« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 30, 2021


The bodies of US soldiers killed in Afghanistan return to America, Hurricane Ida smashes into Louisiana, Gavin Newsom’s recall now ‘too close to call’, Florida’s COVID crisis escalates, child obesity rates surge during the pandemic.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, some hard truths about Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here, monday august thirty, if two thousand twenty one, you are listening to the arrival update date whose which have. Today in america,. the bodies of thirteen. U S, rogers, killed in afghanistan, returned to america, hurricane ida, smashes into louisiana governance, sums recall now to close to call florida. Kovac mrs escalates child obesity surging during the pandemic. also had some straight talk about president by But first a body of thirteen: u s! Service members landing at dover air force base in delaware. The flag, drape coffins were met by a small group, including president Biden in the first lady Said mister boffin quote their bravery and self less ness.
As enable more than a hundred and seventeen thousand people at risk to reach safety. Thus far more on president, and, and afghanistan coming up her. I d crashing into louisiana with wind gus of a hundred and eighty five miles per hour, hundreds of thousands of, back you waited new orleans which lost power, though city. The storm now the strongest ever hit by EU state. It all happened, this same gay katrina hit sixteen years ago. Let it show the race to replace governor newsome in california to close to call a survey from five Thirty eight has forty nine percent of golden state voters hoping to give newsome the boot. While the eight percent want to stay. The vote is September, fourteenth Floored another worse spot in the country for covert forty, In portable more eggs,
sent to the region over the weekend to deal with the rising death rate, more than Seventeen hundred fatalities last week in the sunshine state compared to just two hundred in early june. A report from the american medical association says: childhood: obesity is rising since covert hit the greatest chain occurred among children ages, five through eleven there, rate of obesity jump from thirty six percent to forty five percent. That's a lot! A chubby kids.
Doctors blame the weight, gain on remote learning, lack of exercise, fast, food and, of course, sugar. In a moment, president Biden some well needed straight talk on him right back this week at macy's get an extra twenty percent off with your coupon or macy's kind. That's on top of already great deals like twenty five to sixty percent. I have cold weather gear for the whole family, thirty to sixty percent off select bedding and bath, plus thirty percent off, select small appliances and star rewards members earn on every purchase except gift cards, services and fees at macy's, macy's backstage and market buy, macy's more at macys, dot, com, slash, star, rewards, savings of sale and clearance prices, exclusions apply
Now, for the really update message of the day straight talk about Joe Biden, this message will take no prisoners, nor will it evacuate anyone what I am saying needs to be said, and I will say it. present abiden is not able to effectively run the united states of america. He. is directly responsible for the death and destruction in afghanistan as well as thousands of poor migrants. being brutalized in mexico. At this very moment, our humanitarian disasters on a massive scale. Mr Biden is a diminished man living in a world of delusion and now the end, our world knows it.
No one really understands who exactly is running the executive branch of the? U s: government Certainly not Joe Biden, but the present hired his staff and the cabinet and the woke generals who are Embarrassing, the military and putting them in grave danger, the corrupt court media also responsible for the incredible mess Mr Biden has created its destructive hatred of president tromp led us to this point. The press did everything it could, including, peddling rank falsehoods to demean and destroy donald trump. The result, perhaps the most and
competent leader in american history is in the oval office right now. Andy trump fanatics like williams and matthew down still spew. incomprehensible gibberish about what a great job, oh Jesus Knowing the democratic party also reach possible for the madness. That's on vivid display, speaker Nancy. pelosi will not answer questions about afghanistan. Why should she. The congresswoman cannot even explain why her own san francisco district Is overrun with criminality and social chaos, in addition, Every single american who voted for Joe Biden is indirectly responsible for america's dramatic decline at as such overseas or at the border, inflation, in his galloping
the individual work ethic is being destroyed right, along with important american traditions like due process and self reliance. Yes, people who voted for Biden did so to get rid of trop, but casting about on a motion almost always leads to disaster, and that's what we are now facing as a nation, Like many americans, I cringe when the president of the united states has to answer questions or read the title. I've been around long enough to know when a person is not able to do a job. There is no debate here, show by can not run the country and the damage he is doing is enormous, as come back. Come on, man is widened, might say, bye, logic, is a definite science. Every person ages.
All of us are slaves to time. Joe Biden time has passed. That is the true I'm bill O'Reilly. I approve the message by writing it for more honest news analysis. Please visit billow, riley, dotcom anymore jumping something you might not know ways we get me get an extra twenty percent off with your coop honour may cease guy, that's on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent of cold weather gear for the whole family. Thirty days sixty percent off, select bedding and bad plus thirty percent, or select small appliances in star wars. Members earn on every purchased, except gift card services in fees had made sees macy's backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by storm rewards savings are failing clearance prices exclusions apply. Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know every day. Millions of american children are being october with care.
the race theory in may school districts all over the country. A true catastrophe. Adults can escape the toxic ideology captive. Children cannot The critical race theory seeks to marginalize all white people because of the slave legacy in america. Therefore, the Current system that we have here has to go because it's racist and must be replaced in the name of equity, that is free of ring african americans, that concept now being taught in cities across amerika, hearer few teeth. in philadelphia protest. When state lawmakers move to ban cr tee from the classroom, the tea here's wanted. It said one local educator, we're going We continue to encourage our teachers, had teach about racism and to teach the truth about the path of this country
new york city also wants want seniority schoolboy dismiss the parents objection last year after a greater in math class was informed that the design of the subway system in new york is racist. Other just that promotes your tea alike. Boston, portland, Oregon and, of course, the city by the bay, the san francisco chronicle rana headline last. We claiming quote critical race very, doesn't teach kids to hate. Why people it teaches them the truth. They deserve sure it does. Wada, rock and here's something else. might not know, a handful of states are banning, see archie in public schools. Ideology is now barred in florida. Arkansas, idaho, oklahoma lie legislation is being debate debated in michigan, tennessee, texas,
word your north carolina, south carolina, oh hi, south dakota arizona, kentucky utah in new Hampshire Grace theory is being pushed by an unholy alliance of schools, big business and corporate media dividing the country's children. into a press, oars, white, kids or the oppressed black kids, that is brutally unfair. Back after this, we may get me get an extra twenty percent off with your two bonamy sky, but on top of already great deal like twenty five to sixty percent ample, whether you
for the whole family. Thirty two sixty percent off select bedding and bad plus thirty percent, or select small appliances in star wars. Members earn on every purchased except gift card services in fees at macy's, macy's, backstage and market by mrs Morin macy's dot com by star rewards savings are failing clearance prices. Exclusions apply thank you for listening to the arriv update. I am below riley no spin. Just fact. And always looking out for you The
Transcript generated on 2023-01-15.