« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, December 15, 2023


Congress passes the NDAA, Biden staffers call for a ceasefire in Israel, Hamas attacks foiled in Europe, and a fertility clinic nightmare.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Hunter Biden’s defiance of a congressional subpoena.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A wise man once said that nfl stands for not for long at fan. Do we know exact What that guy was talking about, because even what seems like week. One was just yesterday. The countdown to february is officially on we're already at the border policies and move people start to say things like play off picture and Midseason awards. Then do I can't help you travel back in time, not yet anyway, we can now be terrorists. Every handle every tackle, in every field goal from now until the final touchdown The way that thing new customers bet five dollars. get a hundred fifty dollar bonus. If your team will make every moment with friends, america's number one sports Wasn't president tennessee five dollar pregame on the language required, must be first online real money, wages and all of the puzzle appoint an assistant islamic trombonist that expire in seven days after receive the blind, see full terms of family that comes by sportsbook gambling problem call tm redline, one eight hundred and eighty nine.
nine seven. Eight nine the year you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up watch the news with MIKE slater. Thank you valid. It is friday December fifteenth, twenty twenty three years is happening today. In america, the n d, a more bridges shut down terrorist attack thwarted dna test gone wrong. It's coming up and building up here with your message of the day, but first congress past they, eight hundred sixty six billion dollar defence bill nba national defence authorization act. It includes extension of section: seven, oh two of the pfizer court, so here's the very short justifies a court- allows intel agencies to collect data on foreigners overseas. We can't do that. Against americans. The fourth amendment protects americans from unwarranted searches and seizures, but this doesn't extend foreigners. The problem is in the process.
Says, of collecting information on foreigners. Information is often collected on american citizens as well. Been many abuses of using that information and thereS. Many republicans and Democrats who want to reform this and require a warrant to get this. it's not americans, but no Where's for palestine shut down the manhattan bridge. On monday, if you are confused about queers for palestine, because if someone's algae bt q Gaza they'd be killed, don't think about it too hard just consider them different fingers on the same fist. While the same type of people just shut down the ten freeway in the middle of los angeles as well, please Seventy five people, but not before thousands of lives, word disrupted rose of ambulances needed to get through but it's not just random people in new york or Ella dozens of Biden, administration, staffers one. Vigil in the form of the white house calling for a ceasefire, they wore masks and sunglasses conceal, their identities, whitehouse staffers day
intel agency say they have exposed hammas infrastructure in europe. They say it First attack was foiled, joe authorities arrested, three members have lost in berlin, they had a weapon. Cash or arms were kept in a state of readiness jewish institutions in europe and they If the authorities arrested three suspects as well, no word yet and if there's a link between the two gotta be careful. These dna test. You may not like the results. A couple sought from a boston fertility doctor. Forty years ago, and it turns out secretly used his own sperm. The daughter was a fly harvard med school. Professor and The mom was told that firm was gonna. Come from a medical student who resemble her husband, who you do not know turns out. It was his. They discovered this one the daughter now forty years old, took a turn. Three? In me, dna test
I later for, for the gas politics by faith, grow pillow riley, with your message today. Next listening to this might help your mental health, but sometimes you need someone listening to you that I m d. Live, has licence therapists, ready to talk when you are get how weekends after hours, whenever you're, free and get back to feeling like you again its mental health care made easier, Emily life. Now, that's better talk. Now for the o'reilly update message of the day. friday. So now the house committees investigating the Biden. Family finances have a formal. Eyes inquiry secured by a majority vote. That means that failure to cooperate with oversight and judiciary can encourage substantial criminal penalties include
jail time, although your by who brazenly defied a congressional on Wednesday. Now trump guy see bad and did the same thing. The fbi arrested him. The justice department prosecuted. Banning is appealing his four months. Prison sentence say that haven't you another trump, persian peter navarro, whose appealing as well so Oh attorney general mirror garland will have to charge the hunter monster correct. How can garland dodge well. If there's a way, all merrick will find it, but there is a good chance that hunter will wind up in a court of law. What a colossal embarrassment for the united states, the son of a sitting, president disrespecting congress apparent
with his father's approval. Joe Biden knew that is so we're not going to honour the subpoena. Finally, not want house Democrat voted to explore exactly how tens of millions found its way to the buyer and fair Why not what I'm bill o reilly? I approve the message by writing it you can reach me. bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, I was going to mail, Lena concierge member, I hope binds Our presidency has been stage and choreograph been giving questions and answers to became. President you saw which journalists to pick and a few nervy journalists can punch through, but not many that's that's kind of accurate. I would say I would day, because here remember, I'm glad bill. You mention news nation today
They appear to be the only network that attempts anything near fair recitation of the day's events. I'm enjoying my experience at news nation dawn last night with cuomo. You should check it out. It's I'm on monday, with leland veteran X, fox sky and wednesday, we'll call eddie, garcia, douglasville georgia. No doubt the media is biased against the former president. That would be trump, whereas Bob woodward's book excoriating Joe Biden, that's an interesting question. What we couldn't write a book like that, because he's the executive editor of any of the washington post, you some editor there. He couldn't write about a book about Biden's failure. And then he wouldn't get vited tending parties in dc up Michael regard, mentone Alabama, monsieur! Oh, can you please tell us what prison change recurring could have done? It prevents civil,
well. I will tell you in a book confronting the president's which will come out next september by briefly, the south was defying the federal government violently and began and sat there and did nothing. Federal troops were in force Sumpter south carolina guy they needed food and animal began a wooden senate. The confederate rebel Those were leading this secession movement saw the weakness. involved at it at lincoln, came in war was a fait accompli began in the worst president of all time. In a moment, something you might not know. right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free you s cellular. So you can with all your family members this holiday season. You could even call your aunt who all
makes you talk to your cousin. Was a dog or you know, maybe just send her. A festive text get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free. Today, you s cellular bill. For us terms applied as the usa, we would accompany deals. We value human connection with fewer distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen, fifty, two decorator pike and and now the riley up day brings you something you might not know Eighty four years ago, today, the most financially successful, fill of all time. Premier ned land the plot features? George, the native scarlet o hara and her life during the civil war. Here is the story of gone with the wind the rightly I don't give a damn
the did twenty six other Margaret Mitchell quit her job as a reporter to recover from a broken ankle while convalescing, She use a secondhand typewriter to craft a novel call gone with the wind. It was published in june, nineteen thirty, Ex wind was a sensation in georgia and sold millions. All over the usa One year later, Margaret Mitchell won the pulitzer prize. Then she sold the rights to gm studios for fifty thousand dollars. gone with the wind. I viewed on december, fiftieth nineteen, thirty nine adjusted for inflation. It remains the biggest box office, hit of all taught total ticket sales. Three point four
billion wind one. Eight academy awards, including best picture best actress, supporting actors and screen plant why the accolades gone with the wind is not very popular. These dates cancel culture has come for scarlet and her crew. H Oh banish the film in two thousand and twenty, because a network believed it glorifies slavery and ears they owes, you might not know, with the wind was the first major film to premier outside of hollywood or new york city to match its I'm gm release. The movie in georgia atlanta, the governor of georgian, declare the event an official hollow. parades were thrown locals war, top hats and confederate uniforms In total, one million people showed up to celebrate gone with the wind, but because,
of segregation. The films black cast members were not allowed to attend the premier awful back after this Your source for georgia, politics, the atlanta journal constitutions, trusted better and political voices politically georgia pod is now five days a week. Listen we days at ten a m on w Ebby. Ninety point, one stream at age, ac, dotcom forward, slash broadcasts! Thank you. listening to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out, for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.