« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 14, 2021


Congress impeaches President Trump a second time, but the Senate may never actually try the case, Nancy Pelosi violates her own “gender-language” rules, Washington ramps up security for Inauguration Day, Los Angeles officials tell residents to wear facemasks inside their own homes.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what lit the match for last week's violent riot on capitol hill.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly year day january, fourteen two thousand twenty one You are listening to the rightly update ears which happening across our nation congress and peaches president tropic sex, time, but the senate may ever try the case now as you violates her own gender language rules, alive she'll tell residents wear masks inside their own homes was where had what really lead to the capital riot. sweet, but first, how democratic voting to impede the president again with ten republic in signing on this topic the only chief executive in history to face the maneuver twice. Final vote to thirty two four one. Ninety seven against many member, of the g o p rejected the articles would still blame the president for the capital of salt.
Said a majority leader, midge Mcconnell telling colleagues he will not schedule any I proceedings against Mr Tromp until after job and inauguration, possibly never lawmakers, are calling for a one hundred day break to assess the charges and allow the new president job a few months in office before engaging in more political chaos? That would be smart? speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, throwing out her own gender language rules, said Pelosi quote. I stand before you as Why? For mother a grandmother a daughter Those type of words were banned in policies. Recent guidelines for cairo She should have said as a partner parent elder and child, maybe she'll fine herself,
The secret service dc police, national guard department of homeland security and officers with twelve other departments for defying washington DC ahead of Joe Biden inauguration. At least twenty thousand troops patrol the city during ceremony, the washington monument closed until further notice, health officials in l, a striking rest Is too where mass went inside their own homes and average of ten t bull in los angeles, has positive recovered. Every minute das up one thousand percent since November doctor, say the biggest source of new cases originate from family gatherings in private parties. In a moment, the view is that lead to insurrection. In washington d c,
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more than any other presidential candidate in history, except for Joe Biden, who got about eighty million. Mr Tromp does not believe he lost the election saying over and over. There was significant fraud. Here are some examples. What Mr Tromp is talking about, the commonwealth pennsylvania violated its own constitution by illegally changing the mail in doubt, rules at the last minute call bid was the reason for the change. How ever pennsylvania actually began. Altering voting rules in early
two thousand twenty about this time last year and the new guidelines were transmitted to both campaigns trump and by no one objected to the new rules when they were people. So even though there was a constitutional violation, the court ruled that, because there was no challenge to the voting change, they were not going to overturn the vote in pennsylvania. Mrs trump also believes that more than five thousand dead people voted in georgia. Well, the georgia bureau of investigation did look into that charge and determine just to illegal ballots were cast.
deceased residence, another donald trump accusation- eighteen thousand ballots in atlanta were cast three times each that was based on videotape. But again that was looked at by the authorities in georgia and they came to the conclusion that the balance in question were not cast three times they were checked three times now. This one is a little dubious in my opinion
I do believe they were shenanigans around a lamp in those countenance, but I can't prove it there's another climate, twenty thousand people in georgia under the age of eighteen vote it, but no one has been produced. in that crew, no one finally present trump and his administration claim that ten thousand felons voted from federal prison in arizona which would be illegal but again arizona authorities investigating they found zero evidence that anybody voted for a federal prison. Still millions of americans believe the election was corrupt and in some states former
attorney general, William bar says it was, but MR borg was on. It was not enough to overturn any state, so emotions are high. Evidence is low, but the people who attacked the capital acted. emotion and the whole country was shocked. I'm no o reilly and I approve the message by writing. It disagree I'd like to hear from you billet bill, o reilly, dot com, in a moment, something you might not now.
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irish, monarchies, practice of capture in slaving and selling africans, other non believers. Spain was, of course, a catholic country. The vatican did not want to alienated the king and queen in fifteen fourteen, possibly confirm quote the cancun invade search out capture, vanquishing, subdue all enemies of Christ, we're so ever placed and reduce their persons to perpetual slavery. On quote now that EDA kicked off a global slave trade which hon this planet to this debt. For three hundred years, twelve million africans were shipped crossed the atlantic ocean by carpet operating alongside the governments of great britain, Spain, france, Portugal and holland. Those are the countries that spear headed the slavery
industry. Three million human beings died during those slave voyages. Three million In the early nineteenth century, the catholic church started changing on the issue, millions of africans openly embrace christianity across north and south america. but then started to question whether followers of crimes should be enslaved by other christians, france, the uk and the usa did ban the imp rotation of newsletters but allows citizens the right to continue to own other people. In eighteen. Ninety pole, leal the thirteenth, is you two letters So the government of Brazil outlining the distinction between justin. just slavery whatever that me, and here's something else you might not now the catholic church would not
expressly forbid slavery until nineteen sixty five back after this This episode is sponsored by policy genius. A good If insurance plan can help give you in your family peace of mind finding one that fits your needs in budget can be intimidating unless, we use policy genius, they make it easy to find and compare life insurance quotes. All it takes is a few clicks. You can even find life insurance policies that started to seventeen dollars per month for five hundred thousand dollars of coverage to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save visit policy genius, dot, com. thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just fact, and always looking out for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.