're build it here in a moment, something you might not know. Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know, Forty seven years ago, today, georgia, governor Jimmy Carter, secure the debt. crowded nomination for president at his parties mention in new york city by the end of his first term. Carter would be. Regarded as one of the least effective leaders in american history. Here is thus story. Jimmy Carter announced his candidacy while serving as governor
georgia regulations bar the Democrat from seeking a third term promise to heal the nation from Watergate in vietnam, cartography president gerald ford in a tight election too. Ninety seven electoral votes to two hundred forty Carter was sworn in on january. Twenty. If nineteen seventy seven problem I began immediately form after his inauguration. The nation ones into an energy crisis. oil shortages from the middle east cause gas prices to skyrocket, Rationing was implemented to save gasolene. People were it on wine to fill up their vehicles. Isis barked severe recession and double digit inflation in response. President Carter urge all americans to stop using them. Air conditioners over These the world descended into chaos
trade union moved on, Afghanistan is low like fundamentalist, sees control of iran in late I guess. Seventy nine, a group of radical students ransacked the? U s: embassy in tehran, IRAN. In cardiff did nothing to u s: citizens were held hostage for four hundred forty four days by the end of his first term, just thirty one percent of the public supported, resident Jimmy carter, the national malays brought about an electoral and slide for the republicans in nineteen eighty, in november ronald reagan, one forty four states crushing card four hundred eighty nine electoral votes to just forty nine something else you might not now, while Jimmy It is time in the white house was a failure. Regarded as having one of the most successful post presidencies in u s history
since leaving office quarters venice lie promoting peace at least ending famine in africa. Building hall four impoverished americans, Jimmy Carter is currently in hospital care at the age of ninety eight back after this. My brother in law died suddenly and now, my mr andor, kids have to sell their home. That's why I told my husband we could not put off. Life insurance any longer. An agent offered us a ten year of five hundred thousand dollar policy for nearly fifty dollars a month, then we called select quote, select quote found us idea He'll coverage for only nineteen dollars a month as saving of three hundred and sixty nine dollars a year, whether you need a vibe
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-31.