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The O'Reilly Update, August 23, 2023


GOP candidates gather for the first debate, Joe Biden goes on vacation, COVID restrictions return, and a new survey reveals the road rage capital of America.

Plus, the Message of the Day, how a lack of literacy is impacting America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You dream of a career with better pay bennett. It's an hour's, well you're, not sure about back to school, full time at miller, my college. We can help We have four programmes that are affordable and flexible to fit into your busy life. Most can be. pleaded in less than two years seen miller, my college can offer visitor happy that sixty three ninety seven lee highway sweet one hundred then tat. I knew the tennessee or learn more lie in a military m. O t t he don t. You. the bill O'Riley here you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up the new swift, MIKE's, later Thank you bill. It's Wednesday august, twenty third, twenty twenty three you're listening to the o'reilly update hears it happening today in america, the republican candidates gather in Milwaukee, Joe Biden resumes his vacation good for him to break. Covered restrictions, return is addressed, at its twenty twenty three
covered restrictions, return and a new survey reveals the road rage capital of a man god that's all coming up, then I will be here with the message of the day the first, the first republican primary debate taking place in Milwaukee to night. The top candidates accept these options while sherry stage for the first time we have of rhonda santa's, vague roy. I'm swami. I was pressed the bank, it is vague, TIM Scott, Nicky, Hayley, my. Pence, Doug bergen, christy, an isa? hutchinson now Mary elder. that he reached all the thresholds, including forty thousand donors, and at least one percent and three poles, but the republican party, even after this man has spent his whole life thousand conservative principles and fighting the good fight claims that one of those Paul's is a donald trump affiliated. Poland doesn't count keeping him out of the debate. He suing them
Joe Biden has resuming his vacation and lake tahoe after it, Stop in maui the press, toward damage from the deadly wildfires? We're gonna talk about this in the final segment of today's o reilly update oh shows by falling asleep, while meeting with victims and family members to date by spent three hundred seventy six days on vacation since his inauguration. That's nearly four Forty per cent of his presidency remember the first thing he said about this disaster, he was asked if he had anything to say to the victims of the wildfire. Are they said no comment? A few colleges and companies are bringing back a coven restrictions, a new variant, causing cases to rise, some hollywood studios requiring masking for employees ecology, Lana mandate. face covers for this measure, but for fourteen days. Don't you know, fourteen days to stop the spread.
amazing one. Nearly all universities and across the country have dropped the strictest guidelines, a few hole, doubts remain newsweek has ranked the worst cities in amerika for road rage top of the list, los angeles chicago. City in Houston, the moon, dangerous place for drivers washington, d c you're looking to avoid a fight on your daily commute, and you need to go to louisville kentucky what percentage of americans do believe are illiterate. That's the message of the day related to the debate coming up tonight. Next welcome to the Sean spicer show there is huge election coming up and man is it going to be while we're so much at stake. We can hold the house take back the senate in recapture the white house, president viands approval rating dropping like a rock here's. What you need to know the left as total control of corporate media government
Iraq proceed, big tech and, oh boy, do they know how to wield power? They impeach me. They indicted me to do my job. I know how the system works and how to use I'd spent decades. public service and the media. I want to give you a front row seat ramp of charge and take you inside the race for the nomination, like no one else, don't want to miss an episode. You can get it on youtube, rumble any of the audio platforms like itunes respond. Five plus you can catch me every night, at six o clock. On the first tv MIKE slater, filling in for bill O'Reilly. Now it's time for the rally update message of the day in light of the debate tonight You know how many people in america can't read to go back in time. America, during the revolution era mid seventeen hundreds where some of the most illiterate people in history.
Mean eighty nine and ninety five percent of men were literate. Theirs It's for women words, sixty two percent, comparisons. Eighty male literacy rate in england at that time was lower than forty percent for men. Our revolutionary era. We had one of the most literate societies in the world. Now, where are we today? they literacy re for adults. Seventy nine percent than still pretty high. Yet will literate is a low bar only fifth Four percent of adults have a sixth grade reading level, hundred and thirty million americans can't read at a sixth grade level most newspapers are written at a time the or eleventh grade level So most of the vast majority of americans cannot read the newspaper. I think this could the biggest problem than most people are unaware of the most its care red
in colonial times, everyone could read what is one of the problems with it. was. It relates to the debate back in the day our country has founded and grew to become the greatest country in the world deep polluter. well. Discussions were made with the word in papers in particular pamphlets, but now no one can read. So now, political discussions, as will see tonight, are on the tv with quick, sound bites City, one liners and sick burns. campaigning went from who do I agree with two who do I like? in the tv is all about entertainment. That's why The talk across and donald trump interview is gonna, be so much more informative because it be purely about entertainment, it'll, be about information the goal of the tv debate? Format is
to amuse not to inform it'll, be sad and tvs all about entertainment. I don't expect the theatre dating moments, that of Debate either I dunno, maybe Doug bergamo, really surprised me. But just to show how far we ve digress. The iliad Written as a poem to recite the iliad takes fifteen hours to recite, How loud fifteen hours, before it was printed down, it was recited everywhere. People remembered the teen our along ball. That is what humans are capable of We used to have statesmen who spoke beautiful oration, then had statesmen who wrote beauty. Pros now We are politicians who perform and I think people are sick of the performance. Think people crave more than anything is truth, but also off.
intensity. And will see how much now we get tonight now hawaii and I'm sure we'll talk about the highlights tomorrow and I bet they'll, be great moments out of the donald trump interview with talk across it and will analyze all. That is what will play the game, but also we don't need to get too wrapped up in it, because no matter what happens tonight story on thursday is gonna, be trump going to georgia to get booked as always. No matter what happens trumpeted commanding all the attention
I will talk about Joe Biden trip to Maui who come up next, o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad.
Wait. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today at bill, O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free, that's bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, slash ad free day on my site, are filling in for bill O'Reilly. Now it's time for something you might not know. Eight hundred and fifty people. are still missing in maui, because the wildfire eight hundred and fifty, how can that be, Before we get to that Biden, went out to maui and now how it could have been a worse visit. He went in front of a big group of people and he did the whole. I feel your pain routine said he said, not to compare tragedies but should stop there. And then it goes on to tell a story about how one time at his lake house there was a small kitchen fire. The almost losses corvette well He really knows what it's like to lose. Your entire livelihood
but it's very on brand Biden does not have a thing that we humans compassion Passion means to suffer come means with so to become compassion means to suffer alongside someone, Biden has never been good at this. There was a gold star mom, who recently told her story. Her son died in the afghanistan. Withdraw and she met Joe Biden any oval office for an event for gold star family She said Joe Biden came up to her and said I can understand if you're angry. She started to weep and said It should never have happened this way. and she says he stood there- stoical nothing out of his mouth accept. Well, would you, like it photo with me. she said, I only take a photo with you if you're standing next to my son's tombstone in Arlington national cemetery, has bought an answer. I can't do that because the secret service wont. Let me. I feel, like a president, could do if he wanted
to for Joe, it also looks like he fell asleep while out another event. Here's the deal with now. Eight hundred fifty people are labour still missing. Spent two weeks we're still saying their missing. Why are they not saying the obvious Why they delaying this and when someone has to the mayor of maui to his face. How many children are missing here Views to answer why what are they wait, for I mean the genuinely. What are they waiting for its getting point where I have to start asking: what are they trying to hide. An illegal immigrant family get separated at the border, and it's all over every magazine cover a newspaper and in the country, we don't know how many children died in a while fire in our country government and the media is not telling us the truth What's going on there, why are they waiting? My later filter for bill rally more after this.
Am I excited for the podcast politics by faith filling in for bill O'Reilly. Thank you for listing. Today. We will be back tomorrow with post debate coverage, The
Transcript generated on 2023-08-24.