« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, December 30, 2019


Joe Biden refuses to comply with Congressional subpoenas, Mayor Pete Buttigieg calls for the legalization of ALL drugs, Baltimore hits a grim murder milestone in 2019, a man is beaten to death in New York for just 1-dollar, a suspect is released without bail after punching a NYPD officer in the face.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, New Years Resolutions for the worlds most powerful people.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o reilly dear monday december thirty two thousand nineteen year listening to the orally update hears which happening today in america joe biden says he might not comply with the senate subpoena u s military bombs iran back targets in iraq and syria baltimore hits a grim murder number in two thousand and nineteen a man beaten to death in new york city for a buck and a suspect released without bail after punching an n y p d police officer in face also the message of the day on new year's resolutions for powerful people but first well biden tells reporters he will not quote yield to what everybody is looking for unquote should senators demand he test
far republican leaders are hoping to speak with the democratic front runner over his sons business dealings with ukraine during the impeachment trial the usa launching five air strikes against multiple targets inside iraq and syria the pentagon says warplanes hit iran backed militants in the region secretary of state powell describes the mission as a decisive response to terrorism growing presence in iraq and syria which is causing violet
and chaos baltimore bragging its annual record for homicides in two thousand nineteen the city of about six hundred thousand people wrapped up three hundred and forty two murders in the past twelve months a rate of fifty seven per one hundred thousand folks by comparison new york city has eight mill in residence but just three hundred and six homicides that's at new york city man was beaten to death and robbed of a buck the six year old victim was leaving a mcdonald's restaurant in the bronx when he was attacked for his wallet and phone these all was witnessed by dozens of pedestrian it's but no one stopped to help the victim across town the court released a man accused of punching in new york city police officer in the face without bail video footage shows the attack the guy actually through the
to the ground in brooklyn members of the police union describe mayor build a glass eels policies toward law enforcement as a quote total failure as violent criminals now go largely unpunished in a moment pray a drop joe biden nancy pelosi have some resolutions for that you ve been hearing about gold all over the news prices continue to climb not surprising given all the warnings of recession and the uncertainty of the upcoming mergers are looking for stability as a way to protect their savings in retirement that's why i recommend you consider gold and silver as a safe haven for you savings in retirement nobody i recommend and have for years is american hartford goal group they are a plus raided with a better business bureau also they make it simple and easy for you to invest in physical gold and silver
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public arena but i do this with america's welfare and my so here we go presented trump i resolved to avoid consigning decease people a hell it just doesn't seem to be much upside doing that per tori okay but haiti's is a bit extreme diplomacy should resist scolding reporters who ask if she hates donald trump even though she says she's praying for the president and sure looks like she despises every fibre of his being she hasn't consign mr trumped a hell yad but she was suggested that he visit san francisco which is pretty much the same thing these days adam chef might consider a resolution not to meet with federal
whistle blowers until the whistle is actually blown advance coaching and whistle lan smacks of corruption mr chief are you not aware of that mr mcconnell should resolve to hold a fair impeachment trial providing it not run longer than ninety minutes enough time for sent lindsey gram to call the proceedings a sham and senator church to bring in a medium to contact impeach president andrew johnson who may be spending eternity in san francisco joe biden has many resolution from which to choose one would be not to say the words in fact twenty times in every paragraph another might be to put hunter up for adoption bernie there's could resolved not to say the word billionaire in two thousand twenty
but then bernie would have very little a shout about in his speeches maybe he could replace billionaire with bloomberg saying elizabeth war and might resolve to cut back on her plans because they are far too complicated a fun resolution might be for her to endorse making the crime of home invasion legal that way americans could take stuff from other americans without the government's help which would cut down on the bureaucracy vice president pan should take a hard look at resolving to say just one thing in two thousand twenty that against will actually remember mayor paid knows what his resolution must be no more wine in caves far too dangerous with all those bats in there
really giuliani also knows his resolution no more ukraine even though the beaches of fabulous wait putin has seized the beaches doesn't matter ukraine should never see the mayor again under any circumstances james colonies are resolved to do nothing in two thousand twenty self induced coma finally the corrupt media should collectively resolved to keep on keeping on why not as long as troposphere why bother gathering facts why run with that one is much easier and far more enjoyable just a hate tromp it's a gas gas gas as is owns one sang and so it goes with thanks to lindore elevate recording that phrase happy new year unless tromp wins i know o reilly and i approve that message by actually writing it for more commentary please go to bill o reilly dotcom in a moment something you might not know
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magic is the heart warming story of a christmas dog that is an angel played by christopher lloyd delta rescue dot org forward slash bill now the rally up day brings you something you might not know the recreational purchase of merit one now legal at eleven states across amerika it doesn't are in the process of decriminalizing the drug which is an intoxicating substance despite gaining media acceptance in recent years cannabis does pose a very real threat specially for younger americans doctors nationwide report a dramatic increase in the number of teens seeking treatment for cannabis abuse a twenty two percent jump in the last five years where nations largest healthcare providers claims a hundred and eighty percent increase in private rehab claims
some blame the disturbing trend on pots potency legalization states like colorado in massachusetts allows companies to wrap up the tea eight seek out by where the ninety percent the new marijuana can lead to major mental disorders like schizophrenia and depression condoms say the cause of treating marijuana abuses around one hundred billion dollars a year which is staggering pot advocates claim legalization will advance social justice but studies show most canada's companies are funded by big tobacco in wall street investors not our businesses other say liberalizing the pot laws will reduce harass of minorities for drug offences but in washington dc which legalise drugs years arrest or marijuana related crimes have tripled since decriminalization putting a double digit increase in driving under the influence
new york governor cuomo also calling for legal nation saying you need the money while a move may generate some tax dollars experts say the police we shall out more than a billion box to try and equip officers to handle marijuana problems in public there's something you may not know the newest risk for american teenagers raping the number of teens waving pot has doubled in just the past year recent surveys show one out of every five high schoolers vapor marijuana mark my words rampant pot use
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.