« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 14, 2020


A new study shows the media’s coverage of President Trump now 93-percent negative, CNN to pay $76-million in back wages to former employees, six Democrat presidential candidates prepare for tonight’s debate, Iran fires live ammunition and tear gas at pro-Democracy protesters, and New Yorkers fume at their city’s new bail guidelines for “non-violent” crimes.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, how far left have the Democratic primary challengers gone, and is it good news for President Trump?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'riley here tuesday january fourteenth two thousand and twenty you are listening to the o'reilly update is what's happening across our nation a new study shows a media coverage of president trop now ninety three percent negative cnn pay seventy six million dollars in back wages to former employees six democrat presidential candidates prepare for tonight's debate braun fires live ammunition and tear gas at pro democracy protesters new yorkers fume at their cities new bell guidelines for dangerous criminals let em out also ahead can the democratic party overcome the far left element but first a recent study says the media coverage of present trop now ninety three percent negative up ten points since the democrats began impeachment seventy five percent
reporting was focused on removing mr trump from office the big three networks abc cbs and nbc dedicated almost no time to the strong economy in agreeing to pay out more than seventy six million dollars to three hundred former employees than at work announcing an agreement with local unions in atlanta ending a dispute dating back more than fifteen years cnn settled another law suit with covington catholic student nick sandman earlier this month for an undisclosed amount of money after miss reporting mr sandman in washington six democrats to take the debate stage in iowa this evening the cnn hosted event will feature joe biden pete buddha judge amy clover char bernie sanders elizabeth worn and billionaire tom
style centres currently leading in i widely one paul biden in another tight raise the clock is vote february third iranian forces firing live ammunition into a crowd of pro democracy protesters sending thousands running for their lives in the streets of tehran the demonstrations began after the government to conceal its role in destroying a ukrainian passenger jet airliner angry student shut down universities across country chanting death to the dictator would be the item i love new york's recently changed bail laws under fire from angry residents after a suspect was arrested and released five times for robbing banks in manhattan the suspect himself said quote i can't believe they let me out what are they thinking in a moment the far left dominating the democratic party is that good news for
tromp right back devereuxs home was stolen i don't mean thieves stole stuff i mean amateurs literally stole her home the fbi cause home title that one of the fastest growing white collar crimes this story is why you need home title lock never says quote criminals found the title to our home online and file fraudulent documents claiming they owned it and it gets worse deborah quote i was evicted from my own home and eighty five grand and equity gone nobody believes you can get your home stolen this easy unquote this is why you need home title lock because no insurance or bank protects your home from title theft first things first please go to home title lock
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where some democrats are now it is worth enumerating a few of the policies that ardent left is support changing the free market economy to socialism whether federal government controls profit products and investment allowing millions of foreign nationals into america while they await asylum hearings that could take years while also using tax dollars to pay for their health of all illegal aliens allowing felonies like raw brian drug dealing not to be prosecuted and forbidding cash bail for many arrested individuals police in places like san francisco in new york now issue site patients are tickets for even violent acts like physical assault permitting a version for any reason at any time in some places babies can be terminated after birth by an abortion doc
just a few years ago supporting those kinds of radical policies would have eliminated a political candidate from serious consideration for office now many in the democratic party embrace the radicalism the recent petition with iran illuminates the situation there is no question that the iranian general salami was a terrorist responsible for attacks on americans including the u s embassy in baghdad yet among democrats running for president only michael bloomberg supported the jones strike on the cods force leader bernie said is actually condemn the usa for killing a terrorist a startling and disturbing position
nevertheless shouted or centres continues to compete effectively in the presidential race despite the fact that he would completely dis engage all u s forces from the middle east and attempt to run the private economy from washington something that has never been done in the history of this country realistically it would take a drastic shift in voters sediment for sanders or his fellow avatar senator elizabeth war and to win the white house that most likely will not happen at least this year but the dramatic shift to the left by the democratic party is now official and no one knows if the radical forces will grow of course president tromp is thrilled by this because he can appeal to independent americans people not alive
with the democratic republic and parties and say do you really want to blow up the entire economic system of this country when unemployment is three point five percent do you really want to do that that will be very difficult for a radical left is to counter i'm bill o'reilly and i approve that message by actually writing it for more news analysis please visit bill o reilly dot com where you can see me each evening in a moment something you might not know millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money
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i'd fifty call now now the rally of day brings you something you might not know too nineteen was a decent ear for hollywood half of all americans took in at least one movie spending an average of nine dollars a ticket total box office hours estimated to top twelve billion dollars the ninety second annual academy awards put out their slate of nominees this week kicking off a frenzy season of lobbying to take home the oscar the problem is no one wants to host the television programme to dangerous with all the treaty now if you're a fan of action thrillers crazy clowns mob stories you probably caught one or two of the nominated films
and here they are nine movies for this picture ford versus ferrari the irishman geological rabbit joker little women married story once upon a time in hollywood nineteen seventeen and paris site keep your eye on nineteen seventy five women competing for best actors cynthia enviro for harriet scarlet johannsen marriage store sir shot ronan little women charlene thereon bombshell renee xl wagner for duty she won the golden low five been battling it out for best actor nominees antonio ban that us painting glory leonardo dicaprio once upon a time in hollywood adam driver marriage story joaquin phoenix joker jonathan price for the two pope's i like prize but
walk keen will probably get it as for the movies themselves is an interesting history the first best picture oscar for a color film was wanted to gone with the wind back and nineteen forty walt disney holds the record for more than twenty six awards sixty four nominations followed by composer john williams that's the star wars guy fifty one nominations five winds and hear something in my none up the first ever kennedy award is handed out during a private dinner in may nineteen twenty not best picture that year wings asylum film bout world war one storing clara bow and body rogers radically nineteen seventeen is about the horrors of the first world war could it be destiny we'll be back after this
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.