« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 17, 2022


The COVID variant peaks in the USA, Donald Trump rallies in Arizona, most voters say Democracy on the ‘brink of extinction’, politics now having a negative impact on our physical health.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, call President Obama 'Mr. Blue.'

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The You're really here Monday, Martin luther king federal holiday january, seventeenth two thousand twenty two you are listening to the really update? Here's a chap today in america, the cove invariant pete since the usa, down trump rallies in arizona Most voters say democracy on the brink of extinction. politics now having a negative effect on our physical health. Bad times for Joe Biden, but first Data from the cdc says the comecon varying peeking in some parts of the country new york, florida, California, into england all down about fifteen percent compared to last week, but new hotspots include MID west and text.
Joe Biden urging all americans, where good mass, whatever they are too slow to spread. This ring cord blocking MR barton's vaccine mandate voting six to three that the real environment on private companies exceeds his executive authority. Donald trump holding its first rally of the new year. The former president speaking, was supporters in arizona. Over the weekend he accused Joe Biden of quote being more destructive than five president's put together. Unquote this job, raising it a half a million dollars from his save america speech in arizona loss at state by eleven thousand votes in two thousand and twenty. Majority of americans now believe democracy in the usa is in danger. A perceptions of government study says fifty want peace,
predict the republic could disintegrate within their lifetime. Just twenty six percent. Believe you s democracy. You secure voters from both parties accuse the other opposing an existential threat to the government of the united states. It all malarkey, as Mr Biden would say. The usa is not going to fracture new study from the university of Nebraska examined a link between a person's political beliefs. Physical health foreign People say politics as a major, so some stress in their daily lives. cortisone nonstop politics causes significant headaches. Percent claim they are experiencing sewer, seidel thoughts, research
blame. The twenty four hour new cycle, which you don't have to consume social media, which you don't have to consume and confusion part of that anxiety might be the performance of president Biden. That is next lucky land casino, asking people watch the weirdest place you ve, gotten largely lacking in line at the delhi against my dentists office. More than one actually do I have to say yes, you do the car before my kids p t a meeting. Really, yes, excuse me: what's the weirdest place? You've gotten lucky, I never win and tell well there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots, dot com play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky no purchase necessary void where we belong, eighty plus terms conditions, plus whatever details have. We really update message of the day. A new nick game for Joe Biden, Bombers may remember a song by the fleet. Woods called MR blue.
It had number one in nineteen. Fifty nine way back when If they do a remake of the song, president Biden should demand royalties because is that guy the blue man without the group, the blue state commander, and if he he's not feeling blue himself. He should be because Nothing is going right for MR blue. Let's start with a dog at Mister Biden, brought to the white house almost immediately poor started biting secret service agents, not good enough. you notice went out and major was deported to delaware. Simultaneously Joe Biden decided not to enforce immigration law the board, so million people, are illegally crossing most untested for covet. How is this a good thing for the country? Mr bloom No answer has been forthcoming.
Injunction with the open border, came presidential attacks on the oil and gas industry in the name of climate change, too months later, inflation is climb ten percent, because energy prices surged Mr Blue said last week he's making progress solving the problem, but how no one knows came the cod and run from Afghanistan there, another covert search. Then propose new election law that discouraged these four voters, but why we did get an answer to that question. Ideas are racist. oh then, Mister Bellew went down in flames on the two trillion dollar bill back better deal. No one could quite figure. where all the tax money would actually go Joe didn't know
just as he doesn't know how to contain amr crime. He again says he's. Making progress, maybe inflation will catch. I'm accra, could go on singing the blues and directing the notes towards MR blue, who was still waiting A comma harris's report on the root causes a border jumping. Maybe I can help here mister President and move is a vice president. The would cause of illegal border crossings the usa is a better country than on doris, can fill in the names of the other nations around the world to strengthen the point. So, let's rap stop with the new paul that may make Joe Biden even blower acquainted with, survey says just a third of the country believes he is doing a good job as President
The rumor is many of the thirty three percent are from honduras. As president blue begins his second year in office, the outlook for his presidency is dubious to be kind ten months, a red wave may obliterate, the blue pearl. or structure in place right now. Those matter Firms are coming up fast and color me sceptical Joe Biden, this future, next november. It might very well be black and blue for the big guy I'm bill O'Reilly, and I approve that message by actually writing it: you would like more honest news analysis. Please visit bill, o reilly, dot com where You can see me on television every night in a moment, something you might not know
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years later. He was admitted to moorhouse college and all male black university reverend kings campaign for quality began and nineteen fifty five with the Montgomery alabama bus boycott. He became overnight celebrity, but also a big target. ninety five yearly was nearly killed in harlem new york. When a woman plunged seven inch letter opener into his chest, from his hospital bed. Reverend king issued a statement affirming his non violent principles. Saying he felt no ill will toward his attack in sixty four. King was awarded the nobel peace prize for non violent resistance to racism in america out his journey, the civil rights leader travel more than eight million miles. cows and delivered five thousand speeches. He was imprisoned. Twenty nine times for thing
like civil disobedience, inciting violence and other false charges. In Montgomery he was around for driving one mile over the speed limit statues honouring the reverend legacy, stand in Israel, ITALY india, the uk and south africa, something else you might not know. Martin Luther king Jr predicted one murder, just one day before it happened on April. Third, nineteen sixty eight he traveled to memphis to speak with african american sanitation work curse at the mason temple church, the civil rights leader told the crowd quote: I've seen the promised land. I may not there with you, I'm not word about anything. I'm not. during any man mine eyes of seeing the glory of the coming of the lord unquote less than twenty.
four hours later. Martin Luther king Jr was gunned down by an assassin named James Earl ray. The reverend was thirty nine years old. Back after that. She internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for don Cox, analysis of oglesby, test intelligence data, q, three twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas, learn more at cox, dot, com, slash internet you for listening to the arriv update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out for you,
Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.