« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 6, 2020


Iraq’s Parliament votes to expel American troops, the President selects 52 Iranian targets if Tehran attacks, residents are fleeing New York more than any other state, a series of anti-Semitic assaults strike New York City, comedian Ricky Gervais calls-out Hollywood hypocrites at the Golden Globes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the no o reilly here monday january six two thousand and twenty you are living to the really update years which happening today in america iraqi parliament votes to spell american troops the president's lex fifty two a rainy and targets of tehran tax us residents fleeing new york more than any other state a series of anti semitic assaults strike new york city comedian ricky gervais smocks hollywood at the golden globes also i had we formally begin our presidential election coverage very important but first
iraqi parliament voting to expel american troops from the country following a u s drones right to kill the iranian general in baghdad lawmakers approving a resolution that would end in agreement between baghdad and washington permitting u s troops to operate in the country there are currently five thousand american soldiers stationed in iraq but it is not likely that country will actually booed us out of there as that would likely cause a civil war president tromp says the pentagon has identified fifty two a rainy and target should the mullahs attack u s interests the white house saying each site represents one of the fifty two american hostages seized by the islamic regime back and nineteen
indeed i goodbye big apple more residents fleeing new york than any other state in the union new data from the census bureau shows new york's population dropped by more than eighty thousand last year logos wayne very high taxes rising crime house cause one ass where they wanted to go many new yorkers responded anywhere but here the n y p d reporting a string of anti semitic attacks against new york's jewish community police say at least fourteen assaults recorded in the final weeks of two thousand and nineteen many blame the crimes on the city's new bow form that immediately release as those charged with eight crimes as well as other offences like arson and burglary comedian ricky your vase
access hollywood at the golden globes a british actor slamming the woke culture at some big companies like netflix and h b o saying the industry is quote in no position to lecture the public about anything because they don't know anything about the real world indeed in a moment we begin coverage of the two thousand and twenty presidential election vital next millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious
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fifty call now time now for the o'reilly update message of the day in eleven months americans will vote for president once again it will be perhaps the most important election of our lifetimes president trump is supported by more than ninety percent of the republican party right now according to the polls close to ninety percent of the democratic party despise mister trump so obviously the country is divided the democrats at this point do not have a clear front runner to challenge donald trump joe biden continues to lead the polls but he
it has problems however the former vice president has to be considered the front runner to go up against the president in two thousand and sixteen donald trump defeated hillary clinton three hundred and six to two hundred and thirty two in the electoral college secretary clinton won the popular vote thanks to california two hundred seventy electoral votes are needed to win the presidency donald trump won thirty states then hillary clinton twenty today a look at this stage shows a similar situation the democrats could take back michigan pennsylvania and was constant where the vote was extremely close in sixteen but the president could win in new hampshire nevada and even colorado
because of the good economy florida iowa and main also maybe in play but most dates remain entrenched however if the democrats nominated a socialist like bernie sanders or elizabeth warrant present trump should win easily as americans are not inclined to change the system that drastically so what we are looking at next november is a presidential election that will be decided by a very few states it is almost depressing to think that perhaps as many as forty states really are spoken for right now
and therefore the presidential candidates will not visit them that much although the popular vote in california in new york illinois all states that are very left wing will be important for propaganda purposes it is entirely possible the democrats could lose again yet when the popular vote if you look at the political landscape the democratic party has a decision to make there is no question that the far left has intruded on the party and some say is running the democratic party right now but many americans especially independence don't want a drastic change in this country they dont want their lives up rooted by it
completely different tax system by an economy geared toward climate change by a woke culture minority voters particularly african americans are vital to the democratic chances and therefore those voters must be court it all the pole say that socialism is not taking brewed in the minority communities i'm no o reilly and i approve that message by writing it this is the beginning of our presidential coverage we hope you stay close for more analysis please visit bill o reilly dotcom in a moment something you might not now devereuxs home was stolen i don't mean thieves stole stuff i mean scam
where's literally stole her home the fbi cause home title that one of the fastest growing white collar crimes this story is why you need home title lock never said quote criminals found the title to our home online and filed fraudulent documents claiming they owned it and it gets worse deborah quote i was evicted from my own home and eighty five grand and equity got nobody believes you can get your home stolen this easy on quote this is why you need home title lock because no insurance or bank protects your home from title theft first things first please go to home title lock
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this view is also ready for some football thursday night match ups average fifteen million fans ratings also strong for some comedies the big bang theory taking its final bow ever almost two hundred and eighty episodes twenty four million folks watch the finale spin off young sheldon also performing well fourteen million viewers a week on average other primetime winners this is us blue blood's america's got talent manifest more than twelve million americans watch these programmes weekly but here's something you might if not no more folks many more folks were watching ten years ago in two thousand and nine american idol top the charge the show was so popular it ran two nights a week with twenty two million loyal watchers sunday night football nineteen million dancing with the sars undercover boss ends
i ask all posting big numbers the average household logged eight hours fifty five minutes a day in two thousand not the most since nielsen began keeping track teen forty not industry insiders blame the demise of television today on the rise of the machines your personal devices more specifically in the last ten years phones and streaming sir witches have cut traditional tv time by an hour or more a day platforms like netflix putting up big numbers shows like stranger things umbrella academy and others streamed forty million times or more even worse for the tv business physical media down a stunning ninety five per cent in the
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.