« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 10, 2019


US Women’s Soccer star Megan Rapinoe rips President Trump following her World Cup Win, The British ambassador resigns after his anti-Trump cables leak to the public, The future of Obamacare uncertain as a federal court decides whether the law is unconstitutional, The President’s Labor Secretary under fire for his prior agreement with Jeffrey Epstein,  Billionaire Ross Perot passes away at the age of 89.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day on Soccer star Megan Rapinoe's selfish exploitation of her team's moment in the spotlight.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'reilly reilly here wednesday july ten thousand nineteen you are listening the o'reilly update and here's what's happening today in america women's soccer star megan rapinoe ripping president trump as parade honouring the team unfold the bridge ass it are resigns after his anti trump cables leaked to the public the future of i'm ok remains uncertain as a federal court decides its legality the labour secretary may have to resign because of the jeffrey epstein case billionaire ross perot laid to rest also coming up i message of the day on miss repeat oh but first her story the you women soccer captain continues to accuse president trop excluding vulnerable americans during
of you on cnn she said the president's make amerika great again slogan ignores people of color and other minorities the soccer star is now a national celebrity after refusing to take part in the u s national anthem during the world cup tournaments i'll have more on her actions coming up the british ambassador to the usa resigning from his position after anti trump cables were leaked to the press can derive abruptly quit after the cable show the diplomat repeatedly calling president inept and clumsy prison term fire back at the ambassador following the leagues calling him wacky and not well respected the situation is resolved the ambassador is gone obama care being scrutinised in new orleans federal court at this moment at issue whether the healthcare law is unconstitutional
rule whether the entire programme should be scrapped after the individual mandate was removed by congress rather trumps labour secretary alex cost of facing new scrutiny for his prior plea agreement with convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein critics say it causes two thousand and eight agreement while he was a federal attorney in florida was too lenient allowing i've seen it continue his crimes for more than a decade the feds are now prosecuting epstein i'll get eight billion air former presidential candidate ross barreaux laid to rest he died after a five month battle with cancer at age eighty not the add earned his fortune in the early days of the computer industry before running for president and ninety ninety two bro nineteen million votes against bill clinton and some say he threw the election to mr clinton over president bush the elder
coming up my message of the day on megan repeat no that's next housing market on fire all over the country with interest rates falling it's a great time is your home if you want to sell or by the competition is going to be fine you need a great real estate agent to help you why my friend glenn beck started the service real estate agents i trust dot com as a way make sure you get connected with agents were successful ambitious like minded and eager to help you with your biggest investment these or age with a long track record of performance there are no part time or inexperienced agents and backs network these are all professionals who have the tools and the talent to successfully take you through the process market value for your home cannot be done by a computer program or an equation takes years of expertise to evaluate your market and a price your home to sell quickly for top dollar
these ages are experts in your town and they do business like you with your values so get moving today with real estate agents i trust start com that's real estate agents i trust dotcom time after the israeli update message of the day the mistake megan repeat no is making the u s women soccer team is being honoured today in new york city with a parade as you may know the americas won the world cup for the sector consecutive year there should be an occasion where all americans come together and admiration for the skills of the team but megan repeated the captain almost single handedly destroyed that by injecting her politics into the world cup this european or apparently has a problem with president tromp and perhaps your country in general so she refused
to sing the national anthem or place her hand over her heart then even before her team had won the cop she told world quote i'm not going to the ethical whitehouse unquote that was crude and inappropriate not for the descent if the woman doesn't want the honour of a white house visit she's entitled the pass that is her right but how wrong is injecting politics into a forum designed to showcase athletic achievement her political activism is totally out of context this rapinoe is also alienating millions of americans and putting a damper on the joy of victory she is doing this selfishly marketing herself in liberal anti trump circles as a political hero perhaps her team
i would like some time off from her politics maybe like a day of celebration the entire country could enjoy they can't say that because the committed left press would attack them but the feeling is most likely there but megan repay now will not give her teammates a brig because she to go on cnn to bash trump and insult the sixty three million people who voted for him could she not have waited a few days before auditioning to become a left wing commentator just a few days megan and you could have dashed away but repeat o understand she can become famous fast by you the world cup to promote herself and her political point of view that egocentric to say the least calling capron it did the same thing he used the national football league to promote his anti american
de cop agenda cabinet could have waited until the off season to make his points but now he wanted the tv cameras on the field pointed righted him megan ravine o is most likely very happy today the press is lionize her commercial endorsements await and she is the centre of attention on a day when the entire women's team should be the centre of attention but america today is not the country it used to be selfishness and nor is the system is now celebrated in many places not scorned to some americans mr pino is virtuous and courageous despite the fact that she has polarized the country and brought unnecessary controversy to a tremendous victory for her team the situation is not about equal pay there's no question women soccer team should be paid even more than the men's team because economics dictate that no this is a
using a worldwide athletic exhibition to promote yourself and your politics and that's a message will have more on megan repealed tonight on the nose spin news you can see that broadcast on bill o reilly dotcom hope you check it out right back with something you might not know millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money is a problem you're not alone it's simple if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage for free to see if you qualify for cash now when you need it the most be ready to take down this number if you own a life insurance
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humans of use the automobile for work play and everything in between but now at the end of an era volkswagen halting production this week for its iconic beetle a car with a history that may surprise you while many in america identify the tiny car with a hippie movement of the late nineteenth sixties its roots actually date back to nazi germany dictator adolf hitler demanded austrian engineer ferdinand porch create a car that could be easily perches by average citizens in the third reich something affordable small efficient the word volkswagen is german for peace bulls car where war to derail the operation in the car was re launched under the british occupying forces in the late nineteenth forties with one million beetles would be sold by nineteen fifty five so it said it's the end of the road
for a brand is recognisable around the globe as coca cola but mark my words the beetle will become a vintage car and if you keep it in good you'll be able to sell it for a lot of money down the road now here in the usa americans prefer their cars a bit larger than the beetle generally eric and motorists preferred trucks s you these are pick ups those making up the top fifteen of twenty best selling models not the same for europe our friends across the pond still like their cars on the smaller side in austria belgium and germany the tiny volkswagen go remains a number one car french refer they too door renault clio the american ford fiesta outselling the competition in the uk nearly two to want one key factor in europe small car obsession is taxes in europe taxes are more than double sometimes tripoli usa the british vent an average of six dollars
gallup so before you plan on importing your ford pickup across the pond for your next vacation remember this a fifty dollar fill up in manhattan will set you back one hundred and thirty eight bucks in london cheerio back after this it's an uncertain world out there you know that disaster can strike at any time so you need to be prepared to protect yourself your family one way to do that is with freeze dried food it tastes good its healthy can be stored for twenty five years that's why i'm happy to tell you about a company i recommend wise foods i have experience with them myself
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.