« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 2, 2021


Storms blanket the Northeast with 2 feet of snow… The campaign to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom grows… LA allows some outdoor dining, but bans televisions… Arizona the worst place in the country for CoVID… Anxiety now keeping 4 in 10 Americans awake each night…

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the depth of America's political division.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly here, tuesday february. Second, two thousand twenty one you listening to the arrival of up to what's happening across our nation store? hit the northeast with up to two feet of snow. In some places, the campaign to recall California, governor newsome, growing L allow some outdoor dining blood bans, televisions. Will you, this arizona the worst place in the country for covert anxiety. Keeping four and ten americans awake every night. Also it is a new civil war brewing in america, but first folks, pennsylvania domain digging out after a powerful northeastern drop. Twenty four inches of snow in some places, including my front yard. Also, a foot and a half in new york, central park flights, Kay
so the delayed at airports from baltimore to boston storm, forcing many hospitals to postpone covert vaccination. More than a million californian signing a petition, a recall governor, Gavin, newsome organs, This need another three hundred thousand signatures by mid march to put it on the ballot. The democratic phases. Backlash over his handling of homelessness, crime, anti police protests and covert shut doubts He was also caught eating at a posh restaurant during a locked down. Los angeles residents can once again start dining outdoors, but not while watching tv affairs those warning all restaurants to disconnect televisions or face sanctions. The thinking is a tv will cause customers to gather during this Four and other sporting events-
arizona, our reporting, the highest rate of covert in the country despite the surge of fish, there have refused to close bars: restaurants, Jim's movie theatres in concert, venues, arizona, just one of thirteen states do not have a mandatory mask mandate for people in public places, New survey from one Paul says: americans are increasingly anxious about the next twenty four hours, so called next day, anxiety causing forty one percent of adults who stay awake at night. Sixty one percent say they ve lost hours of sleep. Do distress. Respondents blame covert financial problems in the political climate for the lack of rest that political climate, getting even worse, will prove it after this
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bill. Twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the really update message of the day: unity as President and said he would bring. But it's not gonna happen here is why A new study out of stafford hoover institute interviewed two thousand americans about political beliefs. Here are some of the results do you oppose a carbon tax at a global warming play seventy one percent of republicans oppose it. Thirty one percent of Democrats oppose it. Do you
pose a fifteen dollar national minimum wage. Fifty two percent of Republican say no. They don't want that nine percent. Just nine percent of Democrats, don't want a fifteen bob minimum. Which do you favour twelve thousand dollar guaranteed income for americans. Twenty six percent of republicans favour sixty two percent of dutch mark rats want free money going out from the federal government and the most important question is socialism better than capitalism. Eight percent of republicans
nay it is. I don't know those eight percent of republican tsar. That's pretty strange. Fifty one percent, the majority of Democrats say socialism is a better system than capitalism. Now that is a huge problem, because that goes to the heart of the american system. We are a capitalist nation, a country that promotes a free market place, not one run by a central government. We promote self reliance success. Based on merit? Socialism is the opposite: it promotes guaranteed outcomes, no matter how irresponsible you are. Fifty one percent of Democrats favour socialism. Now that's crazy and is more. Do you agree? Political correctness is a big problem. Seventy three percent of Republican say it is just thirty
four percent of democrats. Do you believe we should ban assault weapons? Eighty one point: republican say, don't ban them. Thirty! Eight percent of Democrats don't want them, ban a boy, children always or generally be legal. Just thirty, two percent of Republican say it should be legal. Seventy three percent of Democrats,
so you see the enormous divide in this country. Unity is impossible with these attitudes because the attitudes are not going to change and bitterness is rising. What the country needs is a strong, honest leader to lessen the threat of a social civil war. I do not believe violence is gonna break out, but I don't see day tot. I dont see compromise. These are hardened hardened attitudes and with it our generation being indoctrinated by left wing schools is just gonna get worse. It comes down to progressives against traditional americans and Joe Biden, of course, as thrown in.
with the progressive I'm bill o, and I approve the message by writing. It disagree I'd like to hear from you bill bill o reilly dotcom in a moment something you might not know. This episode is sponsored by visible, visible is a wireless company that believes you should only need you to save no families or roommates. Just you and your wireless plan with visible you get unlimited data for just thirty dollars a month. Taxes and fees included it's their best rate on a one line plan and switch today at visible dot com and get twenty dollars off your first month when you use the code spotify. Twenty new activation, an offer code required for data management practices and additional terms visit, visible dot com offer ends march thirty. First, Now we really daybreak, you something you might not know should Los angeles times be cancelled for things it did in the nineteen forties,
So, as you know, world war two broke out in the early nineties, forties between america and japan after pearl harbor, Between December nineteen, forty one and february nineteen, forty two, the la times, ran a series of articles promoting isolation, detention and incarceration of all japanese born americans headlines included japan now pictured as a nation of spies eviction of jap. Their word aliens sought american japs removal urged japanese already. Here send data to Tokyo. All from the ella tops one times. Writer on February second said: quote japanese americans citizens by accident a birth by they are japanese. Nevertheless, a viper is nonetheless a viper.
Eventually, the media frenzy surrounding impossible invasion of the west coast by imperial japan led to the forced relocation of a hundred and twenty thousand people of japanese ancestry into cams across the amount, in west, at its height the? U S, government held citizens against their will it forty sites in ten states didn't franklin, rosville, authorize, executive order, nine, zero, six, six on february nineteenth nineteen, forty two, which allowed regional military commanders to designate military areas for that attention of japanese americans, california defined anyone, one sixteenth or more of japanese lineage as sufficient to be incarcerate,
amazing and the l a times was all for interment was not limited to the japanese but included american citizens of german and italian families as well. So the question is: should the l a times be held accountable for this? The supreme court in nineteen, forty four ruled it unconstitutional and it stopped, but the times drove the hysteria against japanese americans with california knocking out George Washington, Abraham lincoln thomas jefferson, from school names. Maybe we should take a look out there at the delay times back after this ready. hot the question: let your love sparkle, with blue nile blue nile, his help, millions of couples create their perfect engagement ring there, easy online tools will let you choose the diamond, shape size and clarity as well as setting style blue nile spent jewellers. Will then handcraft her one of a kind engagement ring the perfect
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.