« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 25, 2021


The FDA says another CoVID vaccine is on the way, studies show a quarter of Americans are approaching their credit card limit, Trust in the media hits an all-time low, Minneapolis braces for the first trial in the killing of George Floyd, Tourists rank the best beaches in the USA.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what is the best thing Joe Biden has done as president so far?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The day february. Twenty fifth, two thousand twenty one. You are listening. to the arrival update. Here's which happening across our nation after says? Another covert vaccine is good to go as they set study show a quarter of americans are approaching their credit card limit. in the media hits an all time. Low, minneapolis braces for the first trial in the killing of george floyd tourists rank the best beaches in the usa also ahead. What is the best thing? President Biden as done so far, but first the food and drug administration giving the green light to the third covert vaccine. This one from Johnson and Johnson, the latest that requires just one injection and is about seventy percent effective
the other two vaccines, pfizer and modernity- are ninety percent effective but require two doses. The band emma hammering americans financially more than ninety one million people say they live with the fear of matching our credit cards according to wallet hob. Twenty eight percent of american adults are less than a hundred dollars away, from the limit. The average family owes eight thousand dollars in credit card debt the number of american saying they trust traditional media. Dropping Record lows: the poll published by axios shows fifty six percent of americans say journalists routinely report false stories or mislead their audience? Six and ten believe news organisations are more concerned with profit or political ideology, then informing the public, and that is certainly true. Corporate media has destroyed journal,
in amerika. In my opinion, the minnesota national guard heading the minneapolis as the city prepares for the trial of Derek Shovin, the former police officer, who face a second degree, murder charges in george fluids. Debt jury selection begins at marge the killing, of course, sport, violent protests and cities all across the country. Recent report from trip advisor It's the country's top twenty five beaches and boy. Do we need that now most can be found in hawaii, california, florida? Obviously, the best stretch of sand goes to saint petersburg beach in the sunshine state known as st
beach other popular spots, waikiki in Honolulu, uncanny bunk port may those willing to brave slightly colder waters in a moment, Joe Biden accomplishments. So far, are there any right back. Let me introduce you to a company that does things right, grip, six makes belts.
right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll. Look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dot com make sure to use
code bill, twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of iraqi up day message of the day. President Biden has now been in office for thirty six days and last night at supper. My seventeen year old sign who's, gonna tuned in to what's happening in a country. Ask me a very simple question: a dad. What's the best thing, president Biden has done so far, Well, I was not prepared heard with an answer now, not being a wise guy, just analytical.
Biden is now allowing tens of thousands of migrants to apply for political asylum, and They are released into the usa at taxpayers, expense after they apply about eighty five percent. A political I'll m requests are denied denied, but the court hearings could be as long as five years away. What Mr Biden has done and said to the whole world hate come on in to the eu I say- and you can wait for years here, while we get your political asylum case which probably is going to send you back to your country, and is this a good policy. I don't think so miserable
also limiting the fossil fuel industry over climate change- is a good well, my town, the price of a gallon of gasoline is up fifty cents in thirty six days, most likely it will be up a dollar a gallon, come june, and then there's china, which is actually marking america, because taxes could not provide. Power during the recent cold snap and then there's iran, which is saying f you to the united states and the world by rejecting inspectors, For their nuclear facilities, so my son's question is kind of complicated. What's the best thing, Joe Biden has done? Well, here's the
answer. In my opinion, these calm things down no tweeting is no constant back and forth. There's none of that and- and I think we need that now, let's look ahead to down from speech at sea pack in florida on Sunday. I hope Mr Tromp does not go back to the presidential election, we all know he feels that it was fraudulent. What I'd like to see is on trump look ahead and define the country in terms of what he would like to see dawn in the next year or two
so. If Donald trump begins to lay another foundation of improving the lives of americans, then I think he will gain traction if the economy go south and if Mr Biden is not effective in solving any problems This border thing is gonna, hurt your by big time. So I like to see a little vision from donald trump on Sunday will not happen. No one knows I'm not really. I approve the message by writing. It disagree I'd like to hear from you billet bill, o reilly, dot com in a moment, something you might not know. Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right. Grip six makes belts
right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll. Look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dot com make sure to use the
code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero. Now the rally of day brings you something you might not know. Fifty seven there's a go today: twenty two year old, caches clay, stun the world by de throwing heavyweight boxing champion sunny listed, the loquacious clay would become the greatest boxer of all time and one of the most controversial athletes ever as well. But did he win that first championship fairly way back in nineteen sixty four. The answer to that question is no, and I write about it extensively in my upcoming book, killing the mob cash Clay was worn outside of Louisville Kentucky and nineteen forty two by the age of eighteen. He had one hundred winds on the amateur boxing circuit by nineteen sixty he had
on the golden loves title and a gold medal at the olympics in rome. Clay then turn professional after the summer games and went undefeated in his first nineteen bouts on February twenty fifth nineteen sixty four crowd of night thousand spectators gathered at the convention hall arena in my emmy beach to watch the young box or take on the champion sunny listed a fierce fighter? Also, an ex convict gamblers in vegas had the oz of list and winning I tend to one sunday apparently injured his shoulder early in the fight. So he decided to call it quits between the sixth and seventh round. He did not answer the bell, as they say, years later it was revealed. The fight was fixed documents. B. I show the agency believed organised crime wrigley event to make a fortune betting in vegas.
Sonny listenin allegedly met with one mobsters leading up to the fight this game. Reportedly, earn the mob upwards of two million dollars, my bidding against listed and here's something else. You might not doubt after defeating sunny, listen just clay celebrated winning the heavy way title by throwing a lavish party at his miami hotel attendance that evening, Malcolm x, two days later clay. She was joining the nation of his long months. After that he rejected his family name, saying it was originally given to him by former slave owners Clay than analyses new name mohammed Ali, by the way, sunny listen, was found dead years later from a heroine overdose. Many believe he was murdered by the more back after that
I'm always wheeler Kosovo is wheeler, show where we analyzed today's hottest issues like the marxists behind critical race theory and queer theory, the ballot harvesting behind electioneering and the corruption behind covered nineteen you subscribe to the lives. Wheeler shall, wherever you that your podcast, whether you listen on spotify or apple, podcast or watch on youtube, rumble or local. So you never misses so I'll see you Thank you for listening to the orally update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look hang out for you.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.