« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 18, 2021


A major conservative website admits some allegations of voter fraud were entirely fabricated, Republican Josh Hawley ‘canceled’ by a national hotel chain, Kamala Harris resigns from the Senate, LA now the worst place in the USA for new cases of the contagion, Legendary music producer Phil Spector dead from CoVID at 81.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, The Trump Legacy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
monday january eighteen two thousand twenty one the martin luther king jr federal holiday you are listening to the o'reilly update here's what's happening today in america major conservative website admitting some allegations of oda fraud we're fabricated republican senator john holly of missouri cancelled by a national hotel chains calmly harris resigned from the senate allay now the worst place in the usa for covert legendary music producer phil spectre dies in prison from the contagion also ahead will president trump haunt the usa but first right wing media outlet american thinker issuing a major retraction after facing legal threats from dominion voting systems the site
now admits stories claiming dominion machines stole votes from donald trump were quote completely false and have no basis in fact uncle loaves hotels cancelling a plan fundraiser ver send their josh holly after liberal activists complained on twitter earlier this month publishing company simon shoes had dropped holly's upcoming book after he objected to the electoral count on january sick the council culture in full force in coming vice president comma harris resigning from the senate lesson two days before the inauguration and i gave a new some will reportedly appoint california secretary of state alex perdita to fill the seat until the term ends in two thousand twenty two harris will still have a major role in the senate casting the deciding vote if there is a
ty los angeles county now reporting one million cases of colvin despite some of the most restrictive policies in the country more than ten people are diagnosed every minute with the disease officials go and stayed vowing to administer one point five million doses of vaccine by the end of the week music producer phil spectre dead from cove it while serving time in prison the producer was given a life sentence for the murder of actress lana clarkson in two thousand and three specter work with acts like the beatles righteous brothers and more he contracted the virus in december dying from it four weeks later in a moment president trump may be leaving but he continues to be a major
factor in this country right back with that let me introduce you to a company that does things right grip six makes belts
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code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the early uptake message of the day president trumps last stand was cheney got headlines but the wyoming hunger woman's vote to impeach dung tromp was not the most damaging republic and action recently no the largely on publicize resignation of transportation secretarial ain't chow was that's because she's married to senator mitchell conall who is now torturing donald trump in a foolish display of power must show it said an anti trump signal that was surely endorsed by her husband as senate majority leader mcconnell is delaying the impeachment trial until after joe biden is sworn in this week
by the kentucky and is also saying it's ok if geo peace entered his vote to ultimately convict the president on charges of inciting violence of the capital building but why would mcconnell do that he has to know that republicans voting to convict donald trump will severely damage the entire party millions of people who voted for donald trump would leave the geo pay this is not a richard nixon situation where the nation heard the president on tape conspiring to commit a felony the trunk case is subjective and opinion that directly incited a marked violence
as we all know he used the word peacefully in public remarks to the protesters so that is certainly exculpatory yes he did not tempt down a visceral anger of his supporters ass he should have no that is not a high crime or misdemeanour was a severe era in judgment which were kind of those all this so it is a mystery so why you want to hurt his own party he himself is partially to blame for the republican senate loss in georgia because he block the two thousand dollars call the relief checks so mcconnell is now emerging as a villain too many republicans fair minded american should understand the present tromp was largely successful on policy during his term he said
sure treatment of course is reviving the sluggish obama by an economy and action which benefited nearly all working people mr tromp also managed operation warp speed to success as a covert vaccine is now a reality that's a colossal accomplishment one of the roll out of the vaccine is being botch by all levels of government what a surprise also americans were rewarded with three traditional supreme court justices by mr trot and that protects against arbitrary changes to the constitution in the future therefore mitch mcconnell is playing an extremely dangerous game by diminishing president trop in the eyes of americans who still like him and the crazy or is it mcconnell doesn't have to do it don't trust
soon be passed president and the nation is not well sir by an unnecessary impeachment trial that will stoke even more division and hatred wiser fast mitch your misusing your power you're hurt the country i'm billow riley and i approve that message by writing it disagree i'd like to hear from you billet below riley dot com name in town if you wish to opine in a moment something you might not know packs internet is faster and has more reliable download speeds than five g home internet it's the real home internet you're looking for based on cox analysis of oakland b test intelligence data q three twenty twenty two in cox serviceable areas learn more at cox dot com slash internet well the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know in two days
biden will be sworn in as the forty sixth president of the united states starting january twenty eight mr biden will receive a salary of four hundred thousand dollars a year access to the white house residents and complete control of the exact in a branch you also get a handful of perch you might not be aware of here are a few of them according to men's health magazine first presidency enjoy their own personal chef twenty four hours a day they often travel overseas and phaser gruelling security check to avoid any potential poisoning and the chef goes along next the chief executive has access to a private staff of one hundred employees including maids butlers personal trainers and even florists if the president gets bored
the white house features a fifty one seat movie theater studio executives routinely send advanced copies of feature films directly to the president months before the release date the executive mash it also has its own bowling alley the one lane facility was installed at the request of richard nixon in nineteen sixty nine was an avid bowler should the commander in chief can little stressed out there are taxpayer funded vacations here the first family receives one hundred thousand dollars to go anywhere they want but they typically remain on american soil
if you think all above it stop after presents leave off as they don't that president earns in annual pension of more than two hundred thousand dollars a year for life not bad and hear something else you might not know one of the biggest perks of being president is a so called big red button on the side of the resolute desk in the oval office there's a three age button when its pressed things happen fast for donald trump engaging that button often meant bring me a diet coke sometimes twenty four of them a day according to the book the united states of drop written by me your humble correspondent
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.