« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 3, 2021


Louisiana mandates face masks, Homicides in DC surpass COVID deaths by 160-percent, Portland, Oregon struggles to rehire police officers, Kamala Harris is now the least popular Vice President in half a century, the US marriage-rate falls to record lows.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the latest polling on President Joe Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly here, tuesday august stir two thousand twenty one. You list into the o, update. Here's what's happening across our nation, louisiana orders, face mass homicide as in d, surpass covert debts port Organ struggles to rehire cops vice for Harris now, the least popular second in command, half century the! U s! Marriage! trade falling to record lows: also ahead. President Biden popularity its falling fast, first louisiana governor John doe edwards, reassuring statewide, indoor mass mandate as cases of covert surge in a biased state. The new rules apply to anyone over the age of five, regardless of whether they receive the vaccine regime.
as the highest rate of new infections in the country? Just thirty seven, percent of the population down. There is fully vexed and that's the reason why murders and the nations capital now pacing covert fatalities by a near three one ratio. There were two: we want in the district last month compared to eight pandemic related deaths, mayor bowser, neglecting the spy in gun violence. Instead imposing a mandatory indoor mask mandate even for the vaccinated officials in Portland Oregon, struggling ire police officers after disbanding and disrespecting an elite unit. Last year, city closed the gun, violence reduction team over allegations of racism, which were nonsense since then, homicides in portland up ninety two percent, a town, is on track to express its highest murder rate set back and nineteen. Eighty seven and competent leadership often leads to day
A series of new polls show calmly Harris is the most unpopular vice president, fifty years, from the other times reveals forty nine percent of voters disapprove of harris's performance. The law, was since the early ninetys seventys with spear. Oh agnew number him machaerus getting there Grades on a border voter laws and over all alike, ability full time not the usa falling to historic low, a recent study by the national centre for health reports, just six new marriages for every one thousand people, the least since a government started keeping records back in eighteen, sixty seven
Researchers blame the pandemic and financial troubles for the drop in nuptials, but it's much more than that and we'll explain it later on in the broadcast. In a moment, Joe Biden losing popularity right back peace of mind and staying on budget feels pretty good right now. Does it not? But if there's one thing you can expect this year, it is the unexpected that's why american home shield exists american home shield members get more and more coverage options, fewer exclusions. As a member, you know your budget, your time, your sanity are covered, choose from three great plans to help cover the cost, to repair or replace parts of major home systems and appliances, no matter what their age
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likely you as voters, approved of MR binds job performance. Forty nine percent do not approve at his down significantly from earlier this year. Reason gallup poll asked: do you, we approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden's handling his job. Fifty percent approve down from fifty seven percent. In january forty five disapprove up from thirty seven percent in january. That's a big leap. New harvard poll has it fifty two percent approve down from sixty two percent in june forty three percent disapprove up from forty one percent in june. The problem for Mr Biden is that he comes across as weak. The border is a mess, as everybody knows: inflation hurting working americans as they are paying more for gas and food
and the cove resurgence this is the worst has most americans on edge. And what does President Biden say about it? Nothing doesn't hold a press conference. Doesn't explain, doesn't have a cogent spokesperson on the medical front. He has nothing. and indeed Mr Biden, has no solutions for any problem so far, but the call this thing is real: going to hurt him. It destroy president trumps chances at reelect and now it may take in Biden off the board. Why do I say that, because next year or two thousand twenty two is the mid term elections? and if Joe Biden is standing a year from now august, twenty two- where he standing today. The ring
Applicants are likely to take the house and the senate. If that happens, Joe Biden administration is done so the economy, I guess, could reverse itself and start to be a plus. That could happen covert could recede again if more people get vaccinated. But at this point there seems to be a hard core, thirty percent of americans who will not take the vaccine. Saw with thirty percent at risk, spreading cove id. This thing he's gonna be around and again Joe Biden has no clue on what to do, and that makes you look week. So
let's sum this up, Joe Biden has been in office for six and a half months. He has not solve any problems at all here I spent an enormous amount of federal money. Now people have gotten checks, and some of those people will vote for president Biden because they hoped to get more checks. But if you look at the border, with a million and a half foreign nationals common across. If you look at inflation, where you're paying more everything and saw my, and if you look at the covert madness in play right now, Joe Biden is not. In a good place. I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it for more honest dues analysis. Please visit bill, o reilly, dot com, where we do a tv programme every night and please check out killing your mom. I brand new book, think you'll like it in a moment, something you might not know
Mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize fighting child look as seen in the higher the only playing for fun. So many miles was a dream. Come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you, two could win life, changing amounts of capping, lightner law, gonna jump, a casino dont come and give them a whirl. That's chump, a casino dotcom, no purchased necessarily vote were riveted by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed. The valise in the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. Now they are We have to reach you something you might not know the ins, Tuition of marriage in the united states has changed dramatically over the centuries, the first we what a christian union in north america occurred between a freed african slave and a white can keep the door in saint Augustine Florida that was in fifteen. Sixty
five can you believe it years later, interracial marriage was banned in most states, but there that was turned around in the twentieth century, and now it's legal. The supreme court made the decision on same sex, marriage in two thousand fifteen. So too the entire institution. A marriage in all categories is in decline. Fifty eight percent of americans over the age of eighteen are married. Fifty eight percent, the number drops it just twenty nine nine percent and four blocks the median age for adults. First, marriage rose from twenty three to twenty seven in the last few decades and half of all charges in the usa now ended divorce, that's tat was about twenty percent in the nineteen fifty's. although separations, generate big business for the lawyers, the average cost of a divorce.
The usa ranges from fifteen to fifty thousand in legal fees and other expenses, not to mention trauma for the children in child custody disputes around the world. Marriage is also changing in india The union is actually between families, not individuals, societal and financial pressure. Prompt many, the un's to opt for arranged marriages- muslims in particular, can have after four wives, hindus and have one divorces in india are very rare. Just one percent in china. It's all about the communist party chairman MAO, updated the country's legal code for marriage ever assuming power, the commune implemented. The family planning policy in the nineteen seventys to regulate marriage divorce. Number of children per household, even in romance the communist party rules
and here's something else you might not now. The traditional marriage ceremony, dates back to ancient rome event concludes with a kiss which romans viewed as illegal bond that seal the deal today. The prince up does that Back after this mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize, fighting child look as seen in the higher the only playing for fun. So winning this was a dream, come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you, two could win the life. Changing amounts of capping, lightner law, gonna jump, a casino dont come and give them a whirl. That's chebec, casino, dotcom, no purchased, necessarily vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed level using the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. Thank you for. Listening to the arrival update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look
working out for you, the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-17.