« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, July 1, 2022


Bernie Sanders wants to penalize airlines for travel chaos, two Nordic nations join NATO, Cornell University cancels Abraham Lincoln, families brace for the most expensive 4th of July in history.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here Friday July, first, two thousand twenty two- you are listening to the o'reilly update. Here's what's happening weaken america so Bernie sanders wants to fine airlines for travel chaos to now arctic nations join nato, Coronel university cancels Abraham, lincoln or so some believe families right for the most expensive fourth of july in history. Also I, by message of the day, update listeners sound off, but first socially senator sanders It's the white house to fine airlines were cancelled flights. His repose would impose a whopping fifty five thousand dollar penalty per passenger. If airline troops or scrap, because of staffing shortages? Last one fifteen percent of
Flights in america were cancelled, another twenty percent delay, but prices are up thirty, eight percent for consumers, the ira. Cause for a round trip airline ticket in the usa, rising to three hundred and thirty dollars. Sanders is even more militate against the irresponsible airlines than I am. Nato formally inviting sweden and Finland to join the two scandinavian nations, voted to become members after pollutants invasion of ukraine, Finland and russia share and eight hundred mile land border Nato announcing the decision in Madrid quote the session of vessels Sweden will make them safer. Nato stronger and the euro atlantic area more secure, unquote, that's a good thing. Coronel university, removing a statue of abraham, lincoln, the ivy league school, also discipline. honouring the gettysburg address. The items were taken from a lie
I brewery after some students allegedly complain budget situation. Little foggy spokesperson, Four Coronel says the bust of aid was scheduled to be replaced, but there is no doubt at Coronel is a woke college. families across amerika bracing for the most expensive. Fourth of July. In history, inflation shrink, violation and pride shortages creating record high prices. As you know, the cause of burgers, Forty percent hot dogs, thirty percent paper plates twenty percent of six pack of beer up fifty percent, not a product, are defined. As for the July fireworks supply chain, problems have caused prices to double compared to last, year. In a moment our weekly feature update listeners have their say. We will be right back.
Take your next adventure in an award winning key from billboard kia. The SU b family has movement that inspires and we invite you to test drive the new twenty twenty three kia soul cell, toast, sportage, sorento or telluride. You can command the road and a from billboard kia drive away today at a new twenty twenty three rio horta k five more stinger and discover the all new kia at melbourne, kia, two thousand and four thirty, five keys, fifteenth street panama city or anytime. At billboard, king adapt cop peace of mind. You can trust at your local community dealer bill kia Now. The orally update message of the day listener sound off. We do this. Each friday you can reach me bill bill o dot com bill. below riley O'Riley, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine, let's go to Victoria, who is in beacon new york a bill. Cassidy hutchinson is nothing more than christine blasi ford, dressed up in a different outfit. It's the playbook of the left. What victoria
is referring to is a white house staffer under tromp Cassidy, hutchinson report to the january six committee. here say: corroborated that president tromp tried to push a secret service agent or something well I don't believe this until the secret service confirm. christine blasey ford, as you will remember, launched all kinds of charges, On corroborated again against supreme court justice, Cavanaugh good letter victoria, Skoda andrew who was in peer south Dakota, if we could go back to gas being around two dollars: a whole mortgage just over three percent and a booming stock market prices.
Tromp could throw our whole gallon of catch up at me, and that goes off the jason testimony where she. Also said a present trump through a tantrum, an apparent khan condiments were a fly. Hang around the white house Now I am not sure whether throwing ketchup buster And mayonnaise is a federal crime, but if president Worse still in office, you can pay oblique assume there would be a third impeachment over the condiments nancy grants pass or again in my way of thinking not enforcing the law. Is the same thing as breaking the law? Am I wrong? legally. You are nancy, so Y know. He is referring to is the terrible situation where
Prosecutors from the far left, their elected l, a sample cisco, new york chicago philadelphia DC bottom, on and on and on and on. They are Refusing to prosecute crimes after police make an arrest. Now there are not breaking the law because of something known as prosecutor, coral discretion the system knows that not all lawbreakers can be prosecuted. They just don't have enough resources to do it. But right now. crime is spiralling in america because these prosecutors are not enforcing the law. Donald from roma commando island washington. I understand a left wing does not want to acknowledge the constitution, but am extremely concerned. There are so many people in this country who do not know that the constitution was based on the ice
of limiting what powers the federal government have absolutely right: Donal they don't cheech history, or civics in public schools much anymore. The american population is basically dumb about history and, most importantly, the cards the tunisian until o reilly, I put their message together, so I obviously approved it if you'd, like more honest news analyses, I hope you visit bill o reilly dotcom over the July fourth weekend and also for great summer read my number one best seller killing the killers. My check that out in a moment something you might not know,
Take your next adventure in an award winning key from billboard kia. The SU b family has movement that inspires and we invite you to test drive the new twenty twenty three kia soul cell, toast, sportage, sorento or telluride. You can command the road and sedan from billboard kia drive away today at a new twenty twenty three rio horta can buy more stinger and discover the all new kia at millburn kia, two thousand and four thirty five keys, fifteenth street panama city or anytime. At billboard, king adapt cop peace of mind. You can trust at your local community dealer, billboard kia. Now the arrival of debris. She something you might not know. Billion air Warren buffett once offered students at the university of Florida, where he was giving a lecture some you will advise according to buffet. There is one key dear and between do worse, those who succeed. an dreamers. Those who do not bear habits, Said Warren Buffett quote you can get rid of them
it's a lot easier when you're young, then at my age, because most behaviors are habitual. The chains of habit, our two light to be felt until They are too heavy to be brief. An encore from both here are the worst Habits for young americans rank by business insider poor diet americans consume more sugar fast food caffeine in the hall than any other people on the planet. Fifty percent of americans are now overweight. Forty percent obese- that's up three. hundred percent since nineteen eighty sugar, mostly responsible. Next smoking invading sailor, tibet Oh products rising for the first time in two decades, folks consumed two hundred and four billion cigarettes. Last year a hundred and fifty thousand americans die Lung cancer and two thousand twenty one, a nicotine habit,
said she back about four hundred dollars a month. Next, reckless spending ninety percent of households are in debt. The average american family owes ten thousand bucks to credit card companies right now,. the number one obstacle to success for young americans, addiction to social media. Ninety eight percent of people under the age of forty have at least one social media account on average folks born after nineteen. Eighty three spent seven hours a day on their digital devices that diverts a person from actually thinking in accomplishing things outside the dopey phones and computers and there's something else, my not not. According to researchers, there are quite a few good habits that boost productivity, get a healthy breakfast said:
Daily goals and try to accomplish them Finally exercise a ten minute walk in the evening. Will years to your life according to the science so get out there back after this. Hi, I'm tracey, your diamond girl that Tracy spa enjoy shopping for the perfect diamond can be difficult, but that's why I've try my staff to be helpful and to offer you a stress, free diamond experience, pick your spot. go and use our easy layaway plan. Every woman deserves an exquisite diamond from your diamond girl, Tracy's bond jewelry we'd all work on commissions, drivers smile. So if you're, tired opera, yourselves people stop by and see us today and Tracy's. Jewelry very you for listening to the orally update, I am below riley no spin, just fact and always looking out for you.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.