« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 12, 2022


Covid confusion sweeps the USA... Food supplies dwindle at the grocery stores, The Department of Justice creates a new domestic terror unit, A study ranks the most obese states in America.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, who are the most admired people in America?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly. Here when say january, twelve, two thousand twenty two you are Owing to the o reilly update here is what is happening today in america, covert confusion. Sweeping the usa, food supplies dwindle at some grocery stores, the department of justice create the new domestic terror unit. A study right the most obese states in america. Also, I had the most did mired. People in the where say, but first. fusion surrounding cove it in america mixed messages, from the white house and the cdc opting millions of americans to question basic facts about the contagion latest. Show the country divided over face mass testing vaccine efficacy and boost your shots. Exactly
It pfizer say another injection designed to target amoco IRAN, It will be available by the end of march. The FDA now recommend a third dose of the backs after just five months. major shortage is hitting grocery stores and the country shop this finding it hard to locate poultry, dairy beef paper supplies. Supermarkets. Blame problems on the pandemic. Labour shortage is now affecting half the countries. Food producers, the usa confirming about a million new cases of the contagion each day more than that covert tests, also in short supply, I'm local stores, gouging prices by two hundred percent for those covert take home tests awful. The justice department establishing a specialised unit focused our domestic terrorism assist
The attorney general matthew also confirming the move, while testifying before congress about the january six capital ryan, the fbi. Investigations into suspected home grown terrorism. Have more than doubled since the spring of two thousand twenty? The binding illustration routinely less white supremacy. as one of the biggest threats facing the nation, which of course is absurd, new survey from wallet hob ranks the most rotund states in the usa. Seventy set of adults nationwide are somewhat overweight of water. Considered obese, the shabby as places include tennessee, Kentucky west virginia alabama. The title of the most obese state goes to mississippi.
Slim citizens can be found in Utah in colorado in a moment the most admired people in the country This episode is brought to you by progressive something you'd purchase with a little extra savings awaited blanket smart speaker at new self cartridge. You keep hearing about well progressive, wants make sure you're getting what you want by helping you save money on car insurance. Drivers who saved by switching to progressive, save over seven hundred dollars on average and customers can qualify for an average of six discounts when they sign up discounts like having multiple vehicles on your policy progressive offers.
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Tromp would win again, as he did in two thousand and twenty. So let's take a look at that list. Two years ago, MR tromp, one with eighteen percent. Barack obama was second fifty Joe Biden six, only six year where he was running for president anthony forty three percent pope francis two percent Servers analyze the most admired of two thousand twenty donald trump is, a political, partisan play. conservative americans, Republicans believe he did a very good job. In the white house, and so they re war did him with most admire. I wrote a book on Mister, call the united states of tromp and in that book,
you see him doing some good things and some bad things. You have to give donald trump credit for getting elected president. That has never happened before, and he did it out of sheer will The man accomplished Decimating the political machine in america again never been done before so that is admirable. His lack of Discipline in some areas is not but overall donald trump. The most admired man in the year, two thousand to twenty in amerika and some believe, I think, there's some credibility here. The gallop did not want that. Happen again, so they didn't do a most admired pole in two thousand twenty one. Brok, obama came in second and twenty fifty percent again partisan political play, democrats and liberals love Barack Obama
there, no doubt about it. As far as being president, it's a mixed report card there he did some good things in my opinion, but the economy never ignited and foreign power well see was weaker under miss obama. Then under MR tromp I think that's a fact. Joe Biden clocking in at six percent, charles you pretty much all you need to know about Joe Biden: toys. For president he's the most important democrat and that's all yet. anthony FAO gee. I don't know who for him is most admired, is extended, family come off and then pope frances I can really get into the pope right now, but some catholics believe is way too liberal. So he clocked in it too. The feminine side am, I allowed to say feminine anymore,.
It was michelle obama, ten percent, very popular woman. No doubt about it mostly among the laugh but popular. Calmly harris six percent same is Joe Biden, bologna, a trump four percent. She keeps a very low profile, Oprah winfrey, three percent, a perennial and The merkel two percent I really get the merkel thing. I don't think she's a friend to america I'm know o. I approve that message by actually Writing it. If you'd like more, honest news analysis. Please visit bill, o dot com, where you can see me on tv every night and then I want something you might not know. Packs internet is faster. Has more reliable download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're. Looking for
don Cox, analysis of oglesby, test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas, learn more at cox, dot, com, slash internet. Now the are of date- brings you something you might not know Fifty one years ago, today, a new sit com aired on CBS. The series I called issues never before seen on television, racism, homosexuality, women's liberation, the bridge divide of america's war in vietnam, all in the family had arrived here is a story behind the bunkers d, by producer norman lear. The show is built around a worker class family in queens, new york, patriarch archie bunker, his wife Edith, daughter, Gloria and their friends. Recurring characters included the bump neighbours polish american hippies and the black jefferson family, Network knew the programme was going to be controversial before air
in the initial episode. Cbs ran the following: disclaimer, potentially the country's first, trigger warning quell this programme is all in the family. It seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties prejudices and cancer By making them a source of laughter, we hope to see, in a mature fashion, just tell sir. They are on quoth that went on the air before the sitcom began all in a family debuted dead, lass in the ratings finishing fifty fifth at the time, sitcoms typically featured young, attractive actors with family friendly dialogue, not the foul mount, Archie bunker. However, the show rose to number one within six months. It would remain on top for the next nine season but not everyone loves the broadcast, a boycott
again CBS was launched. A protest shows frank conversations about premarital sex, gay relationships and problems with organise religion. But Archie bunker and his crew broke ground for a new type of tv series on the family, is routinely ranked as the most important programme in the history of television and you're something else. You may not know, then Work was so convinced. The show would spark outrage among viewers, CBS created hotlines to handle consumer complaints. But most folks called in to praise the bunkers not to condemn them archie and Edith would sing. Those were the days back after this.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-13.