« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, December 3, 2021


The new strain of COVID makes landfall in California, LeBron James temporarily blocked from the NBA because of pandemic regulations, 40-percent of people in Los Angeles don’t feel safe in their own neighborhoods, a record number of Americans set to travel this Christmas.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here friday December third, two thousand twenty one. You are Into the o'reilly update, here's what's happening this week in america,. New surrender called it makes landfall new usa, Leubronn J. Firms blocked from playing because he apparently ask over forty percent people in l, a do not feel Even their own neighborhoods a number of American said to travel this christmas season, Although I viewers sound off, but first covered severity confirmed in california, sizes will leave. The strain is more contagious than delta. but may cause less severe symptoms. The nations highest transmission rates cannot be found in michigan new hampshire mexico vermont minnesota. All five states voted for president.
I don't know what that means, but the blue states have more costly than a red states. At this point, and be a star lebron james out indefinitely, because their legs, health and safety protocols, the vaccinated athlete lucy, says he's axed tested positive for cold a breakthrough. Is james questioning the decision to put him on the shelf. Writing quote something: fishy is going on the bridge. This makes forty one million dollars a year playing for the los angeles lakers. He these and other seventy million through endorsements, maybe he'll make of that commercial Four in ten folks living in los angeles, say almost population makes them feel on, say the poll published by the hill. Such a growing number of residents concerned with human waste on the streets
used syringes and playgrounds and people suffering from major mental health price. bombs roaming around roughly seventy five, thousand people live on the streets of los angeles, the most in the country, a figure up, fifteen percent compared to two thousand and nineteen. Record number of americans hitting the road this december travel experts predict a hundred and When you five million people will visit friends and relatives over the holidays to thrive. words will use the family car fifteen percent will fly. The average person spends five hundred dollars on travel between thanksgiving, a new year's day vacations last christmas down. Seventy percent because of covered, and now we have new college stuff, but its aims Our guns are going to get
a mars house in a moment, listeners had their say right back with it Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right: grip six makes belts
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I would build twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g r. I p six, the number dot com code bill to zero time to have the o'reilly of day message of the day listeners sound off. We do this each friday, can reach me bill bill, O'Reilly, dot com. bill at bill, o'reilly dot com, name in town. If you wish to o pie. Let us begin with air in liese burger virginia You recently said that mexican president over door is not afraid of Joe Biden, as he was with donald trump. holding in mexico's reason denial of troops to help with the border situation. Previously you said it was the trump and over made in which tromp backed off
war on drugs. If mexico would help with the border situation here's what I said, it trot was considering designating the drug cartels as terrorist groups. Have you done that we could use, special forces and drones to attack the drug cartels within mexico when you're designated a terrorist group. You can be attacked by the usa overdue, did not want that because it would make him look weak. So a deal was reached. Mister Tromp would not designated cartels. Terrorists and the mexican president would provide troops. That is what happened. Let's go to loretta forego a north Dakota is present trump really electable. Since half the country hates him. How would this benefit the country?
loretta I don't get into. This I can tell you that MR trump Seventy four million votes and maintains a lot of popularity among his vase He does want to run again. I don't know whether that is going to be possible. Many things can happen, but if you compare trumps record to bindings dont, traumas ever gonna get democratical form, but dependence. Well that's another story and that's where the next election, two thousand twenty four will be decided in the independent pricing warren nor co? California. What are the judges? The Democrats and bind will shut down a country again? action time. Two thousand twenty, two in two thousand twenty four look: nobody knows have this call things going to show I mean nobody knows in europe. It ass chaos,
People are being forced to stay in our homes. Here it looks like the vaccine, in is rising to the seventy percent number, but nobody can predict that much is all pray because is covered. just wrecking our society and the world? No doubt about it. Barbara lake ass. We go organised town outside of portland, Why is there an independent council investigating Joe Biden? China collusion. There is real evidence versus donald trump manufactured evidence. Now what have to go through the attorney general merrick garland, So what are the odds? Barbara? That garlon devoted Democrat is going to investigate his boss, you're white? I would say: zero there.
I don't know riley. I approve the message by putting it together for me honest news analysis please go to bill, o reilly, dot com and you should check that website. Every day you learn a lot. You ll have some fun. Something you might not now. his brian dean right former cia operations officer by now, you probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We too, around the world. Talking about the most pressing news of the day and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad, them really simple to understand. We also about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief deliver to the president. Each day in the oval office so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available, on all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure if you join us,
now the arrival of debris you something you might not know christmas day quickly approaching two point: two billion christians celebrating the birth of Jesus every country on earth, the holiday season, conjures images of decorated, trees, religious services, give giving and, of course, santa claus, but origin behind a jolly fat man is very different than you might expect. Here's how saint nick went from a turkish monk to a christmas, icon, born in turkey. Around two hundred and eighty, a D nicholas became the subject of many legit He gave way all his wealth travel, the countryside, helping the poor and sick. His popularity spread and nicholas became known as the protector of children and sailors every day, He was canonized saint, his
he's day celebrated on the anniversary of his death december six by the renaissance nick, was the most popular state in europe. even during the protestant reformation, when the veneration of catholic saints was discouraged, nickel, remain very big, especially in holland, where, He was called cinder class. The dutch brought the tradition in north america in the late eighteenth century in eighteen- oh nine, author, washington, irving, hell popular eyes these centre. Klaus stories, when he referred to Saint Nicholas as the patron saint of new york Americans love the character, but hey the name so we changed centre, Klaus, santa claus some time in the eighteen. Fifty.
today. Ninety three percent of american household celebrate christmas. Nine and ten of us say saint nick plays a major role and here's something else you might not know you can thank american capitalism for santa's iconic. Look to popular companies are credited with creating his right jump suit, and then I d forties both coca cola and may see you santa claus in their christmas advertisements, they craft its anti suit to match their branding. Both our red and white, his department, store look swept the nation after the release of the nineteen forty seven movie, a miracle on thirty fourth street: that's where macy's is back after this Thank you for listening to the arriving update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look
out, for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.