« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, August 21, 2020


On this Friday edition of The O'Reilly Update, Bill analyzes Joe Biden's acceptance speech.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill reilly here friday august twenty first two thousand twenty you are listening to the arrival update here's time today in america reaction to joe biden speech last night it went about twenty five minutes he will pretty strong rather teleprompter in a energetic fashion a lot of words for twenty five minutes so we can be fought only wasn't doddering he was commanding i think that's a fair world this week itself was all general except for one news maker and that is if elected joe biden says there will be a quote now national mandate to wear a mask or what it is at me like i'm out of my house and i don't have a mask on in my area stood him i find work what any doesn't explain
the rest of it was basically stuff like former vice president wants to be an ally of the light not the darkness president trump is the darkness holbein were represent all the people even those who vote again stem he wants to win soul of amerika in others cannot stop the idle why politicians do it i don't who always impressed by it he blames joe biden does the pandemic gone version in trop even older i shows that the former vice president criticise the flight stopping from china in january and de emphasise the danger of the
iris up until april so you know it's all politics there was one moment in this speech where joe biden listen before threats that he sees against the mare first whose covert second bad economy that stems from cove id third racial injustice fourth climate change and joe biden says he will solve problems but as vice president under barack obama the economy was let's say sluggish rachel justice obviously to improve climate change is debatable i don't know what you can do about it the democrats want to ruin the fossil fuel industry and all that but that's
another time all in all i thought it was a mediocre speech it's not going to persuade anybody to vote for joe biden but he did deliver it in an authoritative way i hope that's a fair analysis coming up listeners sound off about america right back let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belt
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code build twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the riley update message of the day listeners sound off we do this every friday you can reach me bill at below riley dotcom bill at bill o reilly dotcom let's begin with nancy santa fe new mexico nice town michelle obama said all of the chaos is caused by donald trump and it will go away when joe biden is elected so she apparently admits that the democrats are holding the country hostage until they elect biden there's something to that now
the democratic dont want to solve any immediate problems they want the covert thing to be chaotic they want the economy to continue to flounder there's something to that but in the end americans can see through political manoeuvring so i'm not so worried about that november is gonna come up real fast james in patch on new york out on long island with dismay in voting situation what would happen if it took say a month account all of those who would lead the country while presence leads the country until it operation day in january and there will be chaos in male and voting there always is
so you're gonna hear every vote as the cow the same stuff you heard with the bush gore controversy if it extends the election extends and there's no clear winner into december then the supreme court will make the decision again and that's what will happen to a was anyone you know always melon chaos voting and all that could delay the election that's true but there's going to be a deadline and then the supreme will step in as they did in florida virginia is in new baltic or michigan a bill is it true that the speaker of the house axis president if melon ballots ballots have all been counted by an oration number one virginia that's gonna be impossible and number to the speaker of the house is
third in line for the presidency the president first of version and then the speaker of the house which he saw in annex into administration nixon resigned and gerald ford took over brian zack dallas texas spill can you please help if our country was designed for rule by the majority how is it so many aspects of our lives are driven by the minority is it from fear of legal repercussions no no no no the majority still rules brian but the elections the presidential elections take place every four years so houses every two years senate every six years president every four years the people still decide the majority still decides but why
elected people are in there they can do a lot to do or a lot of damage because they have the power so our republic is still run by we the people but the damage the politicians can do is enormous and with the media backing the democratic party right now the system is not fair if that's what you're getting at until a rally and i approve that message by actually putting it together we would like everyone to go to bill o reilly dot com and participate our stand up for your country campaign in a moment something you might not no letter introduce you to a company that does things right grip six makes belt
it's right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and finance shipping by a grip six belt you will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to grip six dot com make sure to use the code
all twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero now the rally up day brings you something you might not now we're paul show more than half of american families refuse to travellers summer to try to avoid cove it said folks are enjoying a warm weather in their backyard nearby parks or local beaches but be where there could be deadly predator hiding behind a rock nourish shared even in your kitchen believe it or not the usa is home to some of the deadliest snakes in the world the most dangerous species is the diamond back rattlesnake found throughout the south mostly in the south west if bitten and untreated immortality
it for humans is more than thirty percent thirty seven thousand people are treated for snakebites in america each year next up ticks the tiny critters are responsible for forty five thousand cases of lyme disease every year experts say folks should do a full body check every time they go for a hike in the woods or hit the bike trail the pests have been known to drop on victims from tree branches dear carry the nasty ticks most votes and counter the next deadly insect on a daily basis be is more than sixty people die each year from wasps yellow jackets hornets millions more stung throughout the summer months the buzzer attracted a sugar so keep the snacks drinks covered especially of your allergic to the bees
cause a big problem if you're adding to the beach watch out for sharks now this is overblown but forty people are attacked every year in the usa by sharks most of them in florida on vacation this summer some sharks are having fun off the coast of long island where i live but macho guy and i say bring it on now the planet's deadliest creature for human beings is much smaller than a shark and something most of us will deal with dozens of times this the mosquito scientists say more than one million people a year die from diseases transmitted by mosquitos so it's a good thing to have a healthy fear of snakes and sharks wound joy nature but you'll be much better off with a can of bug sprang back after this
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.