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The O'Reilly Update, December 20, 2023


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days, you know that the government is printing. billions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever. If the government continues its printing and spending the dollar could continue. Its freefall and loses coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't app, but are a few things you can do right now. American harvey I can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your hard earned savings inflation by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio in defence. Go gold and silver star with a short phone call and they can have. physical gold and silver, delivered right to your door or put inside your four o one kay or I are so please call or attacks them right. Now, colombo, o reilly censure call later.
Seven: four: four for gold, hiv: seven, four: four for gold or tax gold to six five, five: three to again that eight, seven, seven, four four for gold or tax go old to six five five. Three too, bill o reilly. Here you are listening to the arising update coming up next, the new swift mike's later thank avail to wednesday December twentieth. Twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, protein Getting democracy taxes sued, who these attack and reparations and new york saw coming up, then bills gonna beer, with your message that ever first in an effort to protect democracy, the people who claim tromp was attacking. Democracy, have decided to remove him from the ballot colorado, the colorado supreme court
citing the download j trump is in eligible to be on the ballot because he violated clause. Three of the fourteenth amendment, which was an amendment intended for. confederate military and political leaders after the civil war. They say, he's ineligible because trumpet led an insurrection. This part of What did the rabbit says that no person shall hold any office? Who, having previously taken an oath to support the constitution of the united states shall have engaged in insurrection. Or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the end he's thereof. Insurrection is the key word there. It is on hold until the supreme court hears tribes appeal on this issue on January. Fourth right to these taxes. Immigration law went into effect, which enables texas law. Forest and police officers, who have probably as to arrest someone for in the country illegally The person who is arrested is given a choice. You can either go to jail taxes for twenty years or we will drop you back off on the other side of the border and assume
This law wanted to effect the acl you suit them. Of course, The loss of claims that, as before, could pose a threat to miss status, families poor an integral part of the Paso community does matter caballero, legally. governor, abbots eddie will fight this all the way to the supreme court the. U S is leading a coalition of ten nations to counter who the attacks out of yemen Commercial vessels and military vessels in the red sea, the red sea, connects the indian ocean with the mediterranean sea so that ships don't have to go all the way around the southern tipp of africa. The problem as these ships have to pass through a straight and between yemen and djibouti. Yemen is home to who the terrorists backed by ran, who keep hijacked In enlarging drones at these ships now worth noting Our president, Joe Biden and twenty twenty one decided to remove the who, these from the list, officially recognised terrorist organisations and explicitly goal was to be nice to them and encourage them to stop being violent. Again,
new york joining california to state that will consider reparations for the descendants of slaves estate. slavery in eighteen, twenty seven, the republican minority of new york says ne er gaudy pay the debt for slavery with the blue, and lives of americans during the civil war. Am I slater bill, or rather their message the day? Next. Imagine a world where health means more than going to the doctors office. It's why we created the health insurance company that considers so much more well point your whole health is our whole point Now for the really update message today on this, Wednesday, a monmouth university pole since present Biden,
I have approval rating now stands at thirty four percent. In truth, the monmouth poll is a bit sketchy based on past numbers, but there's no question. Mr Biden is imploding, keeping it pithy. Here's why folks are paying to much for essentials and recreation and they are paying more than they did when Donald trump was president most america understand, binds open border policy is a disaster president has enable his troubled son hunter to amass millions of dollars. Mr Biden, can it needs to deny any responsibility for the hunter situation on your binds watch the rise of public use water and the nations? Large cities is horrifying
The president remains silent on the entire issue. Joe Biden spends more tax dollars than any president in history with little to show for it overseas. There is obviously ass, almost everywhere I could list many more devil it's not even mention president Biden age. So when you think about it, the thirty four percent job, Mobile number is really astounding in itself. What's that all about mass The chasm I'm bill o, I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me Bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male so just as I like former you,
best, ronicky hayley, but will not vote for her alike, respond not afraid to be confrontation. No reason I will not vote for her is that she is a warmongering neo con, not unlike senator lindsey, graham, I believe our issues are within our borders, not elsewhere. While I disagree with you, John, but respectfully- and I do respect your your choice of who you want to go for worlds interconnected now, out of control, she's gonna hurt everybody here. Suzanne meant sir grapevine texas in your answer to an email bill you sent on, binds bringing untold embarrassment to his father few considered the life he's lead. I dont think Joe Biden could ever be embarrassed. I disagree. I think the presidency is very much upset by the conduct of his son, I'm not going to go any further than that.
But I I know that to be true, David, garner, dallas right down the road from grapevine. I constantly emails asking to help prosecute one hunter Biden. My question is: why isn't what the government gets taxes to do? If you get an email asking for money to prosecute hunter Biden, that is a scam s c. A m give these people any money. Her hair tinier concierge member. I change my opinion since I moved away from many of my friends and I
would see them very often, so I want to get a card with family pictures on it. I liked the family pictures too, but I just think there should be a note with the pictures. I just finished writing two hours of cards. Land thing in a moment, something you might not know, did talk to people you know at the end of the year will be here so remember to use your vision benefits before they expire schedule. Eye exams today for the whole family by visiting provision, dot, com provision will cover the cost of your insurance, co, pay or eye exam plus. They accept all major vision plans, including I'm. A valid prescription required valid at participating locations. Restrictions apply in texas don't see. Store for details ends twelve thirty one twenty three exams available at the independent doctors of optometry at or next to pearle vision, some doctors employed by pearle vision. Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know Seventy seven years ago, today, the movie
it's a wonderful life for mirrored in new york city critics in it the pan. The plot is overly sentimental today is considered. One of the most cherished movies of all time here is thus story. Tell is first published by author, philip stern nineteen, forty. rate hollywood studio, R k all bought the rights fringes, ten thousand dollars director, frank, capra, tap to lead the production, So what, if rely primarily on December twentieth, nineteen, forty six right after the war the film stars, Jimmy Stuart as george Bailey frustrated businessman, with unfulfilled dreams,. Facing financial ruin. George considers suicide on christmas eve by jumping off the bridge. He is say by a guardian angel, then show with the world would look like had he never been born the film
box office flop and nineteen forty six ticket sales are so low. The studio did renew the copyright without the legal protection tv now. Words were allowed to broadcast a movie free, which they did beginning a night. Sixty the saga has been shown every year on christmas eve and hear something else. You might not know I'm still, which were of george Bailey, was heavily influenced by his own experience in world war to the actors in the army air corps in nineteen forty one just a few months after winning his first academy award for the philadelphia story, he then piloted. Some of the most brutal bombing campaigns in europe following a five year absence in hollywood, Stuart reluctantly, exe, did the storing role in wonderful life. He used the filming process to overcome his own severe depression and suicide
no thoughts steward even add, lived the films, most famous line quote dear father in Heaven, I'm not a praying man, but if you're up there and you can hear me. Show me the way. I'm at the end of my rob, A wonderful life is not for everyone is very sentimental, but I think it is a worthy christmas eve experience back after this. Thank you for listening to the o'reilly update. I am bill. O'reilly, no spin, just facts and always looking out for you politically giorgio party
as by the atlanta journal constitutions, gregg, loose dean bill now get tee a mitchell and patricia murphy. Listen weekdays at ten, a m on w av. Ninety point: one stream at age, ac, dive com forward, slash pipe casts.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-22.