« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 7, 2020


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the no o reilly your friday february seven two thousand twenty you are listening to the really update nears which happening today in america now that the democrat impeachment exercise is finally wrapped up the country can get back to more pressing matters healthcare immigration and of course the upcoming two thousand and twenty presidential election the latest polls have donald trump more popular than at any other point since his inauguration
despite his strong numbers the country does remain deeply divided in two thousand sixty mr trump won the white house by demolishing the so called blue wall taking a democrat leaning states that have not gone towards a republican in decades the same could be true this november here are the battleground states that will decide the two thousand and twenty election president trump hoping to retake the midwest recent polling in places like iowa wisconsin michigan ohio and pennsylvania have mister trump beating most democratic candidates in a hypothetical head to head
race but the present industrial joe biden by two points in some of those states the south west in play colorado arizona and new mexico mr trump split those states with hillary clinton back in two thousand sixteen but most we're close within five points some on the east coast are in play like virginia and north carolina hillary clinton took virginias thirteen electoral delegates by just two hundred thousand votes out of four million down drop one north carolina by an even smaller margin data florida the big one twenty nine electoral votes in a state evenly split between democrats and republicans donald trump took this aid in two thousand sixteen by just one percent of the vote current policy shows a statistical tie between the president and joe by
but i was just in florida the economy is booming there so i'm going to give the advantage to president trump in all nearly forty states are a lock for both parties on election day democrats will start with roughly one hundred and ninety electoral votes in places like new york in california and republicans will have one hundred and sixty it takes two hundred and seventy electoral votes to win the white house spot if the democrats nominated far left candidate like bernie sanders or elizabeth war and many more states will be in play this time round as socialism is not popular with americans according to the polls in a moment the political backlash of impeachment right back computer systems in cars are now common there are electronically control transmissions touch screen displays dozens of sensors all this advanced tec is expensive to fix it break
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a deductible may apply time to have the o'reilly update message of the day the unintended consequences and backlash of impeachment this has been a pretty interesting week with the state of the union address and present trump acquitted in the senate on charges of extraction of congress and abuse of power now the president is angry that he had to endure the ordeal and many americans believe it was a political exercise so let's go down the list of people affected directly by the impeachment play press and trump is a short term winner the polls show his job approval rating rising as some americans say hey this was a waste of time most feel sorry for donald trump which is called on to do but in the long term we will not know
how it affects the president until the november vote nancy policy is a big loser because she ripped up the state of the union address now that was an immature impulsive thing you do and the whole country side we all know nancy pelosi despises donald trump and that's fine but it isn't fine to disrespect the office the presidency and her own house of representatives now some believe and i am in this group the devil that's may lose the house because of nancy pelosi adam schiff gerald nobbler all of those people americans say you know what
that's enough here now i could be wrong and that is very far out but nancy policy and the democrats in the house of representatives at the state of the union address and had impeachment did not help themselves mid rotting huge loser i can't quite get this out so the senator from utah voted to acquit president tromp on charges of obstruction of congress but voted to remove him kick him out of office for abuse of power romney explained this world and he was the only republic in congress out of all the congress people all the centres easy only republic it to vote for removal he said his conscience dictated that but when you are deciding a trial and this was an impeachment trial you
not make your decision based on your conscience you can feel that someone is guilty you can believe that but unless the evidence proves it beyond a reasonable doubt you can't vote for conviction that's called due process i don't understand why mitt romney doesn't understand but he's done in the republican party and i dunno we vote for em if i were a geo person in utah senator dog jones in alabama you may not ever heard of him but he's a democrat and he holds that see he's through our balance will reject senator doug johns for voting to remove present trump
in november the usa the whole country lost on this it was not a plus it did not put us in a good light in the world and accomplished nothing america not helped by impeachment i'm know o and i approve that measures by actually writing it you can reach me it bill at bill o reilly dotcom in a moment something you might not know we ve all got an expert appraisal for things that are valuable a real for our homes and auto dealer for our cars a jeweler for heirlooms but you may have something even more valuable than any of those things your life insurance policy if you are seventy five years or older with a policy worth one hundred thousand dollars or more my friend at we buy seventy five will appraise it free and show you how much it's worth in cold hard cash so please call eight four four we buy seventy five or visit we buy said
the five dotcom one word we by seventy five dotcom imagine never having to pay a life insurance premium again there is a greater feeling that haven't all that cash you need for your necessities and fun stuff too you see we by seventy five on tv heard them on a radio so what have you got to lose you can get very good money please cop eight for four we by seventy five or visit we by seventy five doc today now the rally update rage you something you might not know americans work more hours and any other people on the planet on average full time employees in the usa dedicated thirty seven hours per week to their jobs compared to just thirty seven for most europeans with all our it's no surprise americans love their hobbies here's how we spend most of our free time and two thousand nineteen the biggest increase last year was in personal devices the average you as adults
spend three hours forty five minutes per day on their smartphones in tablets tee he's gonna work out as well with americans accumulating three and a half hours a day in front of the move to fortunately americans having completely given up more traditional hobbes according to the u s fish and wildlife servers hundred and fifty million americans participated and wildlife recreation that's what they call it last year most popular hunting followed by fishing hiking in surfing merrily also enjoyed exercising their second amendment rights but steam million of us go to target shooting at least once a year some perspective as more people and play soccer footballer base most popular weapon the nine millimeter hand got the number of americans golfing jump ten percent in nineteen and estimated
when you four million americans hit the links there are more twenty thousand golf courses around the country an additional fifteen million americans spend some time at the driving range board game and other popular activity the classic still the biggest sellers monopolies well and trivial pursuit study well roughly one out of ten americans play board games with friends or family at least once a week the newest hobby on the list knitting once considered a pastime for the elderly social media sites have popularized knitting among millennials and younger americans biggest item christmas socks so the next time you are thinking about posting on facebook or watching hours of videos on youtube or looking at some dopey network television programme right
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.