« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 24, 2021


Congress holds hearings on the Capitol Hill Riots, CoVID cases rise in Western Europe, New Yorkers turn on Andrew Cuomo, Leaders in Tacoma, Washington cancel Ben Franklin, Economists rank the most-taxed cities in the USA.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, drug abuse in America...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly. Here Wednesday, four boys wait for two thousand twenty one. You are less I mean the o'reilly update. Here's what's happening today in america congress holding hearings on the capitol hill riots? Cove it Mrs ries and western europe lived all new yorkers turn on governor cuomo leaders in a coma washington cancel benjamin franklin. economists rank the most taxed cities in the usa. Although I had, if you take drugs, I have a message for you, but first top law enforcement officials describing the congress a cascade of intelligence failures. Before the January sect riot in washington, cutting two former capital police chief, Stephen son
and every eye memo claiming some demonstrators were actively preparing for war, made it to his intelligence division. At seven p m the night Before the insurrection, but the You sure you didn't see the information. We don't know why. covert, hammering western europe once again, leaders in france, germany, Sweden, struggling to contain outbreaks as new strains of the disease spread. Stockholm recommending new mask mandates after shawnee protective gear for almost a year. a new loophole from marriage says no, your governor Andrew Como, in big trouble its internal say, there was wrong doing His handling of the state's nursing homes during the pandemic by fifteen thousand senior citizens into your died in those homes,
Forty one percent of new yorkers believe his actions were unethical nineteen percent illegal almost overall approval, raining dropping of forty nine percent downs. Seventeen points san francisco may have abandoned its drive to purge historical figures from public schools. But the movement is alive. Further up the west coast, visuals in washington, sate, scrubbing ben franklin, name from a twenty acre part, in tacoma city leaders will rededicate the grounds to Rosa franklin, the first african america woman to serve in the washington state senate. forbes magazine, wrecking the highest tax cities number, one los angeles city. As one point: five billion dollars in payroll costs alone. folks, their ernie hundred thousand bucks take home half of their salary, lowest tax towns, rapid city
south dakota, cheyenne wyoming, better known as god's country, it using drugs. Is it bad right back? Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right: grip six makes belts.
right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll. Look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dot com make sure to use the code below
twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero time after the o reilly update message of the day is taking drugs, including pot bat. Well, if you believe the stats, it is
Was it do this from the national institutes of health and the centres for disease control, one in five american children? That's twenty percent live with a parent who has a substance, abuse problem. Eighty percent of all child abuse cases in the usa involve adults who are intoxicated. Children are three times is likely to be neglected in homes where parents use drugs, half of all unemployed. Men in america use opium toys half more than four hundred
and people have died from drug overdoses in recent years. Yet yad thirteen states of now legalised marijuana for wreck relational drug use, sending a strong signal to children. The pot is just fine, nothing wrong with that and in crazy left organ hard drugs, heroin, methamphetamine fat, nor Cocaine are now acceptable. You can carry them on your person in Oregon, and the police can do. Nothing simply put all of this is in saying So you may remember that in the nineteen thirties and nineteen twenties there was prohibition in america. Alcohol was banned
and it did not work because most americans wanted to drink. So, ultimately, alcohol was legalised. That was called prohibition, but there is a difference between consuming a beer, a glass of wine and then taking heroin or smoking Joint the goal of drugs is to non eu intoxicate. You get you hi, alter your state of mind. I I was a home, my parents, they drank once in a while. They were drinking beer a little bit wine, but they never saw them drunk and my father could drink a bottle of beer and not be altered in any way.
but I never saw anybody in my lab return to your neighborhood take drugs. Until I was about sixteen years old, then they swept in and I'm talkin heroin and a lot of kids got in big trouble. So now, as a society, we are saying, this drugs thing, that's not so bad! Well, who do you think, is living on the streets of oliver cities homeless? Desperate? Who do you think those people are their drug, attics or alcoholics, and we're glorifying this were telling chow. Dron, it's ok, you wanna get stone guy add this is gonna harm. The united states of a man, go down the road in a major way: it all All ready as taking drugs is bad.
I'm bill o reilly, and I approve the message by writing. It disagree I like to hear from you billet billow, riley dot com, in a moment, something you might not now. Let me introduce you to a company that does things right, grip, six makes belts
right here in the usa and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll. Look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dot com make sure to use
code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero. Now the rally a breach, you something you might not know. Thirty years ago today, the armed forces of the united states and thirty five other nations law the land invasion of kuwait and iraq. Mission would go down as one of the most successful military campaigns in history, operation desert storm. on august second, ninety ninety said machines, iraqi army invaded kuwait, a tiny oil, rich country and strategic ally of europe and the usa. Three months later, the united nations security council passed resolution. Author rising the use of force against iraq if it fails to withdraw from kuwait by january. Fifteen. Ninety ninety one
sir I'm ignore the deadline telling his top aids, the? U s was bluffing. He said quote: American society cannot accept. Ten. Thirty in dead and one that they will not attack on what the next day, american and british forces launch a six week air campaign against Iraq without a hundred thousand tonnes of bombs, dropped on target surrounding baghdad. On february twenty. Fourth, a massive ground offensive began. Saddam's forces were rapidly overwhelmed in less than twenty four hours. The iraqi army was totally defeated, ten thousand troops were held as prisoners and the u s air base was established. Deep in side iraqi territory. For days later, kuwait was liberated president bush the elder decline, the cease fire on february, twenty eightth erect promised to comply with all future. You and resolutions of promise saddam broke.
A hundred and twenty five american soldiers and roughly fifty thousand iraqi troops were killed in deserts and here's something else you might not do the operate. It was not only the most successful military campaign in: u S, history toppling higher army in less than a hundred hours, But it is also one of the largest global coalitions ever assemble countries from every continent accept and arctic participated in the mission to liberate kuwait, including argentina. australia, morocco, saudi arabia, ireland, turkey and sweden by the way your humble correspondent was on the scene in kuwait, reporting from the so called highway of death shortly after the iraqis surrendered back after this
wheeler Kosovo is wheeler shall where we analyzed today's hottest issues like the marxists behind critical race theory and queer theory, the ballot harvesting behind electioneering and the corruption behind covered. Nineteen I subscribe to the lives wheeler shall, wherever you, that your podcast, whether you listen on spotify or apple, podcast or watch on youtube, rumble or local, so you never missing so I'll, see you thank you for listening to the orally update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look. out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-19.