« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 26, 2021


House Democrats send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, Joe Biden says there’s nothing he can do to stop CoVID until the Spring, Doctor Anthony Fauci urges Americans to wear TWO masks at the same time, Far-left riots rage on the West Coast, Boston ranks ‘Worst City in America’ for Traffic in 2020.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, does Trump have a political future?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly january, twenty six, two thousand twenty one. You are listening the arrival update. Here's what's happening across our nation has damaged its and articles of impeachment to the senate. Joe Biden says: there's nothing you can do to stop cove it until spring. Doktor anthony voucher, urges the americans to wear two masks at the same time, file of riots, rage and west coast, and what is the worst city in which to drive? We will tell you also ahead, can doubt shot Make a political come back, but first nine impeachment managers all Democrats officially filing with the senate, setting up a trial of whether donald trump incited a quote: open insurrection against congress.
trial will begin on February. Eighth senator Schumer telling reporters the public proceedings are the only way the usa can bring about healing, which is complete nonsense. President byron, lowering expectations at his administration can slow the spread of covert, saying quote: there's nothing. We can do to change the church if the jury of the pandemic and the next several months, critics say Biden campaigned on controlling the virus in his first one hundred days in office, but you know how these politicians are doctor. Fao, chief telling americans that wearing two face coverings at the same time can help reduce code. the transmission, many politicians racine wearing multiple mass it binds inauguration. The artifacts are now the highest,
employee and the entire federal government earning four hundred seventeen thousand dollars each year more than the president. far left activists rampaging through downtown seattle, portland and tacoma washington, despite a change and leadership in the white house, Please arrested dozens of demonstrators after they targeted at police stations and other buildings, including the original starbucks coffee shop. In seattle, new study, ranks boston. The worst city in amerika for traffic researches reporting, the average Foreign beantown lost a hundred and forty nine hours last year to road congestion hundred forty nine, taking into account gas insurance and wear and tear on your vehicle. That's too, thousand dollars out of bostonians pockets in a moment is politics in donald trump future
one man will decide that right back Introduce you to a company that those things right, grip six makes belts
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bill. Twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonne after the rightly update message of the day can Donald trump make a political comeback. Well, the turtle snapped powerful, senator Mitch Mcconnell a K. A the turtle is not opposing the impeachment trial
tromp signalling the two men are no longer a happy together. If you do not understand that reference shame, there is no doubt that the traditional leaders of the republican party want nothing further to do with donald trump. However, they have a problem, because so many americans continued to support him and believe it is being treated unfairly by the establishment, so the turtle and other geo p power brokers should be very careful if they want to keep their power. President Tromp is not a man to be easily dismissed. The road back to authority for Mr Tromp is paid by just one person, Joe Biden, and I'm not talking about running for president again, which,
a longshot, but not impossible for donald trump. No, I'm talking about political influence and credibility. The conniving nancy pelosi and charles humor well understand that president trump will retain people power. That's what is driving this absurd? Second impeachment donald trump did encourage americans to protest. The election results. Absolutely he did that, but he did not ever contemplate violence, especially that occurred on january. Sixth, maybe he should have caught the plated that but a misjudgment, even one, it's drastic- is not a removable offence for our present. Therefore, the latest impeachment is designed for just one thing to finish: tromp forever in the political arena at this
point. The betting odds are that MR trump will not be convicted in the senate. Schuman eads, sixteen republican senators to support the Democrats, a few like mitt romney, are salivating to cancel tromp, but most or not, now back to president by the smart play would have been for him to discourage impeachment. In the name of national unity, instead Biden did his best impression of punches pilot and stood aside. Are you surprised? It would have taken curve age to go up against the howling left wing mob. The over reach by democrats and their media allies is just getting started, and it is here.
Where Donald trump might benefit first cancel culture. This despicable trend is owned exclusively by the left. The cruelty and unfairness of the effort is obvious to any decent person. The more traction cancel thugs, get the boar anti liberal back wash there will be immigration soon. The southern border will be under siege again because resident by new sending open borders signals that chaos will anger, many americans. Finally, the economy. Already gas prices are rising because oil companies know, Mr Biden will hurt them. So the energy mobiles are stockpiling care and that hurts working people. I could list many other examples, but here's the headline the president Biden, liberal policies, fail and that's almost given. Americans will be looking for someone to stop the madness and it will not
be the turtle. I'm no o reilly, and I approve that message by writing. A disagree. I'd like to hear from you, billet, billow, riley dotcom. In a moment Then you might not know what are your bid, supply chain challenges too much inventory many disruptions a vision for improvement. Fast enough can tailor a solution, help you get there from automated that monitor your inventory. Twenty four seven defending devices that lets you control and track the products that keep your business running. That's enough the ability and experience to help your supply chain to see how they do it. Go too fast in all dotcom. Slash spotify Now the iranian play breaching something you might not know for some around the world, winter weather isn't just called its brutal rest. is living in the northern latitudes, brace for polar wins, blankets, snow and sub zero temperatures. There. It siberia the north
Eric and wilderness or north eastern china. People in those low cows routinely face the longest and most challenging winter on the planet. Here are some of the coldest places on earth last week according accurate, whether first up do drink russia near the arctic circle. Twenty thousand locals aerosol temperatures drop to negative thirty. Eight next harbin china, that town is home to ten million people. Folks call it ice city with an average temperature of minus ten degrees in january, while over to win a pay candidate city is pummel, bipolar winds, arctic air between september in march, thermometers, their dropped, a negative fifty in late december,
Norway's northern islands are almost always chile. The archipelago is the coldest permanent settlement on earth boasting of population of two thousand people And three thousand polar bears: every resident is required by law to carry a firearm because of the bears. Things can also get pretty chile. in the continental usa. How about the northern planes grand forks far ghosts. Paul and minneapolis all both the average winner temperature. Of zero degrees, nothing last week, folks into the dakotas, saw the thermometer hit negative ten look west of you searching for the snowiest plays in the lower forty eight states now rainier washington, the fourteen thousand foot volcanoes he's an average snowfall of six hundred fifty inches
and that's fifty four feet of the white stuff. Fortunately, americans are many options to choose from to a vote. wade freezing winter weather. If you to call consider Everglades city florida, melba, in florida or key west, those places haven't seen a single snowflake in the last two hundred years, but watch out for that sunburn. Back after this. Ready to put the question: let your love sparkle, with blue nile blue nile, his help, millions of couples create their perfect engagement ring there. easy online tools will let you that diamond shape size and clarity, as well as setting style, Denials bent jewellers will then handcraft her one of a kind engagement ring, the perfect, to celebrate your love right now.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.