« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, December 13, 2023


Zelensky in DC, Harvard President survives University, inflation steady, and money deferred.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, holding universities accountable.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Mr episode is brought to you by KPMG E at keeping angie innovation is the go to state of mind their visionary fingers and advanced technology help, you see beyond the now uncover new insights and turn them into opportunities. Caveat g help you leverage the value of data and drive transformational outcomes through innovation to explore their thinking. Go kay, p m jean dot. U s, the below riley. Here you are listening to the arrival update coming up next, the new swift, michael later. Thank you bill. It is Wednesday december thirteenth, twenty twenty three here's adapting happening today in america, the linsky in DC, Hamas, university inflation, steady ish and money deferred. That's all coming up than bills, gonna be here with your message of the deva first cranny president's linsky was in washington yesterday made another person plea for more money.
this third visit since February twenty twenty two men its members of congress in the morning and then the president in the afternoon. Right now, republicans are not moving forward with these spending baggage. because they're holding out in exchange for some more border funding and immigration policy The likely that anything will get passed before the christmas recess The president of Harvard claudian gay is not being fired. The harvard corporation unanimously voice their support. for their president It said they don't worry about all that plagiarism stuff either. She proactively said she's gonna, go back and add the quotation marks that, missed by waits not called plagiarism anymore. They caught inadequate citation, inflation numbers at three point: one percent. This last month you hear that Inflation is slowing, which is kind of true, but not this prize is going down inflation. three point one percent as compared to last year's prices at this month, which work
percent more expensive than the euro before so still going up press There are still more expensive than last year The federal reserve meets today to decide about interest rates, so also vote today on a formal impeachment inquiry again Joe Biden. They fourteen page resolution, which actually house oversight, judiciary in ways and means committees to continue their ongoing investigations as part of it listing house of representatives inquiry into other. Sufficient grounds exist to impeach Joe Biden there's only one republican who said he will probably vote now can buck in colorado. show hey autonomy, the highest paid athlete in american history. Seventy two million dollars over ten years. He decided to fur his payments until ass, There is ten year contract. Each year. He would get HU million dollars and for the other, sixty eight million until twenty thirty four, when his contract is up. Why well two reasons? First, if he moves out of california
ten years ago avoid some thirty point three percent: california, income tax, but also free of money for the dodgers, tiresome other big names and tower dalai, get a better team, and maybe, when some championships, would you take that If this was your deal on mice, for the biogas politics by fate. The great bill o Reilly has your message the day. Next, though, is like finance bade different. doesn't care when you invest trade or save dude on weekends or five. I am on christmas day at five and crypto as finance for everyone everywhere. all the time is a crack and dot com. Flash seaward crypto can be to learn more, not investment. Vice credit rating involves risk loss, crypto currency services are provided to u S and you with territory customers by pay would venture. Thank you. Pda disclosures, a crack and outcomes, legal, slash, disclosures, tar,
for the iraqi update message of the day on this wednesday for love, college campuses are being scrutinised, as you know, because of these real hamas conflict, and that is a good thing for almost a decade. Progressive zealots have call the shots in far too many academic situations. Now the lunacy is being challenged. However, a surgical approach should be use when talking about specific people in places. General condemnation is a useless exercise fox commentator, peed hague Seth says he's sending back is harvard degree totally repudiating the school the attendant. Well, it certainly peach right. But I am not along for that right. I'm proud, of my harboured masters degree. I learned a lot. There met some excellent people. Granted harbour
It is far more radical now than it was in ninety. Ninety five, when I was in cambridge, but that doesn't negate my experience. Likewise, maris college, where I received a degree in history, my experience there was incredibly positive, the school gave me a working class guy, a number of academic and ass. Let a copper tunic. It was fabulous. Well today, the beginning new york campuses woke and full of ridiculous radical instructors and administrators. I hate what has happened there, but I respect my experience. Life is like that things change. All we can do is try to write the wrongs I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill at billow, riley, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male
We are ralph, I have to say I am against any any more money to Israel or ukraine, its we can warm the world and that money could be spent better here. It's not going to be spent better here. Roth is going to be wasted that seventy percent of our tax dollars are wasted. Here. It's not spend a lot more money down a road. It prudent takes over ukraine a lot more might concierge. amber bay bill. You said people on the left will vote for their guy, no matter what people in the right do. The same thing like you. I've always been an independent voter but now I will never vote for another democratic again because their destructive, I understand, senate on voting Republican almost exclusively now, but I'm still listening james doors.
the tamp bar a bill is there any chance went on. Her Biden is convicted, the Joe Biden will ballad office and party sunday didn't have to ballot office. Can part his son today today could kill him politically, but he could do it. The carpenter's savannah, georgia, I'm a big fan, but I disagree. You said Biden is second worst, president in history. I think he's by far the worst. No president has ever done more harm to the country vic with all due respect- and I mean that sincerely James buchanan's inefficiency and incompetence in the run up The civil war cost millions of americans their lives, millions, Chad, your money,
san ramon, california, marine county. Could you please explain our checks and balances when it comes to border security? You said the present five executive order shutting down asylum, but bide refuses to do that. What are the remedies? Are there? None these elected, he controls homeland security. Gotta get a mouth in a moment, Something, you might not know landmark, infrastructure legislation was passed in the last congress. Now comes the work of getting it built, the global ex. U s: infrastructure development e t, F, ticker php. Vests in dozens of companies helping shape the future of american infrastructure. Investing involves risk, including possible.
The principal investments in infrastructure. Related companies have greater exposure to the potential adverse economic, regulatory, political and other changes affecting such entities. Before investing carefully consider the fund's objectives, risks charges, expenses and more in the full or summary prospectus at global exley ts. Dot com read carefully distributed by essay. I investments, distribution company. Now the orally up day brings you something you might not know Sixteen years ago, today, six democratic presidential candidates hell therefore idle debate before the iowa carcass The ninety minute exposition tilted, the race towards them, relatively unknown senator from illinois barack obama. Here is the story on December thirteenth, two thousand and seven The white house hopefuls gathering Johnston iowa on the honesty page where senators obama, John Edwards crystal Joe Biden, new mexico, governor bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton
The debate was mostly congenial ms Clinton touted her experience. Barack Obama promise, a new era of hope and change. Mr Biden, brag about his bipartisan congressional record requirement is the responsibility is a very high priority for me. We don't have to go back very far in our history and factors. in the nineteen nineties to see what happens when we do have a fiscally responsible budget that does use rules of discipline to make sure that we're not cutting taxes or spending more than we can afford sen obama. Because of the policies of george bush and republicans in congress. Not only do we have fiscal problems, but we've got growing inequality and so people are working harder for less than their sing costs from everything from college education to I scared the gas at the pump go up. So what I want to do is get the long term fundamentals right, senator Biden just by eliminating the war,
eliminating the two hundred billion dollars in tax cuts that are needed for the gaza, the top one percent? If you had it all up, and by cutting we're in the order of two a billion dollars a year out of the military, for special programs from star wars, to a new atomic weapon to the f twenty two you can save three hundred and fifty billion three weeks later, voters in iowa had their say on January, two thousand ape rock obama, one, the nations first caucus with thirty seven point: six percent, followed by John edwards. Twenty nine point: seven, Hillary Clinton, twenty nine point, four The primaries dragged on for those seven months bud by July, Barack Obama had vanquished the former first lady, and in august he tapped Joe Biden to be his running. Make back after this duty was boring.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.