« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, February 1, 2023


Americans to start paying for COVID tests, treatments, and vaccines, Ukraine gets a rare "No" from Joe Biden, high profits for some of America's biggest corporations, and high profits for...Bernie Sanders.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, a few thoughts on the boomer generation.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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use the code built twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero bill o reilly here you are listening to the really update coming up next the new swift mike's later you bill is wednesday february first twenty twenty here's the seventh day in america you got that for your own vaccine from now on uk gets a rare no profit for two american giants and profits for bernie sanders it's all coming up in the bill will be here with the message of the deva first the white house announced they will finally end the national covert emergency on may eleventh but what will change when the national emergency ends with a big one is you're gonna have to start paying for covert tests treatments and vaccines because
our government will pay for them anymore pfizer said vaccines will cost between eighty two and a half the thirty dollars the dose that's four times with a federal government pays for them for somebody the republicans say may eleventh is not fast enough to end this state of emergency they proposed to build the pin chemicals is and the freedom for health care workers at the pandemic is over at on party lines the other one that would end actually no climate for federal healthcare workers that passed on part lines but seven democrat joining the republicans joe biden told them of ukraine he will not be sending out sixteens joining england and germany all ruling out sending fighter jets but we said the same thing about our was the air missiles hand was that this ending better tanks and we ended up sending all of those stay tuned i dunno posted high profits last quarter they say as inflation went up more people made more visits to meet
than usual so where someone might have made a trip to a full service restaurant they went to mcdonald's instead they donalds plans on building four hundred new locations in america this year that's the largest expansion since twenty forty but what are they big competitors now might be cassio i talk and soda costs go the combo spent dollar fifty since the eighties somehow the famous stories the ceo ass the cofounder if he could raise the price of i d combo and they go under said if you raise the price of the hot dog i will kill you figure it out now walmart own saves club has under cut the cost go hot dogs is there a hot dog carbo is not a buck fifty it's now a dollar thirty eight pension your panties all twelve of them but we need every penny we can get exxon mobile their previous record profits back in two thousand eight was forty five billion they just announced last year's profits fifty six billion
so here come the socialists to take what they call access profits too much you have too much money and speaking of socialists bernie sanders has a new book out and he is hosting a launch event in d c the book is called it's ok to be angry about capitalism and you can buy your ticket on ticketmaster for ninety i've dollars apiece comrades mice bill with your message the day next test
strong levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years isn't that staggering you know that that's the end of america right if that of that trend is global that's the end of every thing my friends at chalk they're out to put a stop to it naturally not with more big farm of filth naturally you know thyself male vitality stats natural herbal supplements we're talkin twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days naturally you feeling better a better mood better energy ladys don't worry there's a female vitality stack for you we must be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country chalk go get some now c h o q dot com shock is the way forward
make sure you used a promo code bill can i get you a thirty five percent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk dot com promo code bill time now for the really update message of the day there are bout sixty eight million baby boomers roaming around the usa right now most of them aging rapidly for forty six to sixty four has dominated the usa being born in staggering numbers actually right after world war two in marriage and families rule i i am happy to be a bomer because i've seen modern history unfold right before my eyes with television and today the internet i mean think about it in nineteen ten there wasn't much going on wife was hard outdoor relief houses anyone
however i will admit that many baby boomers have caught the entitlement virus and believe they should be exempt from life's challenges like getting all this might be why madonna has turned her face into cream sickle aging is part of the journey as boomer after phil might say which is why i don't listen to him what reality not wisdom from a fortune cookie so here is some reality scene citizens are smarter than accusing grandkids because they ve been throwing it boomer stop thing about themselves morning tonight they might volunteered people out use their remaining time not going to the spot three days a week but improving the country a little i and jane fonda looks good thanks throws long ago workout tapes but come on there are three
reddit words old older coffin use your time wisely i'm bill o reilly i approve the message by writing it you can reach me bill bill o reilly dotcom bill bill o reilly dotcom name in town if you wish to opine now let's go to the male she now basically now morally jersey on twenty four year veteran police officer my question is the memphis police department must be full of corruption and have very little oversight for those officers to beat more like that tells me that wasn't the first time they did it and they believe they can get away with it i can't disagree and of course where's the american haters the progressives taint every police officer the same brushes those files
gordon belair a lowville new york shame on those cops who assaulted tyree and my sympathy goes to his family it also goes to the family of the cops because they are going to pay a price for years to come you bet you know if you're going to do something horrendous gotta think of your family because they're gonna be hurt by that forty this is not a training issue its character issue bottom line one can control his or her emotions i have no business working and law enforcement right on and there very little emotion all training so out of the agency's don't know they know where the people did prior the police training and think in general is ok but you don't know the emotional
the file jerry these guys all knew what they were doing as a video clearly shows would figure they'd get away with it because they were cops this happens too much it happened to me personally by a cop with a badge that he considered a bully's license yeah i see ten twelve percent of cops are bad maybe more but probably not mirrors the population in a moment
something you might not know peace of mind and staying on budget feels pretty good right now does it not but if there's one thing you can expect this year it is the unexpected that's why american home shield exists american home shield members get more and more coverage options fewer exclusions as a member you know your budget your time your sanity are covered choose from three great plans to help cover the costs to repair replace parts of major home systems and appliances no matter what their age and keep your budget goals in check for twenty three
their plans help protect parts of up to twenty three essential homes systems and appliances so keep your home up and running in your budget on track with american home she'll right now you can take fifty dollars off their most comprehensive plans please go to a h ass dot com slash bill to say fifty bucks that's a age ass dot com slash bill fifty dollars off american home she'll be sure with the shield services limitations exclusions apply see plan for details now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know forty one years ago today a new television programme debuted on nbc at twelve thirty five in the morning the owl long broadcasts was hosted by a former whether man feature to gas and one musical performance
late night with david letterman had arrived here is thus story beginning a nineteen sixty nine dave worked as a meteorite colleges in indianapolis near his home town move to los angeles in nineteen seventy five and soon became a regular on me tyler moors variety show you sarcastic humor call the attention of scouts for johnny carson gave quickly became a tonight show favourite and we soon named cars official guest host nbc launched a morning programme the david lead then show in nineteen eighty but it bond however executives believe the comedian would appeal to late night viewers so a guy with david letterman debuted on february first nineteen eighty two the first gas was bill murray who would appear on the show more than thirty times when john
carson retired most viewers thought letterman would get the gig by the network gave the job to j leno and dave quit nbc though show with david letterman ran on cbs from nineteen three to two thousand fifty i was that shows sixteen times including joe before letterman departed say something yes please do look i'm gonna miss you i'm gonna mission you know why always in a minute let him in an eye over the years sparred around and we ve had a little contention in this and add but he always i'll be back i always got my say and i'm happy to be on here and to say you farewell and i only knew very very kind of you ve always been a great and here's something else you may not know in a two thousand seventeen interview dave letterman said i was one of his best guess quote
bill o reilly i know about him was at his ideology seem counter to mine is like having folks that we're not the main street well that's me back after this i leftovers overs the deal and or cleaning the tampa casino always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere you could redeem some serious prizes shimbun casino dot com live the jumbo life nobody's necessary we were created a lot of people start the ignition device the website for details thank you for listening to the arriv update i am below riley no spin just facts and always look out for you
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Transcript generated on 2023-02-07.