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The O'Reilly Update, December 29, 2023


Nikki Haley clarifies, the White House changes renames the border crisis, the most stressed out states in the country, and a new poll gives new meaning to the term ‘man’s best friend.’

Plus, the O’Reilly Update Message of the Day, the six stages of a nation’s rise and fall.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bomber. The holidays are over no more presents, but yea you have your freedom again. New year is full of ups and downs, but, however you're feeling you can always be happy with prime video catch. The new season have read your rent or buy new releases like taylor, swift, the eras tour extended version. You can add on hundreds of streamers one app one password from video, find your happy place. Restrictions apply by membership number required to rent or buy, see amazon dot com, slash amazon, prime for details, no o reilly year. You are listening to the rightly update coming up. The new swift mike's later thanks, bill? It is friday december. Twenty. Ninth, twenty twenty three, the last week end of the year. Your listing the orally update here to tap today in america, Nicky, hey It clarifies her comment, the civil war,
the white house floats a new name for the porter crisis. A survey reveals the most stressed out states in the country. and an issue. I pull, gives new meaning to the term man's best friend. That's all come up and then I'll be here with the message of the day about these six stages of a country's rise and fall, and you can decide what stage were in now and then we'll course. What I want, how does not get to stage sex? You don't wanna, be in state six. Ever we don't have to be. That's all coming up a first Nicky really facing criticism over her comments at a town hall event in new Hampshire she stepped in it. The but can candidate was asked to specifically named the cause of the american civil war. She said I think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was going to run she later clarify the remark telling a radio host. Of course, the civil war was about. Every that's the easy part of it the bottom administration floating a new name for the border crisis, or the less good. At controlling the language they let him get away with it. They even
the even though a migrant. That's not. Birds migrate, secretary of state, anthony blinking, recently called the eight thousand person caravan making its way towards the united states, an example of irregular migration since Joe Biden inauguration on January twenty twenty one, nine million illegal aliens have entered this country, obviously illegally Many people believe that figures closer to fifteen million will never know A new report from wallet hub ranking the states with the highest rates of anxiety places, are judged by personal finances, work, satisfaction, family relationships, mental health, the most stressful states and twenty twenty, Mississippi, virginia in new mexico, nevada, never number one louisiana people most relaxed in hawaii, new hampshire, south gotta, minnesota and utah, a national survey from one paul, finds that seven in ten dog owners consider there had to be their best friend
half take the dog on daily Aaron's forty percent bring them to restaurants. Thirty five percent on airplanes. Thirty, five percent, for a million american households have at least one dog, the average Where's spent five thousand dollars each year on the family, dog, mostly food toys and trips, to the that. would you get more more obscenely expensive themselves am I slater these six stages of the rise and fall of a country and what we can do to prevent us from getting to stage six next.
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site are fit for bill o reilly. Now it's time for the arrival of the message of the day in nineteen sixty one there was storing louis mumford. Here a book called the culture of cities. and he made the argument that the rise and fall of eight people of my country has six stages, So let's go over them quickly and you can decide which stage wherein right now get a fun game here, which stage of our rise and or fall currently living in stage. One is the rise of the village community to grow, phil were domesticating animals, building houses very basic check. Dont pilgrims. Did that very thing for them stage to the past so these are coming together to now, common meeting places com a fence development trades and crafts were growing extra food said Alice. Tat four- or more nurturing of the family and education and sciences and now-
we can build a theater and cathedral and a stadium and stuff like that stage, three, the metropolis so one city in this country is growing bigger than the rest, but big it can sustain itself so relies on other cities and towns to bring it food and supplies. Think new york city near city can't rather of food, but they also have to bring in things from other countries, which means That their importing foreign people and traders and students into this city and with them, They bring new habits and ideas and they challenge the old ways of doing things stage for the mega labile. This is the beginning of the decline for story, louis mumford, now all about getting bigger, nothing, else matters. I would say we saw that and still see it in this country with the obsession that our elites have about gdp
we gotta bring in more illegal immigrants, because that means there's more people for us to sell things to which mean we can grow our gdp. Nothing else matters we need more and more and more and more as moms, put that the owners of the instruments of production and distribution, suborn every other fact in life The achievement of riches and the despair of wealth and his face. The threat of widespread barbarism arises, stage, five, the tier annapolis as in tyranny, in this stage of the politicians It's all about. What can I get for my people at the expense of everyone else, the stories as widespread moral apathy, failure of civic responsibility to find this stage each group Each individual takes reckon get away with Multiplication of the law Ben proletariat. Oh that's a great word from Karl Marx. Means are basically useful idiots,
the lupin proletariat demanding its share of bread and circuses. uncertainty, hangs over every prospect of the future. We just yesterday talked about how sixty Four percent of americans dont think the american dream exists anymore, such things, the american dream, decline in the rate of population increase. Our population in america is going down if it weren't for immigration and Jim Earl loss of nerve and stay six, the final stage war and famine and disease rack both city and countryside, the fish towns become mere shells or lose, our small towns in this country has no question the monuments in books no longer convey meaning turned statues of our founding fathers, for instance slay, the civilization is gone, babylon, Nineveh, rome. So we try to avoid that stage. I fear we're getting pretty close I'd say we're. In the beginning of stage five But the good news is, we don't have to move on the stage six. There can be a revival and we can get back to the purpose
And the joy of that second and third stage I'll give you a real life example of that revival that we can be inspired by next.
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filling in for bill O'Reilly now it's time for something you might not know how can a city or a culture, a country experience a revival and not fall all into that despair and ultimate destruction like so many other cities and cultures in history that we're talking about in the last segment, before I give an example, the revival- maybe they go: instead, it wouldn't be what what countries Cultures have like don't exist anymore. Well, Let us look at reserve currencies back into twelve hundreds. The reserve currency was the florin from florence. the currency of the world and surely the people forms that they will be the reserve currency forever. And then the venetians came round, they became the reserve currency, then the portuguese and then this. Irish and then the underlines the dutch and then the fray were the reserve currency and the british, where the reserve currency, and now we are the reserve currency, but here area we think what we the reserve currency forever. What makes us think that
all these other countries, not they would be the reserve currency of the world forever to they weren't. Why We think we are somehow guaranteed to be the reserve currency forever. So. If we want to stay on top, We need a revival Certain dresden, Dresden is an eight hundred year old city in germany that the bridge, bombed pretty much to smithereens in world war to twenty. thousand people were killed when the main. Cathedral in dresden was bombed, they let it sit there broken destroyed for about fifty, years as a sort of memorial and finally, the people sided to bring it back to life. starting in nineteen. Ninety three, the people of residence, ordered the bricks literally said. did the bricks and put it back together, ass. They could this huge mass of cathedral, Google, dresden cathedral rebuilt and up took eleven years and also all the buildings around it. They had to be rebuilt too. Everything there is new, but there
noted in the same architectural style, where, if you saw you say, offers are really old, billy and clearly that germany did architecture is regional, its specific, objectively beautiful and its sole nourishing, and I love story, because it's possible to physically rebuild cities and its past but to rebuild the soul of a city and a country as well. They just has to be a revival of principles We can't rebuild. If we don't know what the building was like and we can't rebuild our country if we do. Hu we are, we need to people build again bill, beautiful things we can do it the number for if we want to. on my site or phone familiarizing more coming up next.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-30.