« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, January 12, 2021


Democrats introduce Articles of Impeachment… The FBI warns of political violence on Inauguration Day… The President’s approval rating drops double-digits in less than 2 weeks… Germany’s Leader trashes Trump’s Twitter ban… Americans turn to therapy to cope with 2020.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, impeachment part two.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
reilly here tuesday january twelve two thousand twenty one you're listening to the really update hears which happening across our nation democrats introduce articles of impeachment again the fbi warning of political violence nor racial day the president's approval writing drops double digits germany's leader trashes the twitter ban merganser therapy cope with two thousand wanting also ahead their fear go in d c son of impeachment but first has democratic introducing a patron resolution against president tromp for allegedly inciting an insurrection against the united states congress maneuver as little
support among republicans lesson eight days before president elect biden is sworn in if successful donald trump will be the first person in american history impeach twice an internal memo from the fbi warning local officials of on protest at state capitals on inaugural indeed the bureau receiving more than forty thousand credible tips it says about potential violence trimness using email servers and message boards to plot chaos after social media companies ban thousands of users i do not expect violence on inauguration day mister jumps approval rating dropping eleven poysers december courteously they quantity act just thirty three percent of amerika now back the commander in chief down from forty four percent in december
german chancellor angela merkel disagreeing with twitter is just vision to ban mr trump and others saying quote the right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance unquote other european officials of also question twitter citing europe's brutal crack down on free speech during the second world war a new study from one paul showing a thirty percent jump in american seeking psychiatric advice this year one in six adults now speak with a therapist to deal with anxiety depression in substance abuse new patient cite the pandemic financial stress and the election as major sources of straw
in their daily lives in a moment the return of impeachment right back let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
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bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero time now we rightly update message of the day remember that good old days when impeaching a president was a big deal andrew johnson bill clinton a threat to richard neck
well now we have yet another nancy pelosi production impeachment to terminate trump you will remember that donald trump the forty fifth president of the united states was impeached by the house on december eighteenth two thousand and nineteen the house adopted two articles of impeachment abuse of power and obstruction of justice the senate acquitted mr trump of those charges on february fifth two thousand and twenty last year now nobody could quite figure out how a phone call to ukraine got president trump in so much trouble but it did for the record mr trump's impeachment came after a formal house inquiry alleged that he had solicited foreign interference in the two thousand and twenty
u s presidential election in order to help him get reelected and then the president allegedly obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony well everybody knew it was all about hunter and joe biden and we no now how that turned out so after being found not guilty in the senate donald trump apparently has figured out how to get impeached again with only eight days left in his turn once mr trump leaves office there is no direction provided by the constitution to continue any impeachment he's got some later but of course not forgotten
the demographic led buys bigger blowsy really want to make donald trump radio active so you can never run for president again nay no dissent it is not going to convict mr trump but we take a two thirds majority in that bot but like godzilla president trump could come back again if not destroyed and that's what this is all about remember donald trump received seventy four million votes some of his supporters a belt i don't think there's any question about that because mr trump's behavior since election day has been questionable to say the least but this impeachment stuff is really harming the nation because it's a fiasco it's not necessary and a device
aids americans further you may have noticed the president elect biden has not bought into this he is in criticising mrs policy or other fanatics who want the impeachment thing to be played out to biden is ang wow i don't know but he certainly not endorsing it at says a lot in the and this is another futile exercise on bill o'reilly i approve that message by actually writing disagree i'd like to hear from you at billow riley dot com include your name in town if you write to me moment something you might not know
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next rhino plastic better known as a nose john sir is reshape noses more than three hundred fifty thousand times a year in the usa the procedure actually mentioned in ancient egyptian scrolls but i don't believe the mummy had a nose job however you never know thither most popular type of plastic surgery in the usa as breast augmentation four hundred thousand women each year get em plans to increase their cesares so an increasing number of ladys who opt for this type of sir are women recovering from breast cancer so this is not an optional or cosmetic thing finally light bow
shit metal tube inserted into the abdomen arms thighs box or anywhere else to suck fact out of the patient five hundred thousand folks undergo the trim and every year the average session will cost you four thousand dollars you know i'd rather soppy than the orioles and here's something else you might not know the biggest trend in plastic surgery men today the number is ten percent back after this with the leckie landslide you can get lucky just about anywhere is your captain speaking yeah we've got clear runway and the weather is fine but we're just going to circle up here awhile and good luggage no no nothing like that it's disease cash prizes add up quick so i suggest you sit back keep your tray table up right and good looking for free it like a landslide stuck com are you feeling lucky no per
it's necessary void where prohibited by law eighteen plus terms and conditions apply see website for details thank you listening to the arriv update i am below riley no spin just facts and always hang out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.