« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 4, 2020


The Iowa caucus Implodes, legendary talk radio host Rush Limbaugh discloses his cancer diagnosis, YouTube vows to ban “manipulated content” during the 2020 election, cases of the Coronavirus increase 3-thousand-percent worldwide.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day: who's the real winner in the Iowa Caucus disaster?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the reilly here tuesday february fourth two thousand twenty years listening to the o'reilly update here's what's happening across our nation the iowa caucus well chaos rush limbaugh discloses his cancer diagnosis youtube vows to ban quote manipulated political content two thousand twenty election cases of the corona virus increase three thousand percent worldwide also political disaster in iowa and what it really means technical difficulties and vote count in consistency is completely the rally iowa
i guess after months of campaigning and millions spent on ads the state's democratic party now refuses to release the results officials using pictures of paper ballots to figure out who actually what president trump calling the entire process a quote unmitigated disaster and it is without any visual results exit polls show the most important issue on iowa voters mines is elect ability stay why more than eighty percent of the ability to be donald trump is more important than policy or ideology more on the iowa disaster ahead radio pioneer rush limbaugh disclosing he was recently diagnosed with advanced stage along cancer the sixty nine year old conservative icon says he will
likely miss multiple programmes while getting treatment for the cancer but he vows to return to full strength saying is work gives him quote the greatest satisfaction and happiness in life we wish mr limber best you tube promising to crack down on what it describes as media belated content during the two thousand twenty election executives for the tec giant offering few details on the new guidelines saying the rule this will help promote a healthy political discourse heading into november critics eta move could limit freedom of speech cases of the deadly grown of irish now have three thousand percent around the globe researchers in china believe the disease originated in bats
multiple international airlines including british airways have completely stopped flights to china as the outbreak continues to spread there are currently twenty one thousand confirmed cases worldwide including seven in the usa about four hundred feet holidays in a moment the big winner in iowa last night president trump will explain next when an emergency strikes what is your first impulse of your answer is run to the grocery store you'll likely find chaos and nothing but empty shelves how do you avoid that it's simple you use today to make a plan to prepare one practical place to start is storing food in your home that way you're protected in case there's a natural disaster civil unrest or a long term power
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president dramas thrilled because he knows the more confusion his opposition has to deal with the better it is for him and republicans this point it doesn't really matter anymore who will eventually win in iowa as the vote is tainted all the new people running around out there are got so no we'll care who want lots of money and time wasted by the democratic candidates they cannot be happy but i was on a new hampshire that primary is a week from today into that sixteen you may remember bernie sanders thumped hillary clinton in the grand state donald up easily want the republic inside can you remember who is number two in new hampshire governor john k sick of ohio
bernie sanders should win the state again but joe biden has to perform decently we want to have any momentum at all going into the key state of south carolina these have been tough times for mr bite you may have seen last week he got into an argument with eight today show anchor who is asking him about hunter by now this is extremely unusual as bbc news and the today show love the democrats but at this point any journalist who doesn't ask joe biden about hunter biden and the vice president's threats to ukraine is going to be a joke these are the huge questions that joe biden
has to explain but he doesn't want to now i've known then senator biden than vice president biden for decades i'm not close to him but i have a decent cordial relationship with him i can't understand this biden knows he's gonna get hammered from now until election day about his son and his own actions in ukraine yes preachment thing obscured that but now biden catches run run around and say this got to do it everybody knows is often do it that's true there's videotape of vice president biden threatening ukraine on using president obama's name in the process and we know that his son hunter biden received millions of dollars from ukraine for doing nothing so i don't know
band joe biden posture and if he runs around new hampshire this week and doesn't answer these questions cogent lee he could get one bernie sanders is looking pretty strong new hampshire democrats or liberal as i said you're probably win but in the long run the democratic party is not going to put sanders up in my opinion mayor pete is the wild card i think he's going to do ok in iowa and he might might surge new hampshire keep your eye on him i'm o reilly and i approve that message by writing it for more news analysis please visit bill o dot com a moment something you might not know devereuxs home was stolen i dont mean thieves stole stuff i mean scammers literally stole her home the fbi cause home title that one of the fastest growing white collar crimes this story is why you need home title lock debars s court
criminals found the title to our home online and file fraudulent documents claiming they owned it and it gets worse deborah quote i was evicted from my own home and eighty five grand and equity got nobody believes you can get your home stolen this easy on quote this is why you need home title lock because no insurance or bank protects your home from title theft first things first please go to home title lock at com and register your address to see if you're already a victim and don't know it then sign up to protect the legal title to your home so you don't end up like deborah and it gets you started i got you sixty risk free days of protection please go to home title lock calm home title lock dotcom now the rally of daybreak you something you might not know two thousand and twenty
shaping up to be one of the most contentious presidential elections in history tonight in the middle of all the chaos present a trump will deliver his state of the union address before both houses of congress tomorrow right here we analyze it but no matter what happens between now and election day the president's speech won't be any stranger then some of the most unbelievable moments from past presidential campaigns starting in eighteen forty one the longest inaugural address in history ushered in the shortest presidential term william henry harrison delivered a more than two hours speech with no code in freezing temperatures cold weather
might have given harrison pneumonia leading to his death just thirty one days after he was sworn in eighteen sixty five abraham lincoln second inauguration vice president andrew johnson he was in remember was a total disaster that day he'd been drinking whisky to help alleviate symptoms of typhoid fever not a great mix johnson stumbled through his speech too drunk to attend lincoln's wherein yet in nineteen twelve teddy roosevelt was on a campaign trail before a speech in milwaukee a saloon keeper shot him in the chest with a bullet stolen his by teddy delivered his prepare remarks telling the crowd quote it takes more one bullet to kill a bull moose fast harder nineteen seventy two democrat george mcgovern made a slight mistake with his vice presidential domini senator thomas eagles it unbeknownst to everybody
illegal in had previously spent time in a mental hospital undergoing shock therapy the senator discloses medical history at a press conference weeks after his nomination and had to resign richard nixon one forty nine aids in that election just two years later nixon took the stage for the state of the union with an approval rating of twenty six percent watergate the reason in flood the line is saying quote we must replace the discredited president unquote few months later nixon was out of office has at ford delivering on a presidential promise the o reilly update we'll be back after this mortgage rates remain low making it worth while to consider a mortgage refinance and you can easily do so with the help of american financed
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thank you for listening to the o'reilly update i am bill o'reilly no spin just facts and always looking out for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.