« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 31, 2021


The United States exits Afghanistan, Hurricane Ida causes chaos in the Gulf, McDonald’s may eliminate indoor dining to slow-down Delta, US Citizens removed from Europe’s so-called ‘Safe Travel List’.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what say you, Biden voters?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly here, tuesday august thirty. First, two thousand twenty want your list to the arrival update. Here's what's happening across our nation states exits afghanistan. Hurricane causing all kinds of chaos in the eastern part of the usa animals may eliminate indoor dining slowdown called it. U S, citizens remove from europe, so called safe travel list go ahead. If you voted for Joe Biden, do you regret it, but first after decades, one trillion dollars approximately twenty five hundred american service members dead, the war? Afghanistan is off the conflict span too generations of fighters as of this year, nearly twenty five percent of america's entire population was born after these attacks
we're eleventh terror attacks that triggered the afghan invasion. president Biden will address the nation this afternoon. We will analyzed that tomorrow Hurricane ida losing steam, is it heads inland the trouble. storm now, making its way through Louisiana, mississippi, alabama and north for making a lot of mess in the northeast. Despite right the strongest hurricane on record a hit the by your country, the actual words storm in the gulf occurred in nineteen hundred. The great galveston hurricane claimed the lives of ten thousand within six hours Mcdonald and other national restaurant chains. Considering a ban on indoor dining to slow the spread of the delta variant would apply to states with a high rate of cold in the cell fast food of twenty five percent. Is a virus hit last year data
national restaurant association, says Miracle still feel more comfortable purchasing food from dr in windows, then going inside, Mcdonald cells, three billion burgers each year, that's five thousand every minute of every day, the european union, removing americans from the safe travel list, getting it harder for us to visit the EU. This fall down we must produce a valid reason for going to europe, including business made he's visiting relatives, that kind of thing However, more americans did vacation abroad this summer. Top spots include caribbean united kingdom. which left the eu in january, two thousand and twenty and canada. But not hawaii the islands bringing back the shutdown and that will shut down business.
in voting for Joe Biden. Was that a wise decision this week I may get an extra twenty percent of the eu to honour may sky, but on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent, I'm cold weather gear for the whole family. Thirty It's sixty percent off select bedding and bath, plus thirty percent off select small appliances in store, rewards members earn on every purchase except gift cards, services and fees at macy's, macy's backstage and market buy macy's more at macys dot, com, slash star, rewards, savings of sale and clearance prices. Exclusions apply. After the arriving update message of the day, Joe Biden, voters what say you. As you may know, Mr Biden received eighty one million plus votes last november, and
she's been in office. Things have not gone well, Afghanistan. The latest debacle right now, the polling average on real, clear politics, says the president's job. Approval stands at forty seven percent about forty. Eight percent disapprove, that's a big drop since may. Now, in the summer of two, thousand twenty last year I was on the beach with two friends a liberal couple, and I was giving them soon jazz about voting for old job. They were adamant because they despise donald trump. They hated every thing about the former president. I told my friends, the following that Mr Biden was essentially a weak man. That is a subjective opinion, but
I have seen him in operation now for decades. I believe these weak, I said to them, look out for your wallet he's gonna tax, anyone with assets to death, and Mr Biden is indeed trying to do that. then I said, do you really want awoke country? Do you really want no due process? You really want cancel culture, because Joe Biden is not going to fight against any of those things, and then there is global warming When I say global warming their heads went up because they fervently believe that climate change is coming to get them now. Miss Biden says he believes that too, and there is nothing wrong with that. The planet is getting warmer. But to essentially wreck an economy by raising
all kinds of new regulations and taxes in a theoretical fight against global warming is destructive. If the technologies is yes, you use it, but on a guess on windmills now, so I escape these discussions with friends, civil. I use a lot of humour in them, but I made my point that they voted for Joe Biden and he won the presidency. There was trouble ahead and after eight months of resident Biden I am proved correct, but I did not know back on that beach in the summer of two thousand twenty, how bad Joe Biden would do his job? We have
who colossal humanitarian disasters on our hands the southern border, where migrants are being brutalized by cartels and mexico every single day and, of course, of Ghana stand. We have rising crime and major cities. We have rising inflation. We have absolute chaos in many areas of this government and a president who does not seem to have One solution to any problem, I'm know o. I approve the message by writing it for more honest news analysis. Please, go to bill, O'Riley, dot, com, and you might want to check out killing a mob great end of summer reed. but something you might not know these. We can get an extra twenty percent off with your prove. Honour may cease guy that's on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent, I'm cold weather gear for the whole family. Thirty days
sixty percent off select bedding and bath, plus thirty percent off, select small appliances and star rewards members earn on every purchase except gift cards, services and fees at macy's, macy's backstage and market buy macy's more at macys dot, com, slash, star, rewards savings of sale and clearance prices. Exclusions apply, Now the earlier to greet you something you might not no one thirty three years ago today, the body of profit the two marianne nicholls discovered in london's white chapel district had been slashed mutilated, nearly decapitated marianne was the first confirmed victim of a killer. Dub british newspapers, jack, the ripper, here's the rap on jack in Victoria in england, in east end was bustling, slum argue by more than a million of the city's poorest residence. Many
in resorted to prostitution to earn money. eighteen eighty eight there were about one thousand prostitutes working in white chapel alone. By the way I am did queen Mary college close to white chapel,. that summer way back then a maniac began: and targeting women in the neighborhood on september, eighth, The killer claimed his second victim, Annie chapman, and on September thirty of two more females were murdered and carved up on the same night in scotland yard, believe the pattern was the work of a serial killer them. hired the prostitute lure them to seclusion, then slice them up on november. Seventh, after a month of silence, jack took his fifth and final victim irish bore
Mary kelly of all his victims. Miss Kelly was the most mutilated the times of london label, the killings the autumn a block as quickly as the modest re began. The Ripper, then one silent. Four years later in eighteen. Ninety, two with no Leads at all No homicides recorded since that november in eighteen, eighty eight Acta, rippers file was formerly clothes, never to be opened again. Here's something else you might not know without modern. dodgy like dna, forensics or even fingerprints, hundreds of names have been put forward as possible suspects. The list includes members of the british royal family, others believe the murders to be the work of a satanic cult.
but the true identity of jack. The Ripper will likely never be known, but his name lives in infamy back after. This leads me to make an extra twenty percent on budget line in the sky, but on top of a very great deal like twenty five to sixty percent, I'm cold weather gear, for the whole family. Thirty two sixty percent off, select bedding and bad plus. Thirty percent are select small appliances in star wars. Members earn on every purchase except gift card services in fees had made sees macy's backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by storm rewards savings are failing clearance prices, exclusions, apply thousands of animals or abandoned in the wilderness in america, and they need your help. I parted up. We dealt a rescue, the largest no kill care for life, animal sanctuary in the world,
Founded by actor LEO Grillo delta animals, I worry is one of the kind rescue trained attend look after each animal, providing them with food, treats toys and affection also dealt a rescue as an inside animal hospital that operates three hundred sixty five days a year and, unlike others, don't rescue believes in giving animals are right to life they allow. all moms to have their letters, then care for the entire family for life does rescue rely solely on donations from people like us to help fulfil their mission, support delta rescue and put your legacy to work. Deltas tax saving estate planning grow your state, while letting your compassion for animals live. well into the future, learn more delta, rescued dot, org forward, slash bill delta rescue dot, org forward slash bill. Thank you. Listening to the arriv update, I am below riley no spin. Just fact, and always looking out for you.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.