« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 19, 2021


On this Friday edition of The O'Reilly Update Bill reviews the week's biggest stories, Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o Reilly here find a more nineteen thousand twenty one. You are listening to the o reilly update its happening this week in america As you know, cold weather snow ice. All of that causing chaos in many states, but most particularly in texas, at least ten people have died, countless more stuck in their homes, as frigid temperatures descend on the lone star state thermometers in Houston, san Antonio austin dipped, a single digits for the first time. In years, four point: six million people lost power and heat in texas, forcing
come to seek refuge in their cars for warmth. Now a major cause behind the texas outage was frozen. Wind turbines officials with the state's main energy supplier confirm about fifty percent. Of the entire wind operation stopped generating energy because of the cold weather, causing blackouts for ninety percent of customers in some place, Wind generation ranks as the second largest source of energy in the entire state of texas accounting for twenty three percent. Of the power supply. Another source for the power outage was the region's diminished oil and gas output in order to comply with new federal regulations, said checks as governor gregg abbot, who was ordered investigation quote
This shows how the green new deal would be a deadly deal for the united states. Fossil fuel is necessary. We wish the people of texas good fortune, and we hope that temperatures moderate this weekend as forecast the other major story this week, the rapid decline of covert new one actions in the country dip sixteen percent across the board and last seven days hitting levels not seen since early october. Kay is plummeting an ally in new york, san francisco, the mid west florida in new england, almost everywhere. Hospitalizations are also down a whopping, fifty percent. In the last thirty days, doctors believe the decline is caused by a combination of factors, including increased vaccinations, mask mandates
steady recovery from the holiday travel season side. You say the usa could be approaching heard immunity with covert finding fewer bodies to infect is more people operate. Active during the town hall of animal walkie. Earlier this week, prison abiden said the vaccine will be available to everyone by July. coming up the message of the day listeners sound off right back May I introduce you to accompany the does things right? Grip six makes belts
right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable to use, and they look great if that weren't enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll. Look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dot com make sure to use the
bill, twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the early update message of the day listeners sound off. We do this each friday. If you would like to Let me know what you're thinking be all bill, o reilly, dot com, the ill at billow right dot com by the way below riley dive com. That's where we you are tv presentation, so you might wanna check that out. First letter comes from denizen oakley california here in my state were in the process of attempting to recall governor usin. Can members of congress be recalled? Why or why not
Not if you are a federally elected official, that's senate congress. People present, and if you are in that room federal judge, you can't be recall because is too cumbersome, every state would have developed, you can be impeached, so senators can be impeached back A thing goes on, but the individual states have the right, but not all of them, to recall governors and other officials in new york, governor almost in a lot of trouble, but there's no recall mechanism, the governor newsom will be recalled, and there will be a special election this summer patricia brunswick main our youth and young adults have been indoctrinated into these secular socialist mindset through education.
social media and entertainment. We are most of an entire generation coming of age or already of age and voting in that direction. How do we confront that? While this has happened throughout history? Patricia? So vietnam is the best example? You remember if you will around. In the late sixties and early seventies, almost all young americans were anti war. and peace and love and sex drugs and rock and roll. While those same people back then who is so committed to the laugh, Many of them now are conservative, traditional americans, that is called the maturation process, so I don't fear so much. I think they'll be a natural evolution, a balance which are actually right at the school right now are out of control left
Gene in knots ville tennessee what about the far left radical curriculum and practices in public high schools in elementary schools is going to take out rage phone involve parents to speak out against this? Is it is? Yes, it is Jean you're not going to be able to control your local schools by state or federal mandates. You have to get involved on the school board. You have to let Your principles and teachers know how you feel. So. I send my kids to private school because I know on long island. Many of the public schools are out of control left, and I know the private schools are not least the ones that I use neil in Henderson,
now that bill? What did you take on vice president harris calling foreign leaders? Is this? The first sign of president binds inability to execute his duties. Not now I mean it's delegates Asian Joe Biden wants Kamel hours to be involved, so she gets to talk to the president of albania or something like that. Not a big deal? I'm really. I approve the message by putting together again agree. I like to hear from you billet bill, o reilly dot com. something you might not know. Let me introduce you, to accompany their does things right, grip, six makes belts,
right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, strap hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bulk. They are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough, they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt. You will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll. Look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift, because the belts last forever- and you really have to see these belts to know what I'm talking about. So please go to grip. Six dot com make sure to use the code
bill twenty. A check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip. Six. The number dakar code bill two zero. Now the rally of day brings you something you might not know. The global over pandemic. As broad economic. Station Seen in the usa since the great depression, the unemployment rate went from three point: five percent: in february of last year to fifteen percent. In April, the gdp gross domestic product dropped nearly thirty eight percent business is closed and all fifty states, while millions of americans still struggle to survive economically. Some businesses are made. more money than ever before. Here are a few folks earning big box during the plague, the world's wealthiest people, generating major money. Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, the car.
guy. You lawn mosque, mark Zuckerberg and bill gates of all made combined two hundred fifty million dollars doing cold it. Their products and services like home delivery, social media, new technologies, including e learning software, have helped. Millions of americans survive the shut down while they prospered themselves those guys next, the country's fast food chains, new data from the national restaurant association shows sales at mcdonald's kentucky fried chicken taco bill, all up double digits social scientists say folk still feel, more comfortable purchasing food from the drive in window, then from inside a restaurant. It's a surprise. A majority of adults have now gain between five and fifteen pounds during the pandemic and finally
Is alcohol industry the sale of hard liquor of sixty percent compared to the same period last year, more adults are turning to the bottle most popular drinks in January tequila, vodka, bourbon online purchases of spirits up three hundred forty percent. In the last six months, new york city in texas led the nation in dally, alcohol, consumption and here's something else you might not know you too can cash in during the epidemic as rich residents flee cities, condoms say now is the best time in a century to invest in. Urban real estate, some neighborhoods in manhattan, los angeles, san francisco and Boston. I seen prices drop thirty, seven percent back after this I'm.
we alarm host of the liz wheeler show where we analyze today's hottest issues like the marxists behind critical race theory and queer theory, the ballot harvesting behind electioneering and the corruption behind covered nineteen, please subscribed to the less wheeler, shall, wherever you got, your podcast, whether you listen on spotify or apple podcast or watch on youtube, rumble or local, so you never misses. So I'll see you Thank you for listening to the o'reilly update. I am bill, O'Reilly, no spin, just facts and always look. Out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.