« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, December 5, 2019


The Democrats’ impeachment exercise goes to the Judiciary Committee, one witness weaponizes Barron Trump to damage the President, George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin’s family for $100-million-dollars, a new study finds a shocking amount of sugar in Starbucks newest holiday beverage.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o reilly here thursday december fifty thousand nineteen you are listening to the o reilly update here's what's happening across our nation the democrats impeachment dr continues one witness mocks baron tromp the president's what george zimmerman sues trayvon martin's family for one hundred million new study finds a shocking amount of sugar in a starbucks drink also do you read books any more do you buy records are there even records first the house impeachment probe and now moves to gerald and judiciary committee
the panel meeting with legal scholars to bash president trump as you close he is asking that the house refer articles of impeachment immediately americans largely tuning out of the whole exercise sanford law professor pamela carlin mark president trump's youngest son to damage the president the lawyer telling the committee the u s constitution prevents the chief executive from creating a baron which is of course the boy's name republican congressman matt gaetz confronting that professor on live tv saying the use of a thirteen year old to attack the president is simply mean a lot of trump the first lady defending her son on social media adding quote every child deserves privacy
and protection and that carlin should be ashamed of her actions the professor has donated thousands of dollars to elizabeth warren barack obama and hillary clinton she did eventually apologize for the baron situation george zimmermann remember him filing soon i guess a family of trade on martin four hundred million dollars zimmermann acquitted in two thousand twelve for killing the teenager sparking protest nationwide lorries claim the entire case was firmest on false testimony and has ruined zimmermann's life but this lawsuit seems to be rule to many observers new study out of the uk finding a huge amount of sugar in a starbucks drink according to scientists the coffee shops twenty ounce signature caramel hot chocolate contains twenty three teaspoons of sugar that's more than seven hundred
eighty calories don't feel like spending ninety minutes on a trend bela burned off try re look up a coffee black to calories in a moment why americans are not reading books any more or even going to the movies right back with millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money is a problem
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fifty call now done of the arrival update message of the day a vast change for the worse in american culture as i write this commentary my latest book the united states of tromp is ranked number fifty on amazon the biggest bookseller in the world but here's the thing there are only five real books in front of me and again i'm at fifty six the rest of the top fifty are kids books cookbooks diet tomes and self help things the most popular book in a country right now one hundred recipes to live to one hundred begging the question why would anyone want to do that i mean ancient
is tough very difficult i would buy a book entitled eat like this and you will die happy around eighty five at a book i'd like to read the second biggest selling book according to amazon is diary of a wimpy kid wrecking ball the wimpy kid series is fabulously success because we are living in an age where wimpy kids rule the women they are the more
mom's like them for some reason the third book on the best seller list is dog man from the creator of captain underpants now if this isn't an indicator of the collapse of american culture i dont know what it how exactly did mister underpants get promoted to captain what ethnicity is the last name underpants anyway scandinavian dog man i understand captain underpants no the fact that real bogs with actual plots and facts do not sell is depressing especially do a guy who writes those kinds of books but that's what's happening like music movies and television the publishing industry is on the verge of collapse
that's because of the machine the smart phones which can dial up all kinds of diversions in seconds why read a book when you can you two or instagram the romans had their bread and circuses we have instagram in google think about americans are now opting for easy the smartphone has everything all you need is a thumb and if that gets tired turn on the tv streaming books music forget it it's too are it go to a book
or which are dying out by the way i don't even know any music stores and earlier this year poor mccartney and barbarous rice in both musical icons put out new music nobody body even tv shows hawaii five all they got to go back to hawaii viable older people in amerika are the only ones hanging if they buy some books a few books they read them they watch standard t v they might even go out to the movie theater but younger americans forget it it's all in the smartphone and that's not very smart i bill o'reilly and i approved that message by writing it for more commentary please visit the la riley dot com and hopefully your pick up my book the united states a trump directly had something you might not know do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep when assigned
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few little known fact about one of america's greatest entrepreneurs today than aim disney is synonymous with hollywood but walt was worn in chicago and raised in missouri the disney's lived on a farm walter earliest drawings he wasn't made her were animals you saw every day high school not a good fit for walt disney he dropped out in nineteen eighteen to join the army but he was under age and they caught him so he joined the red cross ambulance called
after world war one walter brother roy wanted to go into the vacuum business instead the brothers formed a studio later renamed the walt disney company sorry roy mickey mouse makes his grand entrance in nineteen twenty eight inspired by walt disney's actual pet mouse who has a pet mouse mickey has a few impressive accomplishments of his own first cartoon character to speak first to have a star on the walk of fame also the most popular write in candidate at voting booths around the country mickey mouse also had a disco album would double platinum if you can believe it turns out mickey was just the beginning for walt disney twin nineteen thirty two and sixty six what was nominated for fifty nine academy award winning twenty two of them and hear something you
also might not know one of the last things walt disney wrote down before entering the hospital prior to his death was the name kurt russell mr russell was a child actor who had just sign with the disney company to this day no one knows the reason that walt disney road on his way back after this right now anyone with a mortgage as an incredible opportunity and fry them into rachel so low you can add hundreds of dollars back to your monthly budget simply by airy financing plus you can save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of your long and it takes a little is ten minutes to get started when you call american financing i recommend american financing because they are family owned
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.