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The O'Reilly Update, January 29, 2021


On this Friday edition of the O'Reilly Update, a look back on Joe Biden's first 10 days in office.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here right in january, twenty ninety thousand twenty one. You are listening to the arriving update, hears it happening today in america Biden first, ten days inside the oval office now in the books and controversy is the theme, the new president spending the weak signing a series of executive orders most intended to undo policies implemented by Donald trump is first few days MR bide moved against the oil industry, barring drilling and energy exploration on federal lands. Then he attempted to implement a one hundred days, freeze on all deportations of on document
immigrants, even criminals ladder water was quickly suspended by a federal judge. President Biden then reversed MR trumps military ban on transgendered soldiers and started the process of rejoining the paris climate. a court. You also focused on a country's fight against cove iD, MR by promising, through hundred million vaccines by the end of summer, telling reporters nothing, we can do to change the trajectory of the disease and the next several months? Uncoil? Well, that's discouraging Perhaps the most revealing play this week was present
focus on racial equity, MR, by an order, the government to conduct assessments of all federal agencies, to quote advance equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically under sir marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality. Now you can have equity for all, because equity singles out people and groups for special status. It is the opposite of equality in government, as I have been reported also. Instead of promoting unity.
President binders quietly endorsed the impending impeachment trial of donald trump, which, as we stated yesterday, is never going to lead to a conviction. So why are we going through this? It is becoming clear that Joe Biden is less interested in bringing the country together. That's my opinion and more interested in promoting the progressive way of the democratic party. Now it is possible that MR bide may not even fully understand what he's doing, but the far left forces behind him surely understand, and they are thrilled by president binds first week in office. Coming up the message of the day listeners sound off time of the arrival update message of the day listener sound off. We do this every friday here on the really update you can reach me bill
Bill o'reilly dot com, bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine. Letter comes from sandra and hector Minnesota after a federal judge blocked president binds executive order on deportation. Why cannot not be done for the pipeline good question sandra its law versus commerce, so its federal policy under immigration law to deport people for vat yes offences when they come to the usa illegally Joe Biden didn't change the law. He just put a blockage on it. For thirty is, but a judge immediately said you don't have the right to do that, because the president can change laws on the pipeline. The exile pipeline that goes across state law
eyes and ears on some federal territory. That means the president of the united states is in charge and he can stop the use of the pipeline. So it's really law versus commerce! Next letter a comes from a judy, in my not north dakota. How can I All of those jobs in the fossil fuel industry be ended on the basis of a promise. of new jobs in the green fuel industry? Should they way to end fossil fuel dependency until after the green jobs are created. Yes, they should duty, but that wouldn't be politically correct, because the progressives want climate change to be defeated. Now, so thousands of americans will lose Jobs Michael, is in selma alabama. Could you give me some examples bill? What
some green jobs are going to look like well. I guess live solar heating panels being manufactured in installed, wind. I don't know if they're making the windmill someplace, I think they are because some of them are already in use, but there's no way these jobs are going to be quickly up and running. It's just not going to happen. Howard is in sun city florida bill. The equity plan, as presented by president Biden, is an executive action, not an executive order. Please explain: an executive action is a gene role thing we're gonna look yet income inequality or something like that. an executive order. Is you better do this and do it now? That is the difference,
I'll go next letter is from b b e e n at tacoma washington, a city which is evident in some trouble with the far left, Lou. bill. Do you believe president abiden is actually writing all these executive orders and actions, be I dont, and that is not a condescending statement president's don't write executive orders, their legal people write them the council's for lawyer by the present as to sign off, and surely Mr Biden wants a green new deal to the tune of two trillion out? That's what he told america we're gonna, spend on it and we are going to pay for it be higher taxes. come and fast, I'm no o reilly and prove that message by actually putting it together in a bomb. something you might not know now
arriving at daybreak you something you might not know Vienna safety is home to some of the most diverse landscapes found anywhere on the planet. Mountains, deserts planes, rain, forests, glaciers, the usa, actually contains twenty six different climate types within our borders, but one of the earth's rarest ecosystems only exist in south florida, the everglades The tropical wetland that comprises the everglades is a thousand square miles featuring slow moving, rivers, marshes, flood plains and even palm covered beaches european settlers. Try to drain this will happen in the everglades for three hundred fifty years before giving up the egos.
Is the rarest environment on earth, the region houses, three hundred, sixty species of birds, seventy five different reptiles, fifty times of mammals and a few humans swap home to about nine thousand people, most living and elevated houses to avoid daily floods and dangerous creatures. a job there are more than two dozen different animals in the glaze that can kill you colluding alligators, salt, water, crocodiles, venomous, snakes, panthers bears and more wildlife tours generate hundreds of millions of dollars. Folks, looking to see some of the animals, the everglades as far as biggest tourism destination after disney world and the coastal beaches and here's something else, you might not know the most dangerous species found in the everglades arrived. Some time
In the late twentieth century the burmese python researchers believe some idiot through a python or two into the glades to get rid of the snakes because we're being kept his pets now researches, say a half million python living on the glades, some over twenty feet. Long The government of Florida will actually pay you to journey into the swamp and kill us snakes local affair Spend millions each year the dead serpents are turned into boots: jackets watch bands and even food floridians consume tons of python meet each year now with some adventurous eaters, showing our fifty bucks a pound Can I have a salad with that python back after this.
Thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just fact. and always looking out for you.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.