« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, December 5, 2022


Celebrities dine at the White House, Republicans flip a California Congressional district, Disney World cancels ‘Splash Mountain’, a new survey ranks the most hated Christmas songs of all time.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, Elon Musk shakes it up.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode is sponsored by fichier and their interactive. Fitness mirrors with energetic classes, elite instructors and innovative technology that tracks your reps and pace. It's fitness that fits you plus! You can try it with competence with their sixty day risk free trial and even better right now get a chance to earn up to a year of free membership, plus up to one hundred and fifty dollars all fit your core with the promo code feature one. Fifty at vitra dot com offer valid january. Twenty two. Pray visit, pitcher dot, com for terms and conditions void were prohibited rule. Are you wander in December? Two thousand twenty to you all adding to the o'reilly update. Here's what's happening today in america! celebrities, dining at the white house on our tab. Rob Finally, flip a california congressional district disneyworld cancel splash, Mountain a new survey ranks the most hated christmas songs of all time,
also ahead, big story coming and it's about president Biden, but first some big names descended on a white house. President Biden hosea lavish dinner in honour of french president monochrome the yes was included. Jennifer gardener, John legit. And a wind tower through your louie dreyfus, stephen colbert and hunter Biden. Everyone, the men featured, may lobster caviar french campaign. So what all these celebs having common. A slavish devotion to president Biden. Republican john Duarte, has one california, tenth congressional district after twenty five days of vote, counting
The conservative one by five hundred thirty votes, the precinct located between average is go and fresno has not I did a republican since nineteen. Seventy four progressives outnumber conservatives to want to our days. Victory gives the geo p two hundred twenty two members in the house of representatives. Tourism disneyworld have only a few weeks left to enjoy the parts most popular attraction, the magic kingdom will close splash mountain because ass a racial stereotypes, the right based on the nineteen. Forty six film song of the south. That features characters brewer, rabbit bird fox and old uncle remus. Critics claim the movie an attraction, glamorized plantation life before the civil war,
the ride will reopen with a new inclusive theme next year can't wait. certainly from you got, ranks the most despised christmas songs. Ever they are. They He is called outside all I want for christmas. Is you. I saw mommy kissing santa claus. Grandma got run over by a reindeer and the least, Popular holiday song, ever and oh baby. It's bad.
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Bill o reilly year with no spin news. Please listen: weak nice at eight p m on frida ninety six, Bill riley year on up long as new voice for talk, radio freedom. Ninety six, nine! We got a bell right, merry christmas good job this year and is a just means next year, as you may know, and will probably have to work on january. Second, during the day, but you'll get We have to do, or I do to get things up and running for that. We need a european citizen, a lorry christmas you to buy. Time over the arrival of the message of the day, very big story brewing you No it because the three network, ignored the revolution
since coming out of twitter about the two thousand with the presidential election, now all this twitter stuff is good news for donald rob just minutes after alone must release damaging information. The former president, texted me quote: total corruption. Everybody's now admitting the election of two thousand twenty was rigged. Unquote, world and Joe Biden into support for a bidding anything but certainly us use bolstering the believe that That was the end during the last presidential boat. So let's cut all the non and false reporting and lay out was likely to happen in the next six. on all of the bad for Biden, some of the good for trump here's mine now
my donating a colossal four hundred million dollars to harvest votes for Joe by facebook, billionaire mark, Zuckerberg, undeniably and slyly help by went. That's that The problem for trump and republicans is that Zuckerberg did it legally. Law. You can give political action committees and unlimited amount of money to do your bidding and zuckerberg bidding was Jim. the Biden vote in key swing, states, nothing congressional committees- can do about that. However, this second fix was in allegation may likely explode into a huge scandal once the house oversight and judiciary committees changeful files in january, with republicans taking incoming oversight chairman james calmer, a congressmen from Kentucky
told me last week that he believes hunter binding, delivered, seek repayments to his father. When are you Vice president. Now it remains to be seen if beyond reasonable doubt, prove will surface, but it could, especially if the oversight committee subpoenas business records from jeems Biden. The president's brother and his lion hall group which received millions in foreign cash from under way Where did all that money? Wind up? The second committee this year. It is likely to zero in on how twitter suppress free speech in order to help Biden, wit incoming chairman, Jim Jordan. The ohio congressman is relentless. And will target not only twitter employees but also fbi, agents and other guys
when officials who allegedly, where directing twitter into hiding the hunter laptops story and others now expect elon musk will be of immense help to republicans. I also anticipate that many call before congress will take the fifth Bottom line- none of this will be good for the Democrats who are struggling to govern the country, but keep an eye on the corrupt corpse media is going to suppress this story just like. Twitter allegedly so pressed the campaign stuff. I don't really, I approve the message by writing it. If you'd. Like more honest news analysis, I hope you gotta bill orally dotcom fun web. Are you learn a lot and I hope you consider
when the legends for a christmas gift in a moment, something you might not know this episode sponsor by thatcher and their interactive fitness mirrors. with energetic classes, elite instructors and innovative technology that tracks your reps and pace. It's fitness that fits you plus! You can try it with competence with their sixty day risk free trial and even better right now get a chance to earn up to a year of free membership, plus up to one hundred fifty dollars all fit your core with the promo code feature one. Fifty at bitter dot com offer valid january, twenty twenty visit, bitter dot, com for terms and conditions void. Where prohibited now, the orally of degrees, you something you might not know, Hundred twenty one years ago, today, one of the most influential americans ever was born in Chicago he's. There came an empire still dominates film tv, music, broadway toys, even theme parks here is thus story of walt disney or in summer fifth night.
No one, young walter was one in five children, he's not a missouri farm. He began sketching local animals, cows, chicken, sheep and his favorite mice, During the autumn of nineteen eighteen, walt disney attempted to list in the military but was rejected because he was only sixteen years old. so he joined the red cross and was deployed overseas as an ambulance driver which was a dangerous jobs. During or what after the war. While we turn to kansas city, where he began career as an advertising cartoonist in august, ninety twenty three that Missouri for hollywood, with nothing about fifty dollars in his pocket Five years later, while disease It is rather roy unveil, the world's first cartoon to feature sound. The animated short was called
in both willie storing a brand new character, mickey mouse in nineteen thirty, seven, the walt disney company released snow white, followed by pinocchio fantasia dumbo and bambi by the end of world war, two the disney empire had grown into the most successful company in the world. dizzy land opened in nineteen fifty five. Ok, later wall personally selected, a fifty square mile stretch of property and several florida for the outcome in this new world. Sadly, he never got to see the magic kingdom walt disney started. Smoking unfiltered cigarettes as a teenager. He continued.
rest of his life. In november, nineteen sixty six disney was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died for weeks later at the age of sixty five. Today, walt disney remains the most iconic entertainment executive, ever, his business still employs half a million people and is worth a whopping two hundred fifty billion dollars, that's more than the entire gross national product of new zealand.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-11.