« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 3, 2021


Donald Trump reveals his Impeachment Defense strategy… Cable News Ratings collapse under President Biden… Amazon founder Jeff Bezos steps-down as CEO… The CDC says 60-percent of nursing home workers are refusing the virus vaccine… Actor Denzel Washington defends America’s police and military.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the most powerful woman in the Biden administration...and it's not Kamala Harris.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o Reilly here Wednesday, four of worry thirty thousand twenty one you want Turning to the o update here's what happening today in america down, reveals- is impeachment defence strategy kay. news ratings collapse under president by amazon. Ceo Jeff basic steps down the cds he says, sixty percent of nursing homeworkers refuse to take the virus vaccine. After Denzil washington defends america's police and military. Also I heard who is the most powerful woman in the country, but first. donald trump legal team, officially responding to the articles of impeachment passed by the house of representatives the entire exercise violation institution, because mr tromp can no longer be removed from office.
As for the former president, also say his belief that two thousand twenty elect was stolen, is protected by the first amendment, which of course it is pro Time ratings for every cable news channel plummeting after inauguration day. Your ship, it CNN, dropped a staggering forty four percent in a week and I said see down twenty percent, followed by fox down six percent. All outlets are hoping next week's impeachment trial will lift them but in the long run the cable news industry is in dire trouble. jabez, those amazon's founder and chief executive handing over the reins of the E commerce giant this summer after Twenty seven years running. The company bases is ranked the second riches person on the planet net worth a hunter
an eighty two billion dollars: amazon first launches an online book store for college students back and ninety. Ninety four. The centres for disease control in atlanta reporting about sixty percent of workers or the nations nursing homes refused to take the vaccine. Thirty eight percent The staffers and seventy percent of residence I've already received the medication owners of the zone, These are considering a vaccination requirement for all employees. By the end of this year, a list actor Denzil Washington standing up for america's police. officers and soldiers telling yahoo news quote, I have the utmost respect for what they do for what our soldiers do. I just don't care for people who put those kinds of
people down if it weren't for then we would not have the freedom to complain about what they do. Good for mister Washington. in a moment, the most powerful woman in america and its not common harris right back time of the arrival of the message of the day. Many americans believe vice president calmly Harris is now the most powerful woman in america, but she's not that title goes to president binds top domestic adviser susan rights. She was born over seventeen. Nineteen sixty four in washington that makes her fifty six years old, doktor rice, graduated from national cathedral high school in DC, was an underdog Graduated stanford university received a ba in history. As I did,
Then she became a road scholar at oxford university. She got a masters degree in philosophy then went on to get a phd in international relations, which is why we call her doktor again from oxford, so she smart, In two thousand five doktor rise join forces with then senator Barack Obama. As an adviser, she became close friends with mister and missus obama, then obama became president and appoint issues arise. U s ambassador to the EU and she became very controversial when she misled the way world over the benghazi attack that killed for americans, including
The libyan ambassador, Chris Stevens, remember that this rice went out and said the attack was ignited by a video that was not true. It was ignited by terrorists who planned it well in advance, but susan rice, wheat, covered from that and now president Biden has appointed her top domestic advisor for the entire country in a job. She lays out MR barton's vision. and controls information flow to him. That is an extremely powerful job. Some believe the obama is suggested that susan rice get that job, and I believe that as well. Why? Because Joe Biden is heavily dependent on morocco
one for what he does. I'm not saying the former president runs the country, but I am saying that most of president Biden advisers worked for Barack obama, and susan rise is one of his best. Friends and is on the phone with him all the time, so do The math connect the dots. Rock obama has a lot to say behind the scenes about how this countries being run right now, Joe Biden, in my opinion, is a figure hey, he's not writing those executive orders there's no way. he's doing that he stepped in
We started a fire out these. He owes it changed the complexion of america as far as policy is concerned in two days, do you think Joe Biden at age? Seventy eight did that he did not those executive orders and Joe Biden's policy in general are directed to him by former members of the obama admin. straighten. That is the truth that the Biden people will never admit that. But why would Susan ries, who is an expert in foreign policy, be the top domestic adviser? You know why I'm bill O'Reilly and I approve the message by writing. It disagree I'd like to hear from you bill bill o reilly, dotcom in a moment, something you might not now.
Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know the fastest region in the usa. Is the sun bell stretching from south west arizona to the carolinas, but one state is outpacing them all florida. Since the nineteen nineties, the sunshine state's population has increased by fifteen percent every decade, four million folks made the move to florida in the last ten years. Four million while the data is murky. Researchers believe other one million people relocated to florida during the call the pandemic most from new york in new jersey courting a pause, the biggest factor for folks moving south is the economy growing sectors include financial services, aviation, agriculture and tourism with a hundred and fifty million people visited the region's beaches and theme parks in two thousand nineteen before
pandemic spending. Almost a hundred billion dollars in generating two million jobs, tat. is also a major motivator in some doubt. Flawed Forty eight out of fifty states for average citizens tax burden, a person. california or new york for example, earning seventy five thousand dollars would pay those states about twelve thousand dollars. That figure drops to one thousand in florida. So you save a lot of money. Sex biggest reason for folks to make the trek down south is the weather, the yearly temperature, a mild sixty five degrees, with the thermometer hitting an average of ninety during the summer months, make no mistake flawed as hot, both literally and figures. late, but Florida routinely ranks in the top ten happiest states and hear something else you might not now
it is an all sunshine down south. Despite its rapid rise in popularity, as some of the highest crime rates in the country, the regions, use as a launching point for drugs entering the I say from the caribbean in south america also a major hub for human trafficking and money laundering, according to a survey from wallet. Have data indicates a combination violent crime, natural disasters like hurricanes and drug addiction makes for lauderdale florida, the most dangerous city in america. Back after this. Thank you for listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.