« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 25, 2021


Donald Trump’s Impeachment trial stalls in the Senate… A major newspaper conceals an unflattering story about the New Vice President… Arizona Republicans censure their own Governor… A new study shows Biden voters less likely to value the First Amendment… The CEO of MyPillow sues the Daily Mail.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, Americans no longer trust the media.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No bill Reilly here, Monday january, twenty fifth, two thousand twenty one. You are Turning to the o reilly update nurse who tap today in america, Donald trump supervision trial delayed in the senate, a major new spain. burke and seals and unflattering story about PAMELA hers on a republican censure their own governor. A new study shows Biden, voters less likely to value free speech, the ceo of my pillow suing a newspaper, Also I had americans say the press is not to be trusted, but for a growing number of republican senators, urging democrats to abandon their latest impeachment push so Marco rubio labeling, the entire situation, stupid said: Rubio quote: we are
have a flaming fire in this country. Why douse it with a bunch of gasoline on quote congressional leaders, plan on starting to proceedings February eighth, the wash imposed what concealing a negative statement by vice for in Harris she apparently laughed at the thought of incarcerated criminals, begging for water. Militarist may the comments in July two thousand and nineteen, but the incident was hidden by the newspaper republican party of arizona, formerly censuring, Cindy Mccain, senator Jeff flake and current governor doug do see for refusing to back down chumps electoral challenge. Some claim elected officials illegally canada words of fifty thousand ballots for the Democrat in arizona no hard ever of fraud, however, has yet been produced in arizona
A recent survey by sceptic dot com shows democrat voters favoured free speech less the knows who cast bows for donald trump american support MR bide, more significantly less likely to support first amendment rights of speech and thought. According to the sceptic website, which I am a little sceptical, my pillow founder and staunch trump ally, Michael andella, suing british newspaper the daily mail, which is the absolute worst. In my opinion, Mr Lindau says that newspaper ran a story about him having an affair with actress, Jane Krakowski. Both lindo and ms kurkowski deny even meeting each other ever in a moment. Surveys? Has many americans do not trust the press right back? Let me introduce you
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Code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonne of video the update message of the day. As almost everyone knows, the media in the usa has big problems and a new paul says trust in that media is at an all time low. Sir. Conducted by global communications, firm settlement- and here are the stats, forty six- said. Americans do trust the traditional media. That statistic was fifty nine percent to you. ago, so the media is losing ground fast and fifty four percent of those pulled have big problems with depress right now.
That is a worse number ever recorded in twenty years. That settlement has mind dat. In addition, fifty eight percent of americans think most news organisations are more concerned with supporting and ideology than with informing the public, which is absolutely the case. Fifty six. Sent, people believe the media is purposely trying to me. swede by saying things they know are false. That is true as far as parties, our concern, fifty seven percent of Democrats say they do trust the media because is essentially liberal. Just eighteen percent of republicans trust the press. Now I have been a professional journalists for forty six years. I've worked for CBS news, a news abc news, fox news on the national
level. When I started my career, the press in amerika was liberal but would report most stories. Honestly. Vietnam was a good example: the press for trade that terrible situation in a true way. Generally speaking, but since the advent of K, well news things have changed, because the big corporations have moved in and they know they can make hundreds of millions of dollars now by reporting the news, but by giving opinion Now you may remember that ted koppel, the former a b c newsman blamed me your humble correspondent for this situation on cable news. I started the opinion trend on fox news way back in nineteen. Ninety six
and I did that because there was not a up ed page on television. I created one, but it was clearly labelled commentary and I clearly told you I do today how I feel and why my analysis is fact based, but then, as fox news became a billion dollar operation, eighty in tee, so that cnn disney that's abc com cast that's NBC via com that CBS all started, injecting opinion into everything. Thus, standards of news gathering collapsed. On the newspaper front, the two most famous papers, the new york times in washington post- have
always been liberal concerns, and now most americans No, it I'm no o reilly on our prove that message by writing. It disagree I'd like to hear from you billet bill, o reilly, dotcom, in a moment something you might not know This episode is brought to you by progressive, What's one thing: you'd purchased, with a little extra savings, awaited blanket smart speaker that new self character, you keep hearing about well progressive, wants make sure you're getting what you want by helping you save money on car insurance. Drivers who saved by switching to progressive, save over seven hundred dollars on average and customers can qualify for an average of six discounts when they sign up discounts like having multiple vehicles on your policy progressive off,
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sixty nine killing sprain left. So people dad, including pregnant actress sharon tee the killers young, suburban girls under the thrall of Charles manson so after the gruesome killings, manson and his crew, or caught convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The nation was stunned. so what happened to the mansion family mansion himself like too You'd fan mail. He receives seventy five thousand letters a year in prison. The collyer even charge two hundred bucks for a written response. When manson wasn't reading letters, he was plotting his escape prison guards caught him with a hundred feet of roby confessed that he intended to build a hot air balloon and fly away
In november two thousand seventeen. After forty five years in prison, Charles Manson died of cardiac arrest. He was eighty three years old, Other members of the so called family have inferred much better Susan atkins known in the cold is sexy safety embrace christianity. After decades behind bars, parole board, didn't buy it. She was rejected. Thirteen times atkins died from a brain. tumor in two thousand nine at age, sixty want leslie. And how known as lulu, she's And recommended for parole on five separate occasions only to be overruled by California. Governors patricia credit winkle, a k, a bit patty was almost a non before she got mixed up with manson now she holds and other distinction California's longest serving female prisoner.
By being a model, inmate she's been denied parole fourteen times now shot next year And here's something else you might not know. The mass unfairly murders would go on to inspire fifty five documentaries, twenty movies and hundreds of books back after this ready to pay the question: let your love sparkle, with blue nile blue nile, his help millions of couples create their perfect engagement ring there. Easy online tools will let you that diamond shape size and clarity, as well as setting style, Blue nile spent jewellers will then handcraft her one of a kind engagement ring the perfect to celebrate your love right now, the blue nile dot com and use code spotify to say fifty dollars on your purchase of five hundred dollars or more with guaranteed free shipping in returns. Thank you for listening to the arriv update. I am below riley no spin, just fact:
and always looking out for you, The
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.