« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 9, 2020


The President considers future peace talks with Iran, stocks soar, oil prices tumble after Trump’s address to the nation, House Democrats vote on limiting the White House’s War Powers, Bernie Sanders steps-up his attacks on Joe Biden, the cancer death rate sees the biggest one-year drop in history.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day on President Trump's Iran address.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'reilly here thursday january nine two thousand and twenty you are listening to the o'reilly update here's what's happening across our nation the president considers peace talks with iran stock soar oil prices tumble after mr trump's address so the nation has democratic vote on limiting the lighthouses war powers bernie sanders steps up his attacks on joe biden cancer death rates drop big also had why presented tromp was restrained in his speech yesterday but first miss johnson as he is willing to whole future peace talks with iran following the attack on american troops in iraq the president telling republican lawmakers he believes potential to negotiations are possible but only if the mullahs curb their violence in the region
abandoning their nuclear weapons programme prices setting records following a prejudice speech yesterday while oil prices tumbled as fear of a potential middle east war diminished the cost of crude was up more than four percent after u s door on strike killed the senior terror rainy in general in baghdad last week grads voting on limiting the presence ability to wage war with iran speaker pelosi claiming the administration misled law makers on where were slain generals or alimony pose an imminent threat to the usa the resolution would stop any armed conflict against iran without congressional approval but it will not pass the senate so it's another symbolic exe
size by miss pelosi bernie sanders wrapping up his attacks against joe biden on the campaign trail telling report is trouble quote eat his lunch it biden becomes the norm the file i've senator also trashing binds record on war in iraq and his willingness to limit spending on medical care and social security doctors confirm the cancer death rate at the largest one year decline in u s history following two point two percent researchers at the american cancer society believe the drop is mostly a reason of new treatments for common types of cancer as well as a dramatic decrease in smoking that has led to illnesses like lung cancer going down
moment why version and tromp did not strike iran after its launch missiles at u s troops deborah is home was stolen i dont mean thieves stalls off i mean scammers literally stole her home the fbi cause home title that one of the fastest growing white collar crimes this story is why you need home title lock debars s court criminals found the title to our home online and filed fraudulent documents claiming they owned it and it gets worse deborah quote was evicted from my own home and eighty five grand and equity got nobody believes you can get your home stolen this easy unquote this is why you need home title lock because no insurance or bank protects your home from title theft first things first please go to home title locked
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and warn them alors to knock it off his trouble also said he does not want war and offered to even negotiate with iran now disarmed critics were stunned at the president's restrained and that helped him with independent voters at home and people abroad who don't like amerika and or not drop the resident appealed to american voters by showing restrained and in wartime restrain and discipline are needed by the commander in chief but donald trump really is anti war if you read my book the united states of travel it is clear going all the way back to the vietnam conflict that mr trump does not believe war
in general helps the usa and he really opposed the iraq situation after initially supporting it like many of us did when the weapons of mass destruction controversy leaned toward saddam hussein having those weapons of course it turned out he did not doubt shop is a man who wants good business above he's transactional you need to understand that if you want to understand what is happening in the government so war does not help american business doesn't help the american people unless were attacked of course have to defend our
i'll send you can make a case that iran has been attacking the usa but not on the level where we all feel insecure every day president tromp has put his main competitor joe biden in a tough spot remember as vice president biden opposed the action to take out osama bin laden he was the only member of rock obama's cabinet that said no to the abc raid in pakistan now mr biden appears to have opposed the cut fourth generals demise if your vice president that own would not have been dropped on solar money so now there is an opportunity for donald trump to say well what kind of commander in chief would you be and mr biden will be on the defensive
the president's speech yesterday allows america room to retaliate if iran keeps it up and that country might because the mullahs do not want donald trump reelected so keep your eye on that now summing up the critics in the media had a very hard time slamming president trump speech yesterday that is the key if the trump haters cos find anything to bang em over the head with that means speech was pretty good i bill o'reilly and i approve that message by actually writing it the more news analysis please visit bill o reilly dotcom anymore
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thank you for listening to the arriv update i am below riley no spin just facts and always looking out for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.